Chapter 5: Always

I tried to put my finger on what I was feeling. Was I annoyed? Excited? Threatened? None of them felt right.

But there was definitely something I couldn’t understand that night. He was bold enough to claim his presence, but was he aware that eyes were the mirrors of our souls? Did he guess that I could see his vulnerabilities? His soul?

Did he see mine? Did he see how broken and changed I am? Or maybe he saw the actual me. Before I lost everything. The real me.

I was the first one to give up by looking around when I saw people moving. I felt defeated because of that, so now I had to get back into the game, even stronger.

I took a big sip from my drink. I couldn’t even taste it because all my body was focused on was him. He was still in the same position, leaning forward, elbows on his legs, and holding his glass.

I thought about our interesting conversation. He was clearly distant and cautious that evening. But tonight, he was far from that. He was open, assertive, and present. To me.

I heard my phone buzzing. As a reflex, I looked at the screen. It was Sophie again.

I’d already lost the staring game again. He was winning by two points. So I decided to take the call. But under his monitor, this was a tough call to take. I wanted to look away while talking, I didn’t want him to know how uncomfortable I was.

"Lara, hi. I just wanted to say I’m really sorry about today," she sounded like she was in a hurry.

"Sophie, are you okay?" I asked.

"I am… And um…" She was almost afraid to talk. After all the arguments we had over Max, I guessed that she was with him at the moment.

"Sophie, is he there?" I asked with my mouth almost closed.

"I just want you to talk to him. One time. That’s it. Because I think it will be… Good. And I learned that you were at a birthday party for a mutual friend, so… We’re in front of the building. Please get in and let’s get it over with."

My eyes opened wide. I was breathing heavily since I couldn’t believe what I just heard. Was she serious?

I quickly raised my head and looked for Di as support. She felt it and our eyes locked. Me holding my phone, my face probably going red… She knew.

Di shook her head slowly with a serious face as if she was saying, "No. Don’t do it. Don’t talk to him."

I thought about all my choices. But only one felt like the right one.

"No. Go away." I murmured and ended the call. My brows were gathered and I was still panting. I wanted to ask Aiden if he enjoyed the scene.

I stood up and went to the restroom. The cold water felt nice on my face and helped me to organize my thoughts. I was at a party where I had no responsibility, I could’ve just enjoyed myself, and the game.

I went back but everyone was standing. It was time to leave. Di came forward and took my arm. We started walking fast as other people stayed a little behind. Where was Aiden?

"What happened?" she asked cautiously.

"Sophie called. They were outside," I murmured and continued. "I want to go home."

"I know, honey. We will. Aiden is starting the car."

I looked at her surprised. "But we came with Enzo."

"Enzo has to catch up with some friends and Aiden offered us a ride. That’s a good thing right??" she asked with a smirk.

I couldn’t say anything. My thoughts and feelings were complicated enough for one day.

When we left the building, I looked around to see if I could spot Max’s car. It was nowhere to be seen.

Aiden was waiting in front of his car. It was black and shining under the street lights. I didn’t know much about cars but it was almost reflecting his personality. Pretentious and handsome.

"I’ll see you all tomorrow," shouted Enzo. Elena was also with them. Di and I walked to Aiden’s car. I tried not to look at him because I couldn’t take the risk of noticing how much chaos he saw.

Di opened the back door, which would leave me in the front seat. I tried to keep a straight face and not to show my surprise. Aiden opened the door for me.

Our eyes met for a second while he was closing the door. His eyes were still the same like they were looking for something to prey on. And even one second was enough for me to blush.

Di said nothing, but I could hear her monologue if I tried hard. Her silence was loud.

"Thanks for taking us, Aiden," Di said suddenly. "You can turn left from here. And since you’re taking us home, you’ll know where we live! You can always come by."

I guess my silence was loud now.

"You’re welcome," his tone was kind and humanistic. That surprised me since all I saw in his eyes was his wild side. "I’ll be happy to come," and he looked at me. "With Vito."

I looked at him and had to stop myself from smiling. His move was sudden and unforeseeable. "That would be good," I said shyly.

Di gave directions to our house and then we arrived. He stopped the car and got out and opened our doors for us.

Di walked to the door and started searching for her keys.

"Thanks," I said. Because I didn’t say it when I got in his car.

"Always," he smiled.

"Good night Aiden!" Di shouted and I walked out the door. "Good night," I said a bit low.

"Good night," he put his hands in his pocket and leaned on his car. He didn’t look like he was leaving anytime soon.

‘Always?’ What was that? And how could he confuse me with just one word?

I avoided talking to Di since she couldn’t stop smiling. I closed the door behind us and just went to my room. With the urge of looking out the window, I walked to the corner.

I moved the black curtain to see if he was still there, waiting. And he was. I was surprised to be able to see his face under dim light. Could he also see me?

He raised his hand a little, the other hand was in his pocket. I saw a little smirk and I froze. I waved my hand and tried to smile, then I closed the curtain.

I lay down on my bed. Would I be able to sleep? What was he doing?

I felt so many things at one moment. It was an intense night. Yes, that was the only definition for it.