Chapter Twenty-Five: The Arrival of Two Gifts.


Crawling under the blanket, my sweet lips wrapped around his thick girth. Taking him all, his shaking hands lifted up the blankets. Grinning wickedly, a tender blush rose to his cheeks. Getting back to his stiff cock, he groaned gruffly while I focused on his tip. Twitching with pleasure, his hand grabbed my head. Moving my head up and down, his moans bounced off the walls. Pulling me up, his lips kissed mine sensually. Our hot skin touched each other, his next request throwing me off.

"Can you sit on my face?" He choked out shyly, the bed groaning as I hovered over his face. "You don't h-" Sitting on his face, his name burst from my lips with each suck on my swollen clit. The ecstasy was becoming too much, my hips grinding in response. Attempting to move, he held me down. My toes curled, his grip on me relenting. A satisfied sigh escaped his lips, his slender hand guiding me into a submissive doggy position. Shoving his thick girth in, a euphoric scream burst from my lips. Claws extended from my fingers, the mattress tearing underneath me. Every wild buck made me cry out, pride beaming in his eyes. A sly grin spread cheek to cheek, his hand sliding down to my bump. Scarlet colored my cheeks, his gentle touch contrasted the roughness of his thrusts. Sitting back on his haunches, he took me with him. Sliding his hands down to my slightly wider hips, he lifted me up and down. Long moans bounced off the walls, his husky groans mixing with my moans. How was he so strong? Getting lost in the moment, my control was slipping away.

"Is this feeling okay?" He queried sweetly, sliding his hand up to my bump. "I am here to pleasure my gorgeous wife." Hearing him say wife sent chills up my spine, my hand cupping his. Snuggling into his neck, my other hand cupping his face. Guiding his face towards me, my lips locked with his lustfully. Time stopped, his heartbeat echoed in my ear. Releasing him, his fangs brushed the nape of my neck. His name burst from my lips the moment his teeth sank into my tender flesh, the sound of him drinking my blood turning my dripping into a flood. Wanting to dominate him, he let me pin him to the bed. Sinking onto him, my slightly bigger breasts bounced up and down with every sway of my hips. Guiding his hands to my breasts, more pale tissue poked out between his fingers. Every rough squeeze sent my nerves into a frenzy, my hips dancing faster. Rolling me underneath him, his lips brushed against my legs as he lifted my ankles to his shoulders. Sliding into me gingerly, his tip teased my lips with every short thrust. Gripping the mattress, this position always hit my g-spot just right. Screaming loud enough to wake the other dimensions, his wicked grin made my heart flutter. Letting myself bask in the glorious wave of euphoria crashing over me, his bucks growing rather erratic. Getting closer to my orgasm, his face told me that he was close. Pumping one last time, his hot seed filled me up. Collapsing next to me, his loving gaze never left mine. Yanking me into his arms, he kissed the top of my head. Pulling the blanket over us, my baby bump could now be seen underneath. Holding my swollen belly, my own sense of pride burned in my eyes. Disappearing underneath the blanket, his kisses tickled the surface. Smiling warmly to myself, a knock interrupted us. Swinging my feet over the edge, my bare feet pounded towards my closet. Selecting a leather skirt, my steady finger tugging the maternity band over hips. Tugging on a loose ivory sweater, an eager Renkin ripped open the door. His eyes fell on me, a garment bag rested over his arm. Confusion dawned on my eyes, Sy sliding under the blanket. Being his typical self, he didn't want to get out of bed today. Something felt off, almost as if I shouldn't go today Shaking it off, nothing could help the swelling dread bubbling in my gut.

"I found you a way into the mine." He announced with wicked glee, tossing me the bag. "You are curious about buying it. So you have to look like a demon lady from our time. I will hide in the getaway carriage so we can make it out of there. How does that sound?" His plan was valid, Sy rolling his eyes. Renkin really proved to be the male version of me at times, the danger level somewhat tame compared to my other plan. Shoving him out, the lock clicked behind me. Hanging the bag on the hanger, my face fell. The dress was gaudier than the last one, the sheer number of diamonds covering the ivory silk sickening me. Looking around for a suit, there wasn't one. A nervous grin twitched on my lips, the empire waist sure to show off my bump. Lifting up the skirt, an obscene amount of tulle pissed me off. Peeling off my outfit, I tugged on the tulle skirt. Sy launched out of bed, landing next to me. Dropping the gown over my head, the bell sleeves hid my scratched up hands. Once again the top was tight around my tender breasts, the matching hair piece blinding me. Twisting my hair into a detailed bun, he tied the heavy damn thing around my finger. Snapping his fingers, a matching suit covered his body. Pulling our masks over faces, his elbow hooked around mine. Getting into the carriage, Renkin's face hid a secret. Watching out the window, fancy buildings flashed by the window. Skidding to a rough stop, a sleek onyx nightclub loomed over us. Tension brewed between the two of us, the sparkling outfits making all the sense in the world. Opening the door, he kicked us out. Riding away, a steady stream of curse words flooded from my lips. A tall slender man in an ash gray owl mask sauntered up to us, a deed in his hands. His ruby crusted suit hugged his muscular body, the golden dress shirt capturing my eyes.

"You must be the buyers for the mine. I am Gemston, the owner. I happen to own this lovely establishment." He introduced himself briskly, guiding us to the side entrance. "The price agreed is still a performance. Renkin said that you are a talent to behold. Wow me and you get the deed." Raising my brow in response, my eyes fell on a complacent Sy. If this was the way, then a song would be a small sacrifice. How stupid rich was this guy if he could pull a deal like this? Flashing him a bright smile, a silent agreement passed between us. Waiting in the left wing for the swing band to warm up, a chill ran up my spine. Beezlebub stood behind me, his cold hand touching my shoulder. A polite grin lit up his face, a curious glint twinkled in his eyes. Shivering in his touch, a raw fear paralyzed me. Don't be like this, I yelled at myself. Attempting to not give up my disguise, the bad feeling had been correct.

"You are new." He mused playfully, a lump forming in my throat. "You look awfully familiar though. I wanted to meet his guest singer for tonight's show. I look forward to hearing you sing." Laying on the southern charm, my heels spun to face him. Taking in his ruby embroidered suit, his fingers traced the midnight black skulls. Focus on a way out of this, his shadowy aura swallowing me alive. Shrinking back, nothing quelled my anxiety.

"Would you like to go on a date later? I am in charge of Hell after all." He asked confidently, his god complex began to show. "I am aware you are here with your lover but I can do so much better." Doubt it, I thought in my head. Flashing him my real smile, my cover was blown. Ripping off my mask, he brandished a sleek ruby curved blade. How the hell did he change his weapons every single time? Dread bubbled in my gut, his hand pressing against my bump. Stumbling back, roars of rage stunned the crowd. Swinging his fist into my chest, the sheer force sent me sliding across the stage. My blade slid into my eager palm, the diamonds having prevented any damage. The mine's owner charged at me from the other side, my fingers tugging at my tulle skirt. Ripping it off, a quick slice up the sides of my dress allowed me the freedom to move my legs. The waistline emphasized my beach ball size bump, seconds remaining before either one attacked me. Ducking out of the way in time, they smashed into each other. Snatching the deed, my eyes fell on his signature on the line. Borrowing a pen, the tip glided across my designated line. A blast of energy knocked everyone back, his gems dropping from his suit. His powers drained, my old man killing him with one stab. Sprinting out of the stage, my eyes fell on a couple of silver flying horses. Hopping on, Sy hopped onto the other one. Motioning for Renkin to go home, he rolled his eyes. The plan went south in seconds, my hand slapping the ass of our flying horses. Taking off into the sky, the dimension soon looked like a dot in the distance. Tucking the deed into the belt, my blade rested on the neck of the borrowed horse. My old man whistled behind me, his hair floating wildly around his worn face. Horror widened my eyes, a scarlet dragon roared underneath him. A cloudy haze informed me that it was under his spell, my heart shattering for him. A heat built up in the air, his flames building up in his belly. Ripping the deed from my belt, I allowed my flames to destroy the paper. My heart pounded, a clammy sweat drenched my skin as a portal opened up in front of us. Flying through just in time, the ball of dragon flames almost roasting us alive. Sealing shut, we landed carefully. Horror rounded my eyes, dark rocks were crawling with starving demons. A whip frightened the poor horses, our rides flying up into the sky. Leaping down the tunnel, the head demon's energy wasn't too far away. Sy leapt in behind me, the tunnel quaking with a buzzing energy. Ignoring his pleas, my feet skidded down the tunnels. Getting closer, my jaw dropped at the sight of an ornate office in the middle of the musty darkness underneath it. The golden door swung open, my eyes falling on the rotting corpse of the former boss. If he was dead, then who the fuck was running the place. Narrowing my eyes, the answer soon presented itself.

"Looking for me." My old man's icy voice announced himself, chills running up my spine. "I have been trying to find you. Here's how it's going to play out. Your life for theirs. I am going to let you carry your children to full term and then raise it as my own." Letting my sword fade away, I put my wrists out. Sy protested violently, my old man slapping black iron handcuffs on my wrists. A plan was formulating in my mind, his hands clapping. Chains dropped to the ground, the slaves gathering at the door. Their freedom was worth this minor setback, Sy beginning to charge at us. Needing to keep him alive, I had to speed this up. See you later, my dear Sy.

"Take me away." I growled through gritted teeth, my old man obliged. "Let's go." Dragging me into a portal, Sy attempted to run through. Bouncing back, his broken expression was the last thing I saw. The familiar dungeon surrounded me, his black dress boots climbing the stairs. Bowing my head in shame, no chance of escape presented itself. Dragging me into his bedroom, he hooked me up to a metal plate on the floor. At least the others were safe, my mind wandering to Sy's crooked grin. Snapping fingers stole my attention, a blue potion rested in his palms.

"This will knock you out. Drink it and shut up." He ordered venomously, forcing my mouth open. "I intend to keep you asleep until your birth. Do you want to know the best part? You don't get to dream. We can't have you contacting your friends. Good night, my darling daughter." Pouring it into my mouth, I spit it into his face. Slapping me across the face, his fingers gripped the side of my chin. Pouring a second one down my throat, he forced my shut. Unable to spit it out, the liquid took its effect. Crashing to the floor, my vision blurred. A rough darkness stole me away, the last thing I saw in my mind was Sy's crooked grin.

Jerking awake, clammy sweat drenched my skin, a full term bump blurred in my vision. How much time had passed, my eyes squinting in an attempt to read the calendar. Nothing was binding me to the bed, my feet swinging over the edge of the bed. Struggling to my feet, warm water soaked my legs. Sinking to the floor, immense pain rattled me to my core. Biting my lips, I had to get out of here. Built up magic coursed through my veins, just begging to get out of me. Crawling over to the altar on the other side of the room, my trembling hands grabbing his cheese knife. Slicing my palm, blood pooled in my palm. Guards crashed to the door, my finger snapping. A steel dome clicked into place around me, another contraction wracking my body. Dripping a circle around me, my eyes watched a puddle form at my knees. Dipping my finger into it, the tip of my fingers danced in circles to create the series of symbols I needed. My old man smashed his fists into the dome, my palm pressing onto the smooth marble floor. Please work, so I can get home eventually. I wanted to go home. Teardrops soaked the floor, the desperation burning in my eyes.

"Take me somewhere safe." I wheezed, struggling to capture my breath. "Now." A blinding light burned my eyes, the sounds of an evergreen forest taunting my ears. A tortured scream burst from my lips at another contraction, the fright at doing this myself terrifying me. Various forest animals gathered around me, a translucent golden being floated into view. Her white gold waves floated behind her, my eyes falling on her shimmering robes. Piercing blue eyes fell on me, a pleasant smile curling on her lips.

"Come with me and I will take care of you." She offered sweetly, my options were limited. "I promise that I won't bite. I am Evergreen, the demon of this dimension. I have spells that hide us from him. I can even teach you the damn things. Hell, I will write them for you." Her language was rougher than I was expecting, a deer scooping me onto its back. Taking me to a twisted tree, orange flames flickered in the window. The deer set me down on a giant mushroom head, the demon passing me a clear liquid.

"This is a numbing agent for the pain. Trust me, I don't want to hurt you." She assured me kindly, giving me the option of taking it. "I must warn you but you won't be able to mo-" Snatching it from her, anything to stop the immense agony I was in. Downing it, a numbness sent tingles up my legs. Relaxing a bit, she pulled a wool blanket over my chilly legs. Ruffling my messy hair, her motherly energy made me realize what I was missing in my life. A knock on the door alarmed me, a bearded Sy skidding in. Tears welled up in his eyes, silent tears streaming down my cheeks. Was he real? Covering my mouth, my mind didn't want to believe. A warmth washed over me, his ears pinning back.

"You're alive!" He blubbered brokenly, pulling me into a warm embrace. "Is the baby coming? I should have known that something was up when Evergreen summoned me here. I looked everywhere for you. His castle moved, so I couldn't find you. I love you so much, Pumpkin." The numbing agent took its effect over my body which refused to allow me to move my arms, a tender blush rising to my cheeks at his feverish kissing. Time stopped, his kisses sent me into my happy place, a demure smile twitched on my face. Wanting to touch him, a quiet rage simmered inside of me.

"I am sorry but I didn't see another way." I apologized sincerely, working through the pressure of another contraction. "Can you lay down next to me? I have missed your scent. Hell, I missed all of you." Sliding into bed next to me, his hand rested on my throbbing bump. Pulling me onto his chest, his lips kissed the top of my head. Feeling the silk of his emerald shirt brush against me, it made his scent twice as strong. Relaxing my fraying nerves, the idea of sleeping again sickened me. Chewing on my lips, the knowledge of how my nightmares work increased my fear of slumber.

"What did he do to you?" Sy questioned cautiously, playing with my messy hair. "I don't see any bruises or anything?" Gazing at him with my wet eyes, it felt like we were starting where we left off. Truth, the truth needed to be said. Sy deserved the honest truth, the raw guilt gnawing at my heart.

"He gave me this blue liquid that knocked me out for months without dreaming." I returned serenely, reaching for his hand. "I don't know what happened. So-" Placing his finger on my lips, he shook his head. A tender blush rose to my cheeks, my lips curling into my genuine smile. His next words were going to be don't worry about that or something to that degree.

"Don't worry about that." He shrugged off casually, simply happy to be holding me once more. "All I care about is that you are in my arms again. Let's not do that again." Chuckling softly to myself, his grip on me strengthened. He was never going to let me go again, that much was clear. Then again, why would he? He had lost me once, the trauma showing on his worn face. Attempting to lighten the mood, my fingers played with his trimmed beard. The thick hair looked good on his face, his eyes twinkling in my direction. Such pleasure came from seeing his usual good mood, my real smile brightened my pale sweaty face.

"I see you grew a beard." I joked tenderly, taking in every inch of his handsome features. "Your smile kept me going." Kissing the top of my head, he rubbed my shoulders. The pressure increased, a jolt of pain snapping me out of the moment. Leaping out of bed, he didn't have to go far. Evergreen ran in with a pair of gloves on, her fingers buttoning up a white coat. Ordering Sy to hold my legs up, she warned him to look at my face and not what was going on. Grimacing in pain, her orders faded in and out. Pushing with my contractions, an uncomfortable pressure told me that my first child was crowning. One push, nothing. Second push, nothing. Third push, a shrill wail shattered the tension filled air. Pulling a crib over with her foot, she set the first child down. Letting Sy cut the cord, they had to focus on the next child crowning. One push, nothing. Second push, another wail pierced the air. Pride swelled in my eyes at Sy cutting the second umbilical cord, tears of joy flowing freely from my eyes. Cleaning them off, she wrapped them in wool blankets. Setting them down onto my chest, she birthed my placenta. Mouthing a healing spell, the bleeding trickled to a stop. Gazing down at two girls, my heart fluttered at the sight of two white haired girls with ruby eyes. Sy sobbed silently next to me, kissing my forehead. Such a tender moment made everything worth it, all of the trials leading me to this. Thankful for a healthy birth, my eyes couldn't leave my daughters. Wondering if they were real, his questions threw me off.

"How about Gwyneira Seras for the one in your left arm? I am sensing ice powers. Her name means blessed snow." He suggested through a wall of tears, pointing to the other one. "How about we name her Luthien Blossoms since she has the powers of spring? They would obviously have my last name. Are you okay with that?" Nodding my head, the tears flowed harder. Joy, was this joy? Poking their stomachs, tiny smiles melted my heart. Pulling my breasts out of my tattered gown, their greedy little mouths latched on. The sensation was odd but satisfying. Laying down next to me, Evergreen ruffled their fluffy hair.

"Fucking adorable." She gushed with her crass language, a tiny chuckle rumbling in my throat. "I am going to help you bathe in a couple hours when the potion wears off enough for you to walk. Enjoy your babies. Again, fucking adorable." Settling into my new role as a mother, something had finally gone right in my life.