Kaun Square is a ward divided in two.Kaun Square Stage Two had modern housing and infrastructure.It was notably known for being a porsch neighborhood.This however was the opposite of Kaun Square Stage One which was more of a ghetto.Unlike it's opposite Kaun One is a mini town with many of the residents of Kaun Two owning businesses there rather than their neighborhoods.Daytime or night time were no different as people paced up and about with their business.

Six minutes to eight o'clock in the morning,the fairly dark skinned Hazel struts to Nathan's salon.As soon as she walks in a male with dreadlocks tosses a towel at her."What in the hell Donnie?"she barks in a low firm tone which Donnie did not take seriously."You were supposed to be here at 7:30 not a few minutes to eight."His eyes glance at the que of seven customers who had lined up to have their dreads retouched.Hazel leans into Donnie,"Where are all these people going to?It is work week and not the weekend,"she whispers as Donnie walks towards the bottle of shampoo,"Beats me.As long as they line up like this and the money keeps raining,it is a good day to dance in the rain of money,"he hands her an apron and walks to the client.Hazel steps out two hours later for a short break when she runs into Vince and Shade."Good morning guys,"she greets them in her cheery tone."Hazel good morning.Looking lovely as always,"Vince makes his intentions clear as he smiles mischievously."Hey Hazel.So when are you exactly going to give us your number so we can hang out some time,"the tall brown baby faced Vince stands next to Hazel awaiting her reply."Vince it is too early to be asking me such questions.How about we get to work first,then we can talk about other things later.How does that sound?"Shade scoffs at her response and nudges Vince,"Better luck next time bro."Vince and Shade playfully push each other around as Hazel walks past them.The two males worked in an auto spare shop.Apart from their job,they spent most of their days sitted outside and chasing after the ladies so they could brag to each other on who had more chances with the ladies.

"Good morning my dear,"Hazel stops in tracks at the greeting.She turns to face the short man who sold plumbing and construction materials."Mr Josiah.How are you today?"Hazel asks as she walks up to the elderly man who places his hand on his right hip."Feeling much better my dear.I sprained my hip yesterday and I was forced to close up shop to tend to it.But not to worry,the pain is minimal,"says Mr Josiah as he sits down."You need to take really good care of yourself you know."Hazel places her hand on his shoulder to which he pats,"Do not worry about me.I am still strong,"he smiles."I bet you are,"Hazel strokes his white bearded cheek and continues on her walk.Mr Josiah was amongst most of the locals who couldn't help themselves but stare at he back of every woman who walked past them.At one point Clever called him a hungry old man.Hazel was like a model on a runway waving at everyone she crossed paths with.Her smile and sophisticated mannerism was classy.One would wonder why such a lady would be found in such an environment.These were the thoughts of Eros who had been observing Hazel's movements.As her head turns,Eros dodges an eye to eye with Hazel who looks his way whilst he falsely preoccupies himself.

In between his job when it was not that busy,Eros would take out a bunch of papers and begin to sketch potraits.Eros delves deep into his art during this free time."Oh my goodness!"He is startled by the exclamation.He looks up the brightly glossed brown lips of Hazel which were the first thing his gaze saw,not ignoring the fact she had a bright lilac shirt which was see through.After that quick scan, her face comes into his view."You are an artist?"Her face beamed with curiosity.Eros nods his head.Hazel picks up the paper which he had been sketching.Eros hated it when someone picked his work in progress.So often he would nearly chop off fingers but it seemed this time it did not matter.His no touch before complete rule took flight."I have a little brother who loves to draw.But never in my life have I seen such kind of artistry,"she browses the single paper trying to figure out how he had done it."What can I say,I have gifted hands.Not to mention years of practice yet to pay,"Eros says in a proud tone.Art was his passion which he had honed and continued to perfect from a tender age to present.She gives him back the sketch,"You should think about monetizing your skill.You are literally sleeping on a gold mine."Eros smirks,"Way ahead of you deary,"he sighs,"Indeed I will."Hazel turns to walk when she stops and turns back to Eros,"Can you like do realistic people.I don't know like perhaps you can do a portrait of me?"Eros gazes into her eyes as she peers into his as well.For a second it felt like time had froze and had to awaken from the daydream,"Not yet but once I'm good at that you will be my first model."Hazel smiles and taps his counter,"I will be waiting for that day then mister artist,"she says and walks back to her salon.

Twenty two minutes to eight p.m Eros closes down his booth after it had become too quiet.Eros found the lane that led into the main street a pain due to the incoming and oncoming cars who flashed their car lights so bright they would knock out your sight.He did his best to shield his sight so he could see what was coming.He switches to the other lane and his heart skips.In front of him was Hazel coming with a friend.

In a split second Hazel looks up ahead and instantly notices Eros as she draws closer."You know what girl.I am going to leave you right here,"Hazel stops in her tracks and swiftly hooks her arm into Eros.Her friend notices this action and the two bid each other good night.As her friend walks away she turns her attention to Eros,"So where are you headed?"she calmly asks him as he begins to walk."Here it is work but I do not live here.Actually I am headed home."Eros' heart felt like it was encased in her clenched fist,it could not stop skipping with excitement which he tried his best to hide."Such a charming man shouldn't be walking alone.You never know.You may be attacked by a random woman and have to explain yourself to your wife."Eros raises a brow and let's out a scoff,"Wife?C'mon do I look like I am the married type?"he shows her his bandless fingers,"Oh okay.This is fine.Honestly I would not want to get into a cat fight,"Hazel tags his arm tightly resting her head on his shoulder.Was this really happening,they barely knew each other but in that moment Eros felt a strong connection between them."You speak of me being single a good thing.Should I be worried of some random guy swinging at me and claim you belong to them?"Hazel runs her soft fingers at his jawline facing him.The two stop as Eros looked down at her glossed lips that glowed even in the dark and breathes heavily."You tell me."

"Get out of the way!Do you have a death wish woman?"a driver yells at a woman who unexpectedly crossed the road.Eros looks back after switching lanes at Hazel who had not noticed him due to her being in what seemed like an interesting conversation with her friend.

Weeks later,Eros had noticed Hazel had not been seen around lately.Avoiding being pry he overhears Violet mention she had stopped working for Nathan due to some work related disputes and had setup her own salon.

"Eros,I am in need of water fetching,"Violet says as she approached Eros' booth.He shakes his head and laughs."Girl I had told you that we need to refill that bucket.You underestimated it's volume didn't ya?"Earlier Eros had offered to fetch some water for her to which she refused and opted it be done the next day.

"Alright.I will be there,"he says to Violet who skips away shyly as he follows her closely behind."I wish you could have double checked that bucket.I would not have been forced to carry this on a full stomach!"Eros says to himself as he struggles down a narrow path with a bucket.The people using this path kept leaning towards the wrong direction and made it difficult to balance the bucket on both arms.The distance made him tired,no to mention the unforgiving afternoon summer heat.He looks up at the sky panting,"Lord, please.Can you turn it down a bit."As he tries to catch his breath,a door to his left opens.A woman walks out of a salon.Just as the door is about to close,he catches a glimpse of Hazel who notices him and waves at him.Eros stands up clearing his throat and walks into the salon."Hello!"his head pops from behind the door,"Hey you."Hazel replies as she walks to a dryer.Eros looks around her establishment.Though small it had her classy style all over and was a lovely place."I was wondering where she had been hiding all this time.I rarely see you upfront or did you find an alternative route that leads straight here?"Eros makes himself comfortable in one of her dresser chairs and spins himself."No.Not really.Well yes and no but I have been preoccupied.New place,all my clients flocking here and I barely have the time to socialize in a second."She paces back and forth trying to put her salon in order.Eros noticed it was only her and no other workers.He gets up and reaches for some towels and bottles of shampoo which he hands to her."Thank you.You must be busy with other things and now you are here trying to get another job perhaps with me,"she takes the towels to the dryer and places the bottles of shampoo on their respective sinks."I may know a few things about being able to handle so much.I mean I handle a lot on a daily basis.Sometimes it is nice to have a helping hand.No shame in it."He extends the hairspray to her.However their fingers meet and briefly lock.The two silently gaze at each other and let go.She chuckles nervously,"Well on that you are correct mister."She puts the cans away as Eros sits down and looks at his reflection in the mirror."Apart from being a hair dresser you should try also being a barber!"Hazel swiftly turns around surprised at his suggestion,"A barber?"Eros runs his hands on his two day shaved head."I would come here every day for a clean cut.Besides I have never seen a female barber.You become the first and you will see.We all would love a feminine touch."Just as he says that,Hazel stands behind him and places her hands on his head.She begins to massage him.All the hairs on Eros' body in that moment erect to her touch.She lightly taps his head,"I bet you would love that,"she goes to pick up another wet towel headed for the dryer.

Eros jumps from his seat and picks up a hairspray,"I mean you are lovely company.In between your amazing job and you just being you,I wouldn't see any reason why people cannot help themselves but just be drawn to you."Hazel pauses for a second and continues to organize her make up station,"So how about you.Do you feel drawn to me?"she looks down from the corner of her eye."It depends what you mean by drawn to you?"Eros takes a step,some paces from her.She looks up at him,"Well you know.Drawn can mean a lot of things."She says whilst walking towards a dryer which was a few steps closer to him."Well since I am an artist I can always draw you the pattern to show you what I mean?"Eros takes a step to the other station closer to her."Well well mister artist,would you be so kind to show me the picture you are painting?"Hazel stops and crosses her arms facing him fully."Well I would say the drawing is not a picture but a sun kissed dark chocolate.No beauty is greater than glowing in the sun,"he sternly looks at her.He quickly finds himself standing in front of her,"I am jealous of the sun."He extends his arm and strokes her cheek to which she rests her face in his surprisingly firm soft hands,"Hmmm why would you be jealous of something that is so far away?"She opens her eyes and gazes into his,"Wouldn't you like to be a part of the sun?"Eros runs his thumb on her silky smooth brown lips,"I maybe the hunter who just shot himself with an arrow meant for you.Or perhaps I have impaled us both to it."He holds her other hand,both standing closely leaning into each.The tips of their nose meet."What is your name?"she asks inches closer to his lips."I am the archer."

"Hey move out of the way pal!"A voice from behind startles Eros who makes way for two guys who were carrying a refrigerator.He peers into the view of the door to Hazel's salon closing."That was fun."He gets up and stumbles away with his bucket.

"Hello girl!"Violet gets up to greet Hazel who had just walked into her shop."Hello my love.How are you today?"she replies as Violet walks out from her counter to have a look at her."Ok firstly you really need to tell me where you get these dresses."Violet touches Hazel's lovely aqua flower blossom designed dress."It is so silky I just want to have this on my body.Can I have this?"she smirks at her."Oh my goodness Violet.If you strip me what am I gonna wear?"The two ladies laugh."Violet,you got some..,"Eros walks into the shop and is taken by the sight of Hazel's figure in the lovely dress,"Hey.Whoa.Wow!"The words slip right out of his mouth."What is the matter?"Hazel confidently asks Eros who had forgotten in that moment what he needed from Violet and instead is distracted by the sight of her."Nothing.I mean damn you look incredible."Violet leans to Eros and gives him a nudge,"See.He has a good sense of fashion."Hazel turns to Eros,"Indeed mister fashonista has a good taste.What is interesting,the dress or me?"She runs finger down her hip."Girl you are the absolute complete package."Eros smirks and walks out."Didn't he need something?"Hazel realized Eros had come to ask for something.Shortly Eros dashes back in and out of the shop."Men."Violet remarks and the two laugh.

Weeks pass by.Eros noticed he had not seen Hazel in a while.Out of curiosity he walks past her salon which seemed to be closed.Thoughts begin to wander in his head.Was she gone for good?Would he ever get an opportunity to make an actual romantic proposal?He sighs and concentrates on doing his job.One evening during the work traffic break,Eros peers into the dark corner across him when he spots a familiar posture walking.From the dark emerges Hazel who walks past his booth but makes a detour to check on Violet.Eros smiles having some sense of relief after seeing her.Things would get back on track as he had planned.Hazel paced in front of him without uttering a word nor a greeting.Eros is not shaken.Moments later Hazel walks past him with a male companion.Eros looks at them.He crosses his arms.They walked a metre apart,they walked slowly and Hazel had an unusual posture.So did the male she was with.Eros couldn't help think that she had a boyfriend.Was it possible,perhaps,maybe.If it were true it would be saddening.He had hoped for his suspicions to not be true.

The next evening Hazel walks from the dark corner obviously headed for Eros' booth."Yes.This is the perfect moment to make my move.I can finally make that real conversation,"he thinks to himself before Hazel comes into full view."Hey.I am in a bit of a rush.You do have my number right?"Eros shakes his head,"No.I mean you were almost about to be my loyal customer but then you were not seen much.Where have you been hiding?"As Eros asked Hazel looked from her left to her right as if she was looking for someone.Whilst typing in her number and his head facing down he hears a voice."Hey babe."A male voice speaks followed by the sound of two lips locking."Hey baby."Hazel replies."What are you doing here?Excuse me my guy,what is she doing here?"Hazel strokes the male's chin,"I was waiting for you my love so you can walk me home."The male wraps his arm around her waist tightly and kisses her again,"Well are you ready to go?"Hazel turns to Eros who had his head facing down,"Have you done the deposit?"Eros nods,"Yup.You are good to go."Hazel walks away with the male."Shit!"Eros felt slightly disheartened he did not want to look up at the two as they expressed their public acts of romance."Oh well.At least now I know she is taken.Besides that drunken loser is just gonna broom her really fast,"he snickers and attends to the next customer.

Eros sits in his booth on a boring early Tuesday.He tries his best to not to fall asleep on the job.Closing one eye and leaving the other open.His micro sleeping does not go unnoticed by the unexpected customer,"What are you doing?"the voice makes him open both his eyes to see Hazel who smiles at him."It's you.Look at your messy ass.Bet you had a wonderful night,"he says to himself as he looks at a messy Hazel,"Good morning."Eros yawns and scratches without a care his head,"Hey how are ya?"he looks the other way and back to her."I was looking for Violet,has she stepped out?"Eros peers through the narrow opening from his booth and saw the shop was closed."Well duh.Can't you do the math.The shop is closed.Are you blind?"Eros had seen Violet step out and signalled him to look out."Really?I am under the impression she is open.I guess she stepped out.Maybe she is nearby.I am sure if you go over there and wait a bit you two will meet."he says to her and picks up his phone not giving her an ounce of attention.Hazel taps on her phone and places it to her ear.She silently walks away from his booth as she had come."Yup.Go on you temptress.Giving me mixed signals.Didn't even say goodbye,how rude.You come to my station and leave like that."Eros looks up the sun,"You seriously need to stop kissing everyone you know.And you suck,it's hot!"He grumbles and tosses himself back in his chair fanning for cool air.