Chapter Ten: The Heart Needs Her


Watching her struggle through rehearsal, the play's harsh message infuriated me. They painted him to be some demonic monster eating the souls, I merely misplaced them. How dare they compare me to a fucking monster? It wasn't my fault that the door to my realm decided to open up whenever the veil thinned out. Honestly, I tried to send them home but it almost never worked. Pumpkin raised her hand, everyone turning to her. Folding her arms across the chest, a lump formed in her throat.

"How about we make this a love story instead?" She suggested lightly, trying not to have her name dragged in the mud. "Might I suggest fictional characters? Let's write it together." A fever burned her cheeks, clammy sweat drenching her skin. Worry dotted my eyes, her aura growing more chaotic by the second. Waving her hand in front of the mousy one's face, a tiny groan poured from her lips. Gritting her teeth, her legs wobbled slightly. The dull look in her eyes told the tale of someone seconds from passing out into rough darkness' arms. The drama club watched in wonder as she penned a whole new play in a couple of hours, wonder brightening their eyes. Sliding it over to them, she took a deep breath. Black bags hollowed out her eyes, her fellow students' eyes devouring every single word with voracious hunger.

"What is your name, mousy one?" She inquired tiredly, the five foot girl blushing a dark red. "I want you to be the lead with whoever that boy in the back. Yes, the tall slender black haired fellow." Bowing her head in shame, Pumpkin lifted up her chin with her finger, her red eyes gazing warmly into hers. A special navy aura curled off her back, her ability to help others before herself. The motherly energy enveloping her bathed us all in a warm light, the flames heating up the cold in our souls.

"You star quality, and frankly I feel like I am dying." She continued kindly, accepting a hair brush from a fellow club member. "I will make you feel pretty if you just wait. Please sit." Slamming her in between her legs, she dragged the hair brush through the thick hair. People watched intensely, waiting with bated breath, a pair of scissors in her other hand. Cutting off her dead ends, the tiny girl cleared her throat. Sobs wracked the poor girl's body, her courage growing by the second.

"I am Daisy Stemfield." She admitted sheepishly, Pumpkin layering her hair. "You don't have to worry about me. I don't mind being a wallflower." Her brow cocked, her slender hand spinning her around. Wetting her bangs, the sharp sound of the scissors cut her bangs. Feathering them, she painted her eyelids with a dull burgundy. Pointing to the boy in the back, he pointed to himself. A wicked grin danced across her lips, the boy walking towards her with a slouched posture. Struggling to her feet, she leaned against the wall. Attempting to hide the pain, she covered it up with her performer's smile.

"Who are you?" She sighed deeply, his emerald eyes meeting hers. "You like her. I just saw you two looking at each other with pure love in your eyes. Also you two are the shyest, so let's get this going. I am going home to sleep. I have had a long day." Turning to leave, the boy put his hand up. Pumpkin trembled in place, a small smile dimming her paling face. Tears swam in Daisy's ocean blue eyes, tucking a piece of her chocolate brown hair behind her ear.

"I am Brian Stouff." He blurted out awkwardly, turning towards Daisy. "She is right. I love you with all of my heart. I have been watching you for the past few years, and I just want to ask. Will you be my g-" Swaying slightly, her white hair flew behind her as she crashed into my arms. Feeling her pulse, it was barely there. Tossing her over my shoulder, Brian ran his hand through his wavy midnight shoulder length hair. Concern darkened all of their eyes, panic gripping my face. This wasn't good, my first thought was to run.

"She is anemic, so she does this every now and then." I explained in a rushed tone, turning to leave. "Many apologies." Sammy caught up to me, Dallena hanging off of his back. Darthon honked the horn of one of his black hearses. Climbing into the back, her fever was growing worse by the second. My skin grew bright red at each touch, the hearse screeching to a halt in front of the funeral home. Ripping open the door, loose dirt flew behind me as I sprinted through the front doors and up to our room. Darthon followed after as calm as can be. Smoothing out his black Italian suit, it was all too much for me. The cracks began to show, my mental state beginning to decay.

"She is fine, her body is getting ready for the heat as we speak. You forgot something didn't you, the magical plant you left back at her babysitter's home. That would have prevented this." He comforted me gently, feeling her forehead. "I will watch her while you go to school. Her body is currently in a comatose state, the moment she wakes up it will be go time. Please trust me. I deal with aftermaths like this all of the time. I am impressed you two managed to make it yourself. I do have one request. Could you still go to school with my daughter? I have never seen her this happy since her mother died." Guilt gnawed at me, the doorbell shattering the pregnant pause between us. The shattered look in his eyes told me that he already knew the answer, and it would never be what he wanted.

"I'll go get it." I stammered nervously, pounding down the stairs. "How about we leave Sammy with you to go to school with her? We have a lot to do, and I don't want her to look like the pregnant teen. I am sure you understand. We could spend our weekends here if you wish. I think Alice could benefit from a relationship with Dallena." Nodding in silent agreement, my quaking hand opened the door. An eager Daisy trembled well beneath my tall slender body, a brown bag rustling in her arms. Relaxing my face, her next words stunned me.

"Your demons, aren't you?" She questioned seriously, several magical herbs resting at the bottom of the bag next to normal things like a heating pad. "I am apart of the local coven. These are the herbs that even Dallena's father wouldn't have. Brew them in a tea when you guys are done, and the nausea will subside. One last request, would you help us with our play? I want to surprise her, King of Halloween Street." My face paled, cold sweat dripping off of my brow. Her eager eyes bore into mine, her next breath waiting on my answer. Answer, you fucking idiot! No, stop yelling at yourself.

"Sure." I stuttered numbly, accepting the bag. "You didn't tell anyone else did you? Do you know that she is actually Alice? She isn't really dead, well technically she did. I made her into what she is." Daisy let herself in, her school uniform in slight disarray. Dallena waved to us as she ran in after Sammy, Daisy sliding me over a binder. Flipping through the binder, it matched Pumpkin's version perfectly. Passing it back over to her, a shiver shot up my spine. Now her white energy was clear, the disguise spell now fading slowly. A white ball of light sat on her shoulder, bells twinkling in my ear. Whispering to each other, a slight frown grew on my face.

"She will be fine, but you really should continue to go to school. Treat your teachers a bit better, especially your English teacher." She urged pleasantly, snatching the book off of the counter. "I am aware you are going to be a dick for a few days, just be quiet if you can't be nice. You will be gone anyway. I like you two, so don't be a stranger." Bouncing out the door, Sammy slid me a hot cup of coffee with cream and sugar. Plopping down next to me, his smile told me that this was the happiest he had been in a long time. The bitter smell nauseating me, my shaking hands pushed it away from me. A fever burned my cheeks, clammy sweat drenching my skin. Resting my head on the table, the desire to talk to my old man hit me for the first time in my life. The fever faded, my tired feet climbing the twisting stairs. Collapsing onto the bed, sweet slumber swept me off to dreamland.

A shrill alarm echoed in my ears, causing me to fly off of the bed. Pumpkin lay curled up into a ball, her chest rising up and down. Changing into a fresh uniform, Dallena had a piece of toast hanging out of her mouth, my fingers wrapping around my backpack's straps. Following them onto the bus, the ride was quiet. Fuck this shit, I really was getting way too old for any of it. Slight irritation buzzed in my eyes, Sammy and Dallena hanging all over each other. An excited Heather marched up to me, my defenses raised reflexively. The fake leather creaked, her stupid ass crashing down next to me. Running my hand through my hair, a snarl curled on my lips. What the hell was her plan? Narrowing my eyes, the hostility brewed between us.

"You here to hunt me, you stupid witch." I growled through gritted teeth, wishing that she would just disappear. "Go join your fr-" Raising her hands, a haughty scoff escaped her lips. Folding her arms across her chest, her blonde ponytail bouncing around with every pothole in the cracked pavement. Bracing myself for a barrage of insults, her face softened. Disbelief disarmed me, my level of discomfort plaguing me.

"I dumped those losers." She retorted sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "They forgot what Alice did for us. My hunter's tattoo prevented her magic from working, so I remember it all. I chose to be you guys' friends instead. Being popular was horrid anyways. I would rather drown than hang out with them again. You guys actually seem fun." A new blonde haired girl flipped Heather off, Heather slicing her finger across her throat. Sinking back down into her seat, the intention was clear. Stifling a laugh, the two of us must have looked really odd next to each other. Adjusting the hair over my eyes, every single student kept a good distance from us. The bus squealed to a stop, Lucy smashing into me. Shooting her a death glare, she shrank back into a tiny person. Waving her hands around, Sammy held my shoulder down with a wicked grin on his lips. Muscling up my best smile, the tortured grin only scaring her more. Taking a deep breath, my hand hovered in front of her face. What would Pumpkin do here? She always knew the way out of a social situation.

"I am sorry. I am just a little on edge. Alice is under the weather, so I am having a tough time focusing or being nice." I explained tiredly, rubbing the bridge of my nose. "She is one step closer to keeping us alive. What can I do for you?" Taking my hand cautiously, she leapt to her feet. Smoothing out her uniform, scarlet burned her cheeks. Ruffling the top of her head, Johnny growled darkly in my direction. Shaking my head, none of this made sense. Sulking into the first period, the English teacher attempted to irritate me.

"I am not up for this." I mumbled under my breath, resting my head on my desk. "I will behave. You win today." Stunned gasps erupted around me, her empty desk making me miss her real smile more. The teacher actually looked disappointed, a deep concern flashing in his eyes. Clearing their throat, they began today's dull lesson. The day dragged on, my protesting feet not wanting to enter the auditorium. The sets were already done, a fashion student sewing up the rest of the costumes. Such a sense of community brightened my spirit, Daisy dragging me to the front row of seats. Leaping excitedly onto the stage, the lights all went down. Pumpkin was right for picking her to be the lead, Brian and her carrying the entire show. The lights flickered on, a familiar voice making my ears perk up. A broken looking Pumpkin stood in the back row, her sweaty bangs plastered to her forehead. Struggling to walk down the aisle, she leaned on the stage.

"I am so proud of you, Daisy and Brian. I knew you could do it." She proclaimed proudly, ruffling the top of Daisy's head. "I just had to see it for myself. You will sell out, little rabbit." Wrapping her giant black sweater around her black and white checkered skater dress, Daisy wiped the sweat off of her forehead. Something was off in her demeanor, a bit of bad news hiding behind her twinkling eyes.

"You aren't quite there yet, are you?" My sharp ears heard Daisy whisper. "You are a day or so away. Most people don't break out of their coma. You really are super strong. Let me help you." Jumping off the stage, she guided her to my lap. Resting her head on my chest, she melted into my arms. Everyone gathered around her, screaming out their stories. Sitting up, she put her finger up in the air. Rubbing the back of his neck, her real smile illuminated the room.

"One story at a time, please." She asked politely, entertaining everyone's fancy. "I missed all of you so much." Judging by her smile, she meant it. Crossing her hands, her eyes twinkled with each story. All of them gazed upon her as if she was their god, a fight erupting out in the hall. Launching off of my lap, she burst through the door only for us to see her former friends fighting a struggling Heather. Bruises covered Heather's face, Pumpkin blocking her next attack. The girls' smashed their fists into her arms, the bruises already forming. Silent tears of pain streamed from her eyes. Slamming the heel of her boot into their jaws, perfect white teeth clattering to the ground. A frumpy looking short lady stomped out to the scene, her icy glacier eyes glaring up at Pumpkin. Standing straight up, the tan sweater bounced with each yell.

"You are expelled!" She screamed shrilly, a crowd of students gathering around us. "I discovered that you are a fake student. Now you are beating up my daughters." Pumpkin's eyebrow twitched, Heather popping up behind her. Standing by her side, the evil woman pursed her lips together. Clearly, there was some beef between the two of them. Standing straight up, she held her head high. The sense of pride in her face was contagious, Heather's snarl growing darker by the second.

"I am quitting too." Heather declared proudly, wrapping her arms around her shoulders. "I don't want to go to some junk school." Rage colored the woman's face, her next words stunning us all. Gritting her teeth, she fell to her knees. The threat of the lost of money caused the bitter woman to decay, her image becoming evermore pathetic by the moment.

"Please stay, and I will rectify everything in your honor. Let me f-" She pleaded desperately, Pumpkin cutting her off. Helping the woman up, she turned to leave. Her body trembled, the bruises only getting worse. Sliding down the nearest wall, her words cut sharper than ever.

"I politely decline. I already saw that you expelled me this morning officially." She snapped hotly, her thighs rubbing together. "I want you to keep all of my friends in. They are working so hard, so please be nice to them. This hurts so much." Silent tears of pain flooded from her eyes, her quaking hands playing with the hem of her dress. Scooping her up into my arms, cheers and whistles erupting as we left. Just like that we became the living legends of that school, doomed to haunt those shallow halls for eternity. Darker desires began to rage inside of me, my own skin burning up. Sprinting into the woods, a quiet spell flew from my lips. A black portal swirled in front of me, relief washing over me at the sight of Halloween Street. Carrying her into our home, she barely moved on the bed. Clapping my hands, the portal slammed shut. Now it was the time to become her hero, my hands pinning her to the bed. Flashing me a wicked grin, her trembling fingers pulled me down by the tie.

"I think I am ready." She whispered sensually, her hands cupping my face. "Gift me a child." Gazing lovingly down at her, her gorgeous red eyes glistening with excitement. Her white hair spread around her porcelain skin, her real smile making my heart flutter. Kissing my lips lustfully, this was going to be magical. Tonight was going to be the night.