Chapter 49: Free

The ride took long enough for me to deal with the demons that wandered in my head, wrinkled my brain, judged every decision I made, and got dissatisfied with everything I did.

I wasn’t winning against them. I wasn’t winning against anyone.

‘’We’re here,’’ Darius dragged me to the cold and brutal reality with his even tone.

Aiden’s name was echoing in my head. I wasn’t ready to see him.

I got out of the car and looked at the mansion. I was standing here, looking at this beautiful mansion at the same angle and I didn’t know what was going to happen to me.

And there I was again. Wrecked, broken and lost. I took a deep breath, wishing it to be the last.

We walked into the home. When we entered, the door closed behind us. I realized then that I was just a bird in a golden cage.

‘’When will she come?’’ I asked without looking at Darius’ face.

‘’Tomorrow morning,’’ he said and waited for me to make the first move. He was waiting for me to walk.