Chapter Eighteen: A New Friend, A New Day!


Watching her squirm underneath my touch empowered me, her legs opening for me as I placed her bite guard in her mouth. Tying the ribbon around the back of her head made me want every inch of her, the way her hair flowed over the edge of the bed only excited me more. Of course, she would love me with my ears and tail. Wagging my tail, my hands shook as I tightened each of the ruby covered restraints around her wrists and ankles. Laying in the shape of an x, her fangs bit the leather to the point of it creaking quietly. Damn, she was going to break it. "Do what you want." She pleaded passionately, basking in the moment of being in my control. "I love it when you dominate me. Pick the toy of your choosing. I am your submissive little miss." Tracing each toy, my fingers wrapped around a padded flogger. The leather handle creaked, my grip growing stronger. Climbing on top of her, my claws traced the center of the ancient corset. Slicing the middle, my claw traced her now exposed skin.Resting in between her legs, a devilish grin danced across my lips. Sucking on her clit, muffled moans poured from her lips. Sliding my fingers in, the tips of my claws spun around her g-spot. Syncing the rhythm, my name burst from her lips. Sure it was muffled but the way her fangs nearly broke the bite guard turned me on more. Her dripping turned into a flood, my free hand undoing her foot restraints. Squirming under my touch, her rubber guards clicked together. Disappointment dimmed her eyes the moment I stopped, the hair stood up on my arms at her legs yanking me down towards her. My face hovered inches from her, my finger tracing her cheek. Flipping her over, she wagged her perfect ass in the air. Grabbing the chain, the flogger spun in my palm. Yanking her back, the dopey look in her eyes told me that she was in Heaven. Swinging the flogger down hard, the crack masked her fangs breaking the bite guard. Lining myself up, she screamed out my name as I shoved myself in. "Sy!" She cried out in a shaky voice, her claw protectors digging at the bed. "Hit me harder." A nervous smile twitched on my lips. Part of me didn't want to hurt her, the other half wanting to please her. Raising it high up in the air, her screams only grew louder with each hit. Pumping in and out of her roughly, gruff groans flooded from my lips. This felt so amazing, her feet flipping me underneath her. Still holding onto the chain, she sank down onto me. Her walls hugged all of me, her ample breasts bouncing up and down. Were they already bigger, my hands cupping the curve of her bump. Had it doubled in size? Cupping my hands, her genuine smile brightened her face. Her white curls framed her porcelain skin, a short gasp echoed in the room the moment my hand yanked her closer to me. Our bodies pressed against one another, her hips still swinging to an erratic rhythm. Tracing her claw protector along my cheekbone, her fangs grew over her lips. Pressing her lips against mine aggressively, her fangs sank into my bottom lip. Wanting to scream her name, her spell had captured me. The chain rattled as my grip strengthened, her fangs tracing my skin. Every love bite sent my nerves into a frenzy, my body twitching with each bite. A flurry of feathers floated around the room, her wings bursting from her back. My breath hitched at their beauty, the shimmering surface glowing in the light. Embarrassment burned her cheeks, my finger lifting up her chin. "If you can accept my tail and ears, your wings are as beautiful as you are. No, I lied. Nothing can beat your beauty." I growled huskily, grabbing the base of her wings."Now I have something to tug on as well." Shuddering with each tug, this must be how it felt when she bit my ears. Never before had anyone done that, the sensation making me cum. My ears pinned back, crimson colored my cheeks. Leaning over my ear, her fangs took a quick bite. "Pumpkin!" I screamed out blithely, my grip only grew stronger with the intense pleasure. "Stop it! I won't be able to stop myself!" Biting me one more time, another cry escaped my lips. Reaching above my head, my shaking fingers undid her other restraints. Turning her back to me, she moved my leg. Positioning herself with each leg on either side of my left leg, her hips bucked sensually. Biting my lips, this new position hitting the tip of my head just right. Grabbing the flogger, the swinging chain caught my eyes. Smacking her ass with a level ten pain, her scream of ecstasy could wake up the entire universe. "Harder!" She moaned lustfully, her claw protecting them from digging into my chest. Her hair swayed with each bounce, my name bursting from her lips with each smack. The sound of it echoed in the room, my hands grabbed her hips. Holding her down, my hot seed filled her up. Collapsing next to me, her fingers intertwined with mine. Kissing the top of my hand, her wings folding away. Swinging her feet over the edge of the bed, her shaking fingers pulled on a navy silk robe. Tying the golden ribbon, she stepped out. A steady stream of curse words flooded from her lips, my old man and Renkin's voice echoing in the living room. Rushing around the room, several black t-shirts and ripped jeans swung in the closet. The other half of the closet contained all of my various suits, a couple pairs of black sneakers and dress boots shined in the scarlet moonlight. Pulling a t-shirt over my head, the jeans slid on with ease. Fixing my hair, the only hope was that they just barely showed up. Renkin flicked tongue in between two fingers, my eyes rolling. Ever so inappropriate, my three shadow children served them tea and cookies. Pumpkin brushed past me, coming out a couple of minutes later in a white striped sweater and scarlet leather miniskirt. Her collar shimmered in the orange lights bathing the room, my slender hand taking it off discreetly and tossing it into our room. "How much did you hear?" She stuttered anxiously, her eyes never leaving the ground. "I was going to invite you here tomorrow. Sorr-" My old man put his hand up, his finger pressing to his lips. A tiny squeak escaped her lips, her embarrassed expression making her look adorable. Clearing his throat, he smoothed out his black velvet suit. Adjusting his white silk tie, the scarlet shirt contrasted both clothing items. What really was the fluke in the room was the fact that my brother only wore a simple white t-shirt and torn black jeans. Raising my brows in confusion, a fit of laughter burst from my lips. "Did Ivory put you in that!" I blurted out, covering my mouth. "What happened to your fancy suits?" Narrowing his eyes in my direction, he marched up to us. Embracing us warmly, his next words sent chills up our spines. "At least I didn't just entertain my old man and his brother with your wild sex soundtrack." He whispered playfully, patting our backs. "I even heard the bite guard break. Judging by your neck and ears, she really went to town on you. I even heard you licking everything. So hold your tongue. You are married so you know it was her suggestion. She enjoys the simpler look on me which is a big thanks to you." My eyebrow twitched irritably, her finger's playing with the hem of her skirt. Releasing me from his hug, his words had set me straight. Plopping down next to my old man, Renkin borrowed a stool from the kitchen. The shadow children smashed into her legs, all of us watching her embrace them in a motherly manner. All three of them began to talk to her all at once, her bright smile encouraging them more. Her angelic voice echoed in the room, all of us going silent. The words were in a foreign language, tears of blood flooded from their eyes. I didn't even know they could cry, her hands ruffling the top of their heads. Hopping on top of my lap, my old man rolled his eyes. Wrapping my arms around her waist, she leaned into Renkin's ear. A red that I had never seen before colored his cheeks, his hands shaking. The hours passed rapidly, my family finally leaving. Collapsing onto the couch, my eyes watched her gather up the dishes. Walking into the kitchen, my shadow children skipped after her. Smiling warmly at them, she let them sit on the tiny kitchen island. What did she say to my brother? Curiosity burned on my mind, the dishes clanking as she washed them. Sneaking up behind her, my arms wrapped around her waist. Kissing the nape of her neck, my hands running up her thighs. All I wanted to do was pay her back for giving me my home back, my fingers not feeling underwear. My cock stiffened, sensual moans tumbling from her quivering lips with every swirl of my finger on her clit. Getting to my knees, her fingers gripped the sink. Sucking on her clit, a knock interrupted us. A thunderous growl rumbled in my throat, my claws extended. Marching up to the door, a snarl curled on my lips. "What you want, fath-!" I demanded hotly, Sammy and Dallena bouncing in. A glass plate crashed to the floor, the pieces shattering by her bare feet. Leaping over the glass, her body slammed into Sammy. Locking the door behind me, the security really needed to get better around here. Watching them embrace warmed my heart, my hands hiding my hardened dick. Dallena bounced around in an expensive Italian suit, her eyes twinkling with excitement. Twisting her hair into a bun, she leapt onto Pumpkin's back. "We were so scared for you!" Dallena cooed happily, my wife rolling her eyes. "I am so happy you are safe. Nice digs. Was the palace or whatever too much for you?" Pressing her lips into a thin line, Sammy releasing her. His navy t-shirt had burn marks, his dark jeans hugging his legs. Folding his arms across his chest, his big hand peeled Dallena off of her back. "Dally, could you not be so excitable?" He groaned exhaustively, my expression matching his. "Do you mind if we spend the night? It took all of my magic to get here. Are you okay?" The distant look in her eyes frightened us, her polite smile wiping away what she felt. Waving her hands around, they barely brought her excuse. Checking her empty wrist, her lips pressed into a thin line. "Make yourself at home." She stammered nervously, rubbing the back of her head. "It appears that it is a little late. Good night, my dear friends." Slipping into our bedroom, concern darkened Sammy's eyes. Pacing back and forth, something was eating at her once again. Chewing on her nails, Sammy motioned for me to follow him. Dragging the cots from the corner, he began to make a bed for the two of them. Opening the door cautiously, Pumpkin laid curled up into a ball. Laying down next to her, soft sobs wracked her body.

"Can you tell me what you saw?" I queried calmly, her head shaking. "I can't help you if you won't talk about it." Gripping the seats, the sheer terror rounded her eyes. She must have just seen a vision, her hand slapping mine away. Shaking her head once more, her fingers clutched the soft bedding. A frustrated groan escaped my lips, her stubbornness soon to be the death of me. "Can you tell me what you saw?" I queried calmly, her head shaking. "I can't help you if you won't talk about it." Gripping the seats, the sheer terror rounded her eyes. She must have just seen a vision, her hand slapping mine away. Shaking her head once more, her fingers clutched the soft bedding. A frustrated groan escaped my lips, her stubbornness soon to be the death of me.

"I can't talk about it." She whispered brokenly, a steady stream of tears flooding from her eyes. "You would do everything in your power to stop me." Enough was enough, anger mixing with panic as I rolled her onto her back. Growls rumbled in her throat, our arguments always torturing the shit out of me. Holding her hands down, she struggled underneath me. Refusing to look at me, this was almost like our fight earlier.

"Stop being stubborn!" I cried out desperately, locking her wrists and feet into our restraints. "If someone died in your vision, we can fix that." Cupping her face, the shattered expression nearly broke me. Fresh tears streamed down her cheeks, a tortured scream exploding from her lips. The way you had to work with her was a little extreme at times. Nothing could have prepared me for what she said next.

"You die!" She blurted out in a trembling voice, all of my breath leaving my body. "It will happen three days from now. One of your former enemies comes back, and you leave me to fight him or her. I didn't make it in time. What I saw was thousands of swords sticking out of you. A golden light had blinded me, the porcelain skin was sparkling." It was now my turn for the numb look on my face, Bladesmith seemed to be heading my way. Her angel wings had been stolen by me in a stupid pissing match between us, our relationship really had been toxic. Leaping to my feet, my trembling hands tugged on a worn black leather jacket. Protests broke the still air, this problem needing to be solved. Shaking Sammy's shoulder, his groggy eyes met mine. Crouching down to his level, a stifled huh escaped his lips.

"I have to take care of something before it blows up in my face." I informed him briskly, the cot creaking as he sat up. "Hold Alice off for as long as you can. I need to talk to an old friend before she kills me in the future. Do you understand? If you do this, you can live here on the weekends." Perking up, Pumpkin's screams shattered the still air. Not allowing him to protest, my boots bounded into the road. Drawing a circle with strange symbols, the chalk nearly broke in my palm. Cutting my palm with my claw, the symbols glowed with one drop of blood. Scarlet flames swirled around me, my home fading to a rundown barn. Digging at the loose dirt, a worn emerald chest echoed with unnatural noises under my palm. Wings fluttered away in the chest, the dirt now covering my outfit. Cursing to myself, my night was going well. Pressing my bloody palm to the ground, my mouth moved a mile a minute. Blood dripped from my nose, the seeking spell glowing a pale blue on the lush green grass. Chasing the thin line, dry leaves crunched underneath my boots with each step. Skidding to a stop, a chill ran up my spine. My blade slid into my eager hands, a rain of golden swords raining down on me. Barely dodging them all, a porcelain skinned woman stepped forward. Her wild golden hair bounced around her shoulders, my ex-girlfriend sauntering up to me. Her golden eyes burned with rage, her white robes flowing around her.

"Looks like Syphron came to see his ex-girlfriend." She insulted with ease, her curls tickling the clammy surface of my cheek. "Why did you waste my time?" Before I could answer, my shaking hands shoved the emerald chest into her small petite body. Tossing my sword to her feet, my fingers snapped at her golden blades waiting to smite me where I stood. Her rotten attitude was the very reason I dumped her, our violent fights being the cause of me stealing her wings. Unfortunately those weren't my proudest moments, most of my days before Pumpkin had come into my life a horrid blur.

"Put weapons away." I ordered icily, my brow raising at the wicked laughter bursting from her lips. "We can be civil for once, can't we?" Snapping her fingers, the myriad of blades whizzed towards me. Cowering in the defense position, raven feathers floated all around as they surrounded me. A fuming Pumpkin scared me, the swords tearing her wings apart. Inky black blood poured down the skeletal frame, her boots scraping the loose dirt as she struggled to her feet. My face paled, a golden sword quivering in her right shoulder. Ripping it out, a poison coursed through her veins, the golden light glowing underneath her porcelain skin. Tears welled up in her eyes, my wife didn't need to almost die again for the millionth time. Perhaps this was a hobby that she really should give up.

"I won't let you kill him." She wheezed, coughing up an unnatural amount of blood. Black flames shot from her palm, the inky blackness devouring her wings in the trunk. Rage burned in Bladesworth's eyes, her battle cry erupting from her lips. Raising her hand to the sky, millions of golden blades spun in the sky. Unable to use her blade, Pumpkin raised her good arm to the sky. Onyx swords spun in the twinkling sky, her brow cocking proudly.

"You seem to think that I am stupid! You don't deserve your wings." She taunted cruelly, Bladesworth shifting uncomfortably in her spot. "If you release yours, I will release mine." Ignoring her warning, my ex snapped her fingers. Taking a deep breath, a metallic noise rang out into the chilly evening air. Pumpkin's blades doubled in numbers, the three shadow children holding my ex in place. Time slowed, the onyx blades destroyed the golden ones. Unable to block the remaining blades, onyx blades obliterated her petite body. Terror gripped Bladesworth's face, her body falling forward. The poison in her veins faded to nothing, the inky blood still pouring from her wounds. Stumbling towards my ex, her wound sealed shut. Crouching down to her level, she lifted up her chin. A glob of spit smacked her in the center of her forehead, Bladesworth refusing to respect her. My wife wiped the spit off of her face, golden blood pooling around her boots.

"I will save you if you work under my rule." She offered kindly, Bladesworth reaching for the onyx blade next to her. Swinging it down towards Pumpkin's neck, the blade slid through her palm. Instead of freaking out, she used it to her advantage. Whistling a small tune, Pumpkin held the blade inches from her major arteries. Struggling to breathe, golden blood spilled over her boots. This side of her frightened me, her aggravated expression freezing the blood in my veins.

"If you don't come up with an answer in ten seconds then you will die." She continued coldly, sighing deeply. "I want you to live, but are you aware of guardian angel rules? If you agree to become my guardian angel, then you will not only live but get your wings back. Doesn't that sound lovely? All you have to do is bite my wrist. The choice is up to you." Tossing the blade aside, she held her wrist in front of her mouth. Surprise widened my eyes, Bladesworth actually taking a bite. Watching with a gentle smile, the blades floated into the air. A loud pop echoed around me, the blades flying back into her palms. A wave of black energy knocked me back, a stripe of onyx stood out in her hair. Her left eye darkened to an inky black while her right eye remained a warm gold. Midnight black painted her lips, ashy gray wings exploding from her back. Pulling her sweater sleeve down, Bladesworth knelt at her boots. Bowing her head, shame dimmed her eyes.

"I vow to serve you as your guardian angel." She grumbled under her breath, hatred brewing in her eyes. "You beat me fair and square." Pumpkin's bloody hand hovered in her face, the stubborn woman refusing to take it. Taking a deep breath, she crouched down to her level. Resting her head on her hands, tears of frustration flooded from Bladeworth's eyes. Embracing her affectionately, all of the years of pent up emotions soaked my wife's shoulder. Tortured wail after wail burst from her lips, mixed emotions flashing on my face. Did I really want to live near my ex again after all of this time?

"If you are worried about your past with my husband, I don't care about that." She promised honestly, patting the top of her head. "How about we all start on a clean slate? Besides, you can't kill either of us now. I will give you your own space, so don't worry." Glancing up at her with wet eyes, confusion dawned on her face.

"I don't understand. I tried to kill you." She stammered anxiously, shoving her off. "I am a monster now. What did you do to me?" Panicking at her reflection in the puddle, her fists smashed into the surface of a large puddle. Rubbing her forehead, Pumpkin flicked a pebble into her forehead. Collapsing into the puddle, a grunt escaped her lips as she tossed Bladesworth over her shoulder. Brushing past me, her stony silence told me that she was pissed at me.

"I can explain myself." I stuttered shakily, her head snapping back towards me. "I am so sor-" Pausing for a moment, the crack of her hand slapping my cheek stunned me. A quiet rage simmered in my eyes, my hand wrapping around her wrist. Tears of rage and betrayal streamed from her eyes, black energy blasting my hand off of her wrist.

"I don't care that you had an ex. Fuck! We have all had one!" She yelled venomously, the harshness of her tone causing me to shrink back. "I am shocked at how violent your fights got. Why didn't you just leave her like a normal person? Do you know the pain you caused her? She hates herself, and you are partially to blame. You stole her wings wrongfully, and would have deserved that death had it happened. I am done with this for now." Turning to leave, my arm wrapped around her waist.

"I didn't want to hurt her feelings!" I roared thunderously, her quaking eyes meeting mine. "She was going through a transformation which was changing her personality by the day. It was like a curse had come over her, and I didn't know what to do. You weren't dating me at the time so I felt alone. It wasn't working. We were more like brother and sister. So please forgive me for what you saw." Spinning around, her serious face told me that we were far from perfect at the moment.

"It's not me you have to apologize to." She retorted bitterly, rolling her eyes. "You need to apologize to her when she wakes up. I wasn't the one you hurt. I believe you when you said that you didn't want to hurt her, but taking her wings was a little much. Are you even sorry?" A lump formed in my throat, the regret had followed me this whole time.

"Of course. After that day, I vowed to be a better person." I answered earnestly, her expression softening. "I was just trying to fix her and I couldn't. I saw her decaying everyday, and yet I could do a damn thing. How do you think I felt?" Spinning on her heel, she turned to face me. Silent tears poured from my eyes, dripping onto the top of her hands. Wiping away my tears, her hands cupped my face.

"Now that I believe." She whispered sweetly, her wings unfolding. "Now let's go home." Flying into the sky, a black portal swirled in front of us. Zooming through, we were home. Sure things were rough now but we would work through it.