Chapter Six: A Disaster of Utter Chaos


Her chest rose up and down, Sariah cowering across from me. Rage seethed in my eyes, Samuel sitting next to her. A million questions waited on the tip of my tongue, my finger drumming on my legs. How the fuck did she not know to leave her alone with ninety percent of Hell chasing after her!

"You left her alone!" I thundered powerfully, the lights flickering around me. "She could have been killed. What is going on with her now! She looks like hell, no pun intended." Sariah bowed feverishly in my direction, apologies flying from her lips. Alice stirred awake, more blood pouring from the corner of her lips. Wiping it away with her sleeve, a box resting in her palm.

"Leave my Grammy alone. She didn't mean to let me get hurt." She blurted out desperately, waving her hands around. "Please don't be mad at her. She did her best. Thanks for caring for me, Grammy. I can't wait for you to make my dress." A steady stream of curse words flooded from her lips, her heels clicking down the hall. Samuel hovered for a minute before saying goodbye. Struggling to sit up, she pressed the box into my hands. Confusion twisted my face, a small scoff tumbling from her lips.

"I picked something up that you could wear at the wedding." She urged lovingly, my breath hitching. "Do you like them?" My breath hitched at the sight of the crystal jack o' lantern cuff links, her real smile lighting up the rest of the room. Cocking her head, my hands wrapped around hers. Why must she never think of herself first? Rolling my eyes, she shouldn't have needed that validation.

"I love them!" I proclaimed jovially, kissing the top of her hand. "You really get me, don't you." Leaping into my arms, her hair tickled my chin. A beard was beginning to grow, her fingers tracing my chin. What happened to her in the last few days? At one point a glacier was warmer than her, her loving affection reminded me of when we were kids in middle school. Maybe she was still under the effect of her medications.

"I am sorry for being so icy lately. It is just taking a bit for everything to sink in." She apologized earnestly, sitting on my lap. "Are you planning on growing a beard because it would turn me on!" It all made sense now, the medicine still had her a bit loopy. Chuckling to myself lightly, gentle snores told me that she was back to sleep. Laying her back down, a serene peacefulness washed over me. Turning to leave, her hand grabbed my sleeve.

"Don't go." She begged groggily, a tint of sadness in her voice. "I don't want to be alone anymore. I am always alone. Please lay down next to me." Pulling me onto the bed, my heart was beating out of my chest as I laid down behind her. Wrapping my arms around her waist, she flipped over to face me. Grasping my jacket, her head rested on my chest. Scarlet rose to my cheeks, unsure of what to do. No one had ever touched me or even held me like this before. Clutching her close to my chest, my chin rested on her chin. Fragile, she felt so fragile in my arms. Her exterior was tough, almost impenetrable while her heart was made of the thinnest glass. A couple of hours passed, my mind wishing for this moment to never end.

A shrill scream exploded from her lips, horror widening her eyes. Leaping out of the bed, my breath hitched at her beauty. Never before had she worn anything so tight, my cock hardening. Throwing a pillow over it, a panic attack gave rise in her eyes. Clutching her chest, fresh tears flooded from her eyes. A knock on the door slowed it down, her body trembling. Samuel popped his head in, distress burning in his eyes. Rushing up to him, he really was a mess right now. Gazing over at him irritably, jealousy flashed in my eyes. Although, I did have to say that his new haircut was flawless. Tilting her head, her dainty hands ruffled his hair. Smiling kindly at him, her grandmother came in singing a song. A suspicious glance passed between her and me, her brow cocking. A devious grin danced across her lips, an unimpressed expression on Alice's face.

"We didn't do anything, you dirty minded woman." She blurted out defensively, looking really cute right now. "He was keeping me warm." Sariah's lips pressed together, a doubtful look dawning on her wrinkled face. Taking her hand, she spun her around.

"I know. I can smell your virginity." She teased jokingly, beginning to drag her out of the room. "I have to have you try on your dress, and you won't be seeing her until tomorrow. See you later." Her frightened look made the corner of my lips curl up, Samuel laughing to himself. Boredom plagued me, her meltdown concerning me deeply.

"Will she be safe with her?" He questioned purely, his innocence would probably get him killed one day. "Do you think she would let me give her away? I know she doesn't really have any parents to do it." Damn, he really was trying to make up for his mistakes. Biting at my nails, my mind wandered to why she screamed like that when she woke up. Turning towards him, maybe he would have more insight than me.

"Why did she scream and freak out when she woke up next to me?" I asked quietly, a small huh escaping his lips. "I don't understand her. Even though I was kicked out, I never really experienced any trauma. Well, not the way you guys did." Scrunching up his face, he took two clean cups. Setting them onto the bed, he placed them really far apart.

"Think about it this way. You are here, and she is over here. This distance between you two is a series of walls. She was never really touched in a happy way. Hell, I am going to say that nobody really ever treated her nicely." He explained numbly, the hurt coming back into his eyes. "You have to bust through all of that to get to the center. The road will be long and tedious, but the reward will be great. Do you understand now? The only reason she was cuddly and cute yesterday was the medication. Sorry." Biting at my lips, it was all very clear now. Brushing past him, my old man came in with my suit. Hanging it on the door, he unzipped the bag. My jaw dropped to the floor, a black suit swayed. Orange pumpkins shimmered in the light of the flames, a silk black dress shirt contrasting the orange tie. Running his hand through his hair, the wild look in his eyes told me that he had special plans. Please no, Samuel shared my attitude. Both of us rolled our eyes, knowing full well what our duties would prove to be.

"We are going out for a night on the town." He ordered sharply, knowing full well that I couldn't refuse him due the order of the house. "Dust yourself off. Samuel! Would you like to come too?" Dusting off my suit, I rolled my eyes. Shouts exploded down the hall, Alice running down towards us. Stepping back in pure terror, Sariah marched out of the room. A dark cloud brewed over her head, her arms wrapping around her waist. A steady stream of curse words flooded from both of their lips, probably the most obvious sign that they were related.

"I have this managed." Sariah promised warmly, her wicked grin sending chills up my spine. "We are just catching up. To put it simply, I am making her the best dancer in the world. Come tomorrow, she will be the best dancer in the world. Now back to work." Rolling her eyes, Alice followed after her. Flipping her off from behind, the three of us covered up our mouths to hide our laughter. At least she was still the firecracker she always has been, my father pulling me towards the village near his castle. Shoving my hands in my pockets, the dirt crunched underneath our feet as we marched into town. Samuel hung behind me, barely leaving my side. My father and Renkin chose to wear matching black silk suits with red dress shirts, Renkin's hair cascading down his back. White houses lined the road, the tavern buzzing with its usual life. Cheers erupted as we walked in, the young bartender with jet black hair calling us over. Every village member congratulated me, Samuel and I sulking in the corner. A dark cloud hung over our heads, the two of us preferring the quiet of our home.

"I think that we are the designated walkers." Samuel joked lightly, nudging my shoulder. "They seem like the type to go all out. Do you mind calling me Sammy from now on?" Smiling weakly to myself, his observation proved to be correct in a matter of a couple of hours. The two of them became stumbling drunks, Sammy and I helping them back into their beds. Crashing onto my bed, tomorrow was my wedding ceremony. As of tomorrow everyone would recognize her as my bride, my fingers drumming on the bed. A gentle knock alerted me, her sweet voice pouring through the small crack.

"I am sorry about this morning." She whispered softly, Alice's hand reaching for mine through the door. "I just am not used to people holding me when I cry. Thank you for caring for me. I love you, Sy." Wrapping my fingers around hers, her lips brushed against the top of my hand. A tender blush rose to my cheeks, a crooked grin lighting up my face. Opening up the door all the way, a warmth flooding through me as she crashed into my arms. Wet hair soaked my suit, her loving gaze meeting mine. Pressing her lips against mine sensually, she melted into me. Keep it together, Sy. The shrill voice of Sariah echoed down the hall, my heart sinking into my stomach. The shoulder of her black robe slid down, her right breasts nearly exposed. Fixing her robe, my finger poked her nose. Scrunching up her face, my strong arms shoved her out of our room.

"I love you too, pumpkin." I whispered huskily in her ear, embracing her tightly once more. "And no you can't change your nickname. Go before you get in trouble. We all know how scary she can be." Bowing her head, my finger lifted up her chin. Moments before I could kiss her, her bare feet pounded down the hall. Falling back on our bed, tomorrow couldn't come soon enough. Yawning, sweet slumber swept me away to her dreamland.

The shrill alarm blaring broke my trance, my lack of sleep hitting me hard. Black bags hollowed out my eyes, my pale face making ghosts look tanner. Pulling on my suit, my fingers trembled. Sammy popped his head in, a couple of boxes sitting in his palms. Motioning for him to come in, his red silk suit hugged his body wonderfully. Renkin leaned on his shoulder, the matching suit a step down from his usual extravagance. His black eyes glittered with excitement, Sammy shooting daggers in his direction.

"I can't believe my baby brother is getting married." He teased with a wicked grin, still a little hungover from yesterday. "I am so excited. Let's go, baby brother!" My eyebrows twitched, my fists clenching. Cruel words sat on the tip of my tongue, a devilish grin dancing on my lips.

"I wasn't the one who got foolishly drunk yesterday." I retorted sarcastically, my shots fired. "Besides, you could always just marry Ivory." Daggers shot from both of our eyes, Sammy shrinking down. My old man hollered for me to knock it off, and just get to the altar already. Smoothing out my suit, the fabric felt soft against my skin. Adjusting the orange time, Sammy helped me with the cuff links. Walking up to the stage in the grand hall, a black plague mask covered the dark priest's face. His rough black robes flowed around his worn boots, the black skull organ beginning to play. A tiny demon girl skipped down the hall, throwing black rose petals on the red velvet carpet. Scanning the crowd, a sea of silk and velvet was all I could see. Shimmering masks covered their faces, a chill running up my spine. Beezlebub seethed silently in the front, his arms folded across his chest. Hatred brewed in his gray eyes, Sammy waiting behind the large wooden doors. Focusing back on his black velvet suit, drops of blood speckled his shoulder. Everyone stood up except for him, my breath hitching. Her beauty knew no bounds in black silk ballgown with orange pumpkin lace covering the corset and skirt. Black ribbons shimmered in her side braid, an orange ribbon tied around her neck. Red painted her lips, her scratches visible for all to see. Sammy walked her up to the aisle, tears welling up in her eyes. Beezlebub rolled his eyes.

"Do you wish to give her up to Syphron?" The dark priest thundered, both of their eyes falling on Beezlebub. Standing straight up, she flipped him off. Sammy cowered behind her. Rolling my eyes, her attitude was going to get herself killed. A snarl curled on both of their lips, growls rumbling in their throats. Sometimes she was just like her family, a single death glare from Sariah shutting them down. Clearing her throat, her fingers rubbed the red velvet mermaid dress as the tension grew. Holding her head up high, Sammy stood behind her as she stood across from me. Intertwining her fingers with mine, the level of her anxiety rose exponentially. Dressing her face with her best smile, tears of mixed emotion streamed down her cheeks. A cloud of dust blew in our face, the priest slamming the Dark Book down. Red painted her lips, his throat clearing.

"Shall we begin the union of Lord Syphron and Lady Alice!" He announced profoundly, his eyes falling on Beezlebub. "I guess the true question is do you approve, master." The silence was deadly, all of us watching with bated breath. Rising to his feet, the red velvet chair creaked. An evil grin darkened his face, her eyebrow twitching. Clearing his throat, his hands crossed.

"I will approve if she gets pregnant in a month." He challenged us, running his hand through his hair. "She is my daughter after all. On top of that, you are an enemy of my reign. I want her pregnant in a month, or I will kill you both. I hate you Alice, and don't you forget that." Turning to leave, sharp whispers passed among the guests as she marched up to him.

"You are a rotten bastard!" She screamed over the whispers, tears flooding from her eyes. "You are the monster here, not me! I am so sick of your bullshit! I will get pregnant in a month, and you will never see your grandchild." Wrapping his hand around her throat, he spit in her face. None of us could move, his magical authority keeping us in place.

"I doubt you will because you don't let anyone touch you. Also you have to go into heat for you to get knocked up." He taunted cruelly, slamming her onto the floor. "You are nothing but a piece of trash that doesn't deserve to exist!" Trembling on the floor, his boots stomped out of the great hall. His words hurt her, her quaking fingers wiping off her face. Struggling to her feet, she bowed her head in shame as she stood across from me. Shaking off her emotions, her fingers wrapped around mine. The fresh bruises around her neck pissed me off, my old man shaking his head.

"Let's get this back on track." She chirped sadly, fighting back fresh tears. "I am so sorry for the tension. I want you all to have a lovely time. I am ready, priest." Nodding in a solemn manner, she bit her lips. Taking a deep breath, all of her genuine happiness was gone.

"Do you have your vows ready?" He inquired tensely, refusing to look at her. Nodding her head, her lips parted to speak. Clutching her close to my chest, a mixture of numbness and fright rounded her eyes. Her fangs sank into her lips, black blood dripped over her red painted lips. Clearing her throat, she stood tall and proud. How could she be so strong right now!

"I suppose that I should go first." She joked lightly, smiling warmly at our guests. "I promise it will be entertaining. Please listen with all of your ears. Sy, I have known you for quite some time. You shoved your way into my life, providing my light when the darkness was drowning me. Little did he know, his smile was the thing that I looked forward to everyday. I never told him because I thought he would hate me. I was wrong of course. So I shall return the favor to you. I promise to love you no matter what. I, Alice Mallsford, vow to be his wife and the future queen of Hell." Passing me a black velvet box, a simple black band shimmered in my palm. Sliding it onto his ring finger, wonder brightened our eyes as the two rings melted into one. Ignoring the gasps erupting from the guests, it was my turn.

"How do I say this? I have fallen for you, pumpkin, from the moment I met you. You challenged me which was a welcome change. I followed you throughout your life, and protected you." I promised lovingly, gazing warmly into her eyes. "I promise to protect you from the monstrous world, and will stand by you as the king of Hell. So, let's takeover Hell together. I guess what I'm saying is I, Syphron, vow to be your husband, and the future king of Hell." Tears shimmered in my eyes, my mother's ring shining in the light. The black pearl sat in a bed of onyx gems on a silver band, her real smile flashing as I slick the ring onto her ring finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest announced drably, slamming his book shut. "Just do it already, so I can go home." Swinging her down, my lips kissed her sensually. Cheers and claps broke the still air, time melting away. Spinning her around, she dragged me down the aisle. Worry poisoned her face, her glass heart moments from shattering.

"I am going to fucking rip off his head!" She roared thunderously as she rushed past the elaborately decorated ballroom. "I am going to claw out his eyeballs over and over again! Who the hell is he to decide everything for my life! Fuck him!" Pacing back and forth, her polite composure was slipping away. Guests began to pour out of the great hall, flooding into the ballroom. Taking a deep breath, she flashed them a pleasant smile.

"It is time for this game of wits to begin." She continued darkly, greeting each guest warmly. "I have to figure out how to get into heat like now. For now let's enjoy our day." Hooking her arm around my elbow, she walked gracefully into the black rose filled ballroom. Anxiety clawed at me, wondering how she was going to hold it together.