Chapter Thirty-One: A Cobalt in the Shadows


A sea of blood surrounded me, my body floating on top. All this guilt was going to eat me alive, something else haunted me. Chains wrapped around my ankle, on tug sinking me into the sea of ruby. Glancing around calmly, breathing didn't seem to be an issue. Was this a nightmare or a warning? Scarred sharks swam around me, their fins brushing against me. Unable to swim away, the sharks swam away. That can't be good, my lips pressing into a thin line. A clawed hand ripped me through the sand, a world of utter chaos greeting me. Demons slaughtered each other in front of me, inky blood pooling at my feet. A worn blade whizzed by my head, my fingers catching it. What fresh hell was this? Something pulled me here, my eyes scanning for something out of the ordinary. A tiny child hid underneath a pile of cardboard, his tiny body quivering. Older versions of him laid lifelessly in a growing inky puddle, his hand reaching out for me. Snatching me back, the clawed hand snapped their fingers.

Jerking awake, I needed to go now. Leaping out of bed, I tugged on a simple black silk dress. Scribbling a note, I left it on my pillow next to Sy. Tugging on my boots, hot air lashed at my cheeks as I stood on the ledge. Consequences were the last thing on my mind, a kid needed my help. Jumping off, I used the flagpoles to swing down. Landing gracefully, the image of the boy conjured up a portal. Taking a deep breath, I stepped through. Chaos erupted in front of me, the slums of Hell playing out in front of me. Demons slaughtered other demons in front of me, my blade appearing in my eager hands. This wasn't where the boy was, everyone turning towards me. Oops, this wasn't going to end well. As strong as I was, my strength did not match this. Low growls rumbled in their throats, a gloved hand ripping into a dark alleyway. Holding me in a firm grasp, a field of invisibility hid me from my attackers. Looking up, a gentle faced female demon with a kind smile met my bewildered expression. Her rough leather coat tickled my skin, her bright neon pixie cut hair matching her aesthetic. Piercings dotted her face, her bright green lips curling into a bemused grin. Most people would have been scared of her, the brightness of her aura making her an instant friend. Violet eyes scanned my body, the demons giving up. Returning to normal, her tall slender frame towered over me. There was a good couple of feet between us and she had won that battle, a quaint curiosity twinkled in her eyes.

"Why is the queen gracing us with her presence in the land of Ginger Violet?" She questioned politely, tossing me over her shoulder. "Let me take you home for a minute." Shaking my head, I had to find the boy. The boy was why I was here, not one other reason brought me here. If he was powerful enough to call me, then he needed to be saved. Jumping down from her shoulders, a child's scream shattered the chaos. Sprinting out of her protective bubble, my boots pounded towards the scene I had just dreamed of. His parents lay dead at his hands, my heart sinking at my failure to save them. Watching the blood pool in the cobblestone, his wet eyes met mine. The ruffians turned to face me, the kind demon helping us as I flipped over the crowd. Scooping him up, I spun my blade in my palm. Cursing to myself, I hadn't thought of a plan. There was no way I could win, the numbers had me at a severe disadvantage. Use your wits to escape, you stupid idiot. The angry demons charged at me, Ginger landing in front of them. Cocking her brow at the sight of me, I placed the young boy behind me. Extending her claws, her armor shimmered in the fire of the torches lining the street. Bending down in the attack position, now wasn't the time. Raising my blade in the attack position, this kid appeared to be the last one here in this land. Where did all the kids go? Were they having a problem keeping their population up? Such things were punishing to most souls but damning to the dark ones.

"Hand over the brat and you walk free." She demanded venomously, the four year old boy trembling behind me. "He is the last kid of this territory and we need him to br-" Flipping her off, his fate wouldn't be reduced to such a thing. Clammy sweat drenched my skin, the rags on his body did little to cover him. If he was there to fix her problems, then why was he in such poor condition.

"No." I returned firmly, standing my ground. "I refuse to let you use this kid until he is dead. Hell, even after death. Your infertility is your own fucking problem." Charging at me, her claws clashed with my blade violently. His fate could not be reduced to such a fate, the gentle demon from before rushed towards me. The claws met her throat, her head rolling to my feet. Gasping for air, her life force was fleeting. Shaking my head, this couldn't be happening. Tears welled up in my eyes, the loss of another person bringing my shoulders closer to the ground.

"Remember me as Apple. Take my invisibility power, your majesty." She gasped with long tortured breaths, a neon green marble rolling to my feet. Decaying to ash, silent tears stained my cheeks. Picking it up, the hard ball slid down my throat. Blocking each attack, the boy tugged on the hem of my dress. Pointing to a stressed out horse, he attempted to speak. For a second, I had forgotten the boy. Patting his head, he had something important to say.

"Hhhhoorrsse." He choked out, his body quaking. "My horse." Smiling warmly in his direction, I merely needed to shake off Ginger first. Childlike wonder brightened eyes at my skin disappearing in front of my eyes. Clapping my hands, I had faded away completely. Squinting her eyes, they all glanced around with confusion written all over their faces. Scooping the boy up, his grip tightened as I leapt onto his family's horse. Putting my blade away, one touch healed the horse. Holding him close to me, only ten seconds remained. This spell wouldn't last forever, my new ability to use it taking a good chunk of my energy. Taking off into the sky, its ivory wings unfolded. Shrill alarms filled the air, the boy cupping his ears. Snapping my fingers, a pair of silver headphones appeared in my hands. Dropping it over his ears, a long sigh escaped his lips. Scanning for a lost island, my eyes fell on a floating island filled with the pine trees at home. Perfect, one with my knowledge could survive there. Slapping his horse again, a loud neigh echoed in the air. Speeding up, my heart sank at my old home. My mother paced back and forth, my stepfather wiping his hands on his filthy white tank top. Gone was the red pigment in their skin, mold growing on their gray skin. Milky eyes glanced around the outside, my mother's eyes falling on me. Warriors roared below me, a lump formed in my throat. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, my hands began to shake. Every breath grew shorter, involuntary tears poured from my eyes. Paralyzed with fear, fireballs whizzed by my head. Glancing behind me, a triangle hovered behind me. Trembling on the horse, my grip on the boy strengthened. Sauntering out, my body refused to move. Raising his hand into the air, a metal wall blocked them. Pounding on the other side, his attention turned towards my parents. Hopping off the horse, a ball of metal spun on his palm. My stepfather raised a gun, pressing the muzzle to his head. Snapping out of my paralysis, I knocked the boy to the ground. A bullet whistled into my shoulder, a tiny whimper escaped my lips. Kicking his ankles, my father's face crashed to the ground. The gun slid from his fingers, the two of us fighting to get it. Why did your past have to show up at the worst moments! Smashing my face into the dirt, the crack of my nose breaking shattered the chaos, my trembling hand ripping him back. Slamming my heel into his nose, the crack of his nose breaking echoed in my ears. Horror rounded my eyes, my mother scooping it up. Nausea wracked me, pieces of her scalp plopped down inches from me. A gray brain throbbed violently, all of my attention falling on the cold tip being pressed against my forehead. Sniffing the air, these bullets would kill me for sure. The boy's lips moved a mile a minute, her finger yanking on the trigger. Pop! Closing my eyes for what was coming, the gun dropping down next to me forced me to open them. Snatching the gun, I aimed for my stepfather's head. My vision blurred, the boy's hand steadying my own. Pulling on the trigger, a bullet whistled into his forehead. Decaying to ash in mere seconds, my fingers accidentally touched the ashes of my mother. Mixed emotions flashed in my eyes, the corner of my lips twitching. Screaming shrilly into the night, that moment wasn't supposed to feel this horrible. What was this love mixed with pure hatred! My vision blurred, fresh blood pooling underneath my shoulder. Struggling to my feet, his wall began to crumble. Pulling him into my arms, a wall of invisibility hid us. The horse took off into the sky, my heart sinking into my stomach. One, thousands of worn boots raided the island. Two, our hearts were pounding out of our chest. Three, the intensity of the moment stole my breath away. Hiding in our spot for hours, my powers began to dwindle. Giving up on their search, a sigh of relief flooded from my lips the moment they all left. Letting my wall down, his hands gripped my legs like his life depended on it. Guiding him into the carbon copy of my former home, one can of raviolis remained in the cupboards. His stomach growled audibly, a tired smile meeting mine. Nothing mattered more than him at this moment, my mind purposely blocking all of the bad memories belonging to the prison of a cabin. Setting a pan on the burner, the contents of the can plopped in wetly. Heating it up, I cleaned out a bowl with my dress. Dumping the contents of the pan into the bowl, he graciously accepted the bowl. Devouring it in minutes, my eyes fell on his hair. Guiding him up to the bathroom, a couple of my bath bombs rolled around on the shelf. The water groaned on, clean water flowing into the tub. Helping him in, childlike wonder brightened his eyes at the color dying the water. Soaking his hair, exhaustion weighed heavily on his eyelids as I scrubbed in my special shampoo. Thank god for all of these copies, his hands catching the water as the bubbles turned his mats into snarled hair. Shifting around the busted sink drawer, I spun a detangling brush in my palm. Working through the worst of it, he sat patiently. This kid was shockingly chill for what barely occurred, the death of his parents should be tearing him apart.

"What's your name?" I asked kindly, struggling with a particularly tough knot. "I don't know who you are? All I know is that you called me." Turning to face me, silent tears stained his cheeks. Struggling to find the words, he spoke louder with each attempt.

"I am Cobalt Draken." He introduced himself brokenly, turning back around. "Thank you for saving me. Our wagon crashed down into that place." A stunned expression haunted my features, his ability to speak was incredible. How could I expect anything else? He did call out for me after all. Finishing up the last snarl, navy waves hung around his shoulders. Washing himself up, Lord Draken would be thrilled to see him alive at least. Helping him out, I dried him off. Running down the hall to my room, time slowed down. Clutching my chest, the room spinning around me. Now wasn't the time, the image of it hurting me. Pulling out one of my band-shirts, he put his arms up. Dropping it over his head, his body smashed into my legs. One problem had been solved, another one was getting out of here. Where would we go? The horse took its leave, an idea coming to mind. Pushing through my shoulder pain, I could try to summon myself to Lord Draken's territory. I only had enough power to get us there, that option proving to be a better option. Who knew when Ginger would be checking out this island again? Imagining Lord Draken, a black portal swirled to life. Stepping through, one look around my room cracked at my composure. Sealing shut behind me, fields of grapes spread for miles. Crunching our way into town, the devastation was alarming. Not able to leave it the way it was, I placed my palm on the stained cobblestone. A bright light blinded me, the town repairing itself. The light died down, pristine ivory buildings surrounded me. Taking a deep breath, the ivory castle twirling into the sky stole my breath away. Taking my hand, Cobalt ran towards the castle. People waved at me, my polite smile seeming to please them. Knocking on the heavy oak doors, the hinges groaned open. A half asleep Lord Draken stood on the other side, his half opened eyes flitting between Cobalt and me. Running his hand through his wild mop of bed head, his other hand scratched his bare chest. A tender blush rose to my cheeks, guilt mixing at the prospect of me waking him up.

"Cobalt, where are your par-" He began, his mind piecing in together. "How did they die?" Clearing his throat, Cobalt's hands crossed. Smashing into his legs, Draken mouthed a silent thank you in my direction. Seeing him hold him desperately told a tale of hesitant emotional strife, dark secrets laying on the tip of his tongue.

"We had a carriage accident and the heathens murdered my parents. She protected me. I don't know who she is. I simply felt safe. Did I do okay, Uncle?" He explained numbly, clinging to his uncle's legs. "She fed and bathed me. She is amazing." Rubbing the back of my head, surprise widened my eyes at Draken's sudden embrace. His tears soaked my throbbing shoulder, a bewildered huh pouring from my lips. What brought this on? Doing what anybody would have done did not warrant such a reaction, the simplicity of helping others when they needed was a trait implanted in me.

"Let's get your shoulder repaired." He offered sincerely, wiping away his tears. "Cobalt, why don't you go to bed? You have had a long day." Refusing to move, he shook his head. Poor kid, I thought serenely to myself. How could a kid be so attached so fast? Crouching down to his level, I cupped his face. Staring lovingly into my eyes, his lips grazed my forehead. Scarlet colored my cheeks, his hands cupping mine. Hoping he would never let go, the warmth coming over me made me want to adopt him.

"Will you be here for breakfast?" He inquired adorably, my head nodding once. "Okay. See you in the morning. I want to play with you all day long." Ruffling the top of his head, he bounced off with one of Draken's maids. Helping me up, Draken guided me to the kitchen. Pulling out a pair of tweezers, he began to hum. His family died and he was humming a light symphony. Was his relationship a strained one?

"Will Cobalt be okay?" I asked softly, ignoring the pain of him removing the bullet. "I am sorry for your loss." Smiling brokenly to himself, he began to stitch me up. Struggling to find the words to say, this was rare for him. His chatterbox nature often led our conversation, his ears eager for my input.

"You did the best you could do. I owe everything to you." He thanked me profusely, spinning me around. "How about I get a spot of tea going and we can call Sy to come visit tomorrow." Shrinking back, Sy was the last person I wanted to see. Bowing my head in shame, my hands began to shake. Grinning nervously, the kitchen door burst open. A fuming Sy marched up to me, the counter cracking underneath his fist. Shrinking back, his face softened. Cobalt wandered in, Sy taking a couple of deep breaths. Clutching me close to his chest, his lips kissed the top of my head. Rushing past his uncle, he slammed into my legs. Crouching down to his level, his tiny hands hid behind his back. What was this child hiding from me? Whatever it was, the gift would become one of my top possessions.

"I wanted to thank you for saving me." He chirped cheerfully, presenting me with a metal statue of me mid-leap. "I made this for you. Do you like it?" Tracing the hair, his sculpture was impressive. Hugging him in a motherly way, the metal clanged as I set it down. Cupping his hands, a tender blush colored his cheeks. Our bond existed, neither of us wanted to lose it.

"I love it." I chimed sweetly, his grin growing wider. "I'll put it in my room so I can look at it everyday. How are you holding up? Would you like me to go g-" Shaking his head, fresh tears welled up in his eyes. Hatred mixed with love, the mixed emotions flashing on his face. Something seemed off with him, the tainted love having a way of holding him down.

"They would have decayed to dust by now." He assured me dejectedly, an idea coming to mind. "I am happy that I am alive." Hiding my hands behind my back, a black marble statue formed in my palms. Presenting the statue of his parents to him, sobs wracked his body. Hugging it close to his chest, he collapsed into my arms. Picking him up, Sy and Draken protested as I brushed past them. Pointing to his room, I tucked him into bed. Turning to leave, his hand tugged on my dress. All the breath left my body, this boy stealing away my heart by the second.

"Please don't go. I don't want to be alone." He pleaded with a broken grin, his eyes lighting up at me kicking off my boots. Climbing into his large bed, his head rested against my chest. Snores echoed in my ear, his tiny body shook with every breath. Crying silently, the image of my parents decaying destroyed my mental state. Seeing him shudder in my arms reminded me of when I was younger. Kissing the top of his head, a fresh set of tears flowed from my eyes at him saying thank you mommy. Guilt ate at me, my inability to save his parents shook my core. What kind of queen was I? His parents didn't deserve their fate, my mind falling back to my own set of parents. Half of my heart ached for them, the half cheering on their death. Damn, this feeling seemed too complicated for its own good. Sy knocked on the door, the bed creaking as he sat on the corner. Please don't be mad at me, I prayed silently.

"Are you okay? I heard that you had to kill your parents." He queried affectionately, our eyes meeting. "Did you want him to live with us? Draken offered to let him stay in the capital if he visits every other weekend." Tears of joy streamed down my cheeks, his words sounding like Heaven. Popping out of my arms, he leapt into Sy's arms. My heart swelled at the sight, every single breath leaving my body for a second time. Seeing him grin ear to ear made my heart flutter, the sight making the tears flow faster.

"Do you really mean it!" He shouted excitedly, wrapping his arms around his neck. "I only feel safe with you." Jumping into my arms, his hair tickled my neck. His embrace felt so warm, almost like a bit of light in the darkness. Sitting on my stomach, his thumbs wiped away my tears. Uncertainty dimmed my eyes, his hands cupping mine. How could he be so happy after what happened?

"I'm not your mother." I protested hesitantly, his wisdom beyond my years in certain ways. "Are you sure about this? You can stay with U-" Cupping my mouth, his loving gaze bore into my soul. Was this his second life?

"You talk too much." He assured me kindly, fighting back another round of tears. "Trust me when I say this. I want to be with you guys." Giving in, his level of intelligence stunned me. Alarm twisted my features, Sy scooping up Cobalt as I tossed up an unnatural amount of blood into the trash can. Electrical jolts shocked my muscles, clammy sweat drenched my skin. Stumbling out of the room, I needed to see what was on the bullet. Collapsing to the floor, my legs refused to respond. My vision blurred, rough darkness stole me away.