Chapter 47: Rematch

As her heart pounded a staccato beat in her ears, Paras watched the two dragons face off in the cavernous acoustical engine.

The larger dragon pleaded to the smaller one.

"I say thee halt, Youngblood!" Capac roared. "Else, this will be your death!"

"No, you will!" Starlight stabbed a star-spattered claw at him. "Don't sugarcoat this, Capac! You will be the death of me!"

"Yes! Me!"

"So what are we talking about this for? Let's get the lead out, big guy."

Capac's massive scaled shoulders sagged. "So be it, Etzli Hard Road."

Starlight glanced down at Paras. "When I give you the signal, start running for that console, and don't stop."

"But I don't have my dagger," said Paras.

"You will." Her powerful wings pounded the air, creating a whirlwind around Paras and the others.

Starlight took flight.

Paras watched in awe as the two massively destructive creatures raced toward one another.

Capac's wingspan was so huge, it extended past both sides of the walkway.