"Hey bro!"Eros looks up at Dave who had just appeared from the corner of his booth.The two bump fists as Eros walks out of the booth and stands next to him."How are things on this end?"Dave asks."Man you are like a celebrity in this place.Everyone who comes here keeps asking about you.Which reminds me,"Eros switches to a serious tone."Some dude in a tight vest came by on several occasions looking for you!"Dave's brows raise alarmed by this news,"For real?Some dude is looking for me?"Eros nods,"First time he had his headsock covering his eyes all I could see was his black nose.The second time is when he showed up in a vest,tits out and put on a deep voice.I was intimidated so much I thought he was gonna shove one of those tits up my ass to figure out where you were?''Dave begins to look pale and confused as to whom may be looking for him.Eros laughs and gives him a light nudge,"You should have seen your face.But seriously some dark dude been looking for you.Not mention the women here keep asking about you.Especially the hunnies.I'm like ok these ladies been getting the D from Dave!"Dave laughs,"Nah my time here is done.What was mine is now yours for the taking.Consider it a goodwill gesture."Eros shakes his head,"These are your loyal customers,I am pretty sure once they know you are not very far away from me they will definitely run to you."Dave chuckles,"No way man.Besides I could care less about that black dude.Have you met the two girls,one dark,the other a coloured?"Eros nods,"You mean the skinny hungry ass looking chick and her thick friend?"Dave is slightly thrown off by his accurate observation"How did you see all that?"Eros sighs and looks up with pride,"Inner instinct.I would rather go for the dark thickness than skinny.That girl needs actual feeding before putting the D in her."Dave bursts in laughter,"Yo!That is sick!I gotta run.I will catch you later."He walks away shaking his head and laughing.A young lady walks towards Bright's Shawarma stand.A sleepy eyed cook in her apron looks up at the lady coming."Wow,you look terrible!"says the young lady as she makes herself comfortable on the bench."It is hot my dear.Plus it isn't traffic hour yet.So allow me to take this time to nap real quick."The lady gets up and stretches,"You do that.Is my order ready?"she asks to which the cook reaches her arm over the counter.She pulls out a foam wrapped package and packs it before handing it to her,"Fresh off the hot oil."The lady hands her a bill and begins to walk away."Leah!Get your butt over here!"She turns to the voice of Tasha.She slowly walks towards Tasha's booth.They exchange hi fives,"I want what is in there!"Tasha leans over trying to see what Leah had."I have you on the next round."Tasha begins to pout,"But I am bored and boredom makes me hungry.And that smells so good I just want to dig in my fingers!"Tasha desperately in a playful manner tries to reach for the bag in Leah's clutch."You shouldn't be sleeping on the job.Like I said,I really got you on the second one."Leah smiles and begins to walk away."I will hold onto that promise!"Leah waves at Tasha.She makes a stop at Eros' booth."Hello!"Eros looks up at Leah,"Hello!"he replies."Where is the guy who used to work here?"Ever since he had been there, everyone kept asking the whereabouts of Dave."I am not sure exactly where he is but I am the new guy.Old establishment,new employee."He slightly smiles as Leah nods and walks away."What the hell?She came just to ask about the dude,how rude?"Eros leans back in his chair.

Story had it that during one fateful afternoon,Dave was in his booth when a driver lost control and hit the booth with him trapped inside.The truckers halted the driver whilst the others safely assisted Dave out of the squeezed up container.Luckily he came out of it unscathed although the local police stole most of the stuff found on the scene.Their excuse had been it was impounded.Mr Rian instantly had another booth built and placed on the same spot.A similar incident happened to Eros.Unexpectedly,a darkness closed in on him followed by a loud clanging of metal.He looks up and sees the blind of his booth had been knocked down by an angry trucker who reversed his truck in an angry manner hitting the booth and ramming into a shop.He recalls reporting to his then employee of what had happened.The man just nods his head unconcerned about his wellbeing except for his money.One of the many reasons he had quit his old employee was due to being neglected despite taking care of his assets like his own.

Leah walks towards Tasha's booth who was with Connie at that moment.Eros had observed a pattern in which the trio met.Where there was Connie,Leah had to be there.Connie would walk past Eros back and forth followed by Leah after a few minutes.The premise on which Eros and Clever traded on belonged to Leah's father.Leah usually most of the time seemed like she was having a bad hair day.She would walk by looking tired in her pyjamas and house shoes.Only later or perhaps in the evenings she would come around looking smartly dressed."Guys come and look at this!"Tasha says as her friends gather around to see what had her all psyched."The nerve of this guy to think I can accept his request to be my friend,"Tasha says with much disgust in her tone."I bet he is a Mama's boy.No money at all,just a broke ass loser.Look at his teeth!"The trio giggles,"Oh my gosh!Dude you gotta put the thumbs down on him!"says Connie."You guys are the literal worst.But he sure is dashingly ugly,"says Leah as the friends burst in girly laughter.Eros had noticed Leah was lively or more hyperactive amongst her friends or familiar faces.Alone she seemed more of a decent,shy and unapproachable lady.This was the side that Eros found himself at.Leah paces past him back and forth.Every attempt to greet her was always bad timing or the usual tongue tied and freezing.One afternoon whilst hanging out with Clever,Leah walks towards their lane.She greets Clever and walks past him.His infuriation was written all over Eros' face."What is wrong with you?"Clever looks up at Eros."I don't just get the math here.Why is these younglings always find themselves attracted to married men.I swear to God it dashingly pisses me off man!"Clever realised why Eros seemed angry."Oh you mean the girl who just greeted me?"Eros sneers,"How rude?We are two of us,why not extend a normal greeting than a private one.Like hello am I invisible?"Clever smirks,"You want a thing with the landlord's daughter?"Eros realises he had gone a bit too far.He clears his throat and leans back unconcerned,"Pssh no.Dash her though for being a rude ass punk!She best not find me in a sour mood."Clever laughs and gives Eros a nudge.

Eros did not know her name,instead he begins to scheme.Several plans begin to flow in his mind.Unexpectedly Leah appears from the corner of his booth."Hello.I would like to make a deposit,"she says in a shy mild mannered tone.Eros nods and begins the transaction.He does it slowly, stalling in hopes of looking for an opening.Once the name appears and confirmation done Leah leaves.However,Eros goes through her detail log and finds her phone number.Cross referencing her number he finds a match on social sites.He chuckles mischievously,"I got you now.Think you can hide from me?"Already celebrating,he comes to a shocking disappointment when he discovers the number attached is linked to her mother's social site instead."Shit!Dash!Ugh!"he takes a deep breath and calms down,"Ok time for plan B."A skinny coloured young male walks up to Eros' booth.His time there he had seen this male side by side escorting Leah on several occasions."Hello sir!"the young man spoke in a low mild mannered tone,almost too feminine for a guy.Eros tries his best not laugh.Not only did the young male have a girly tone but his lips were abnormally whitish like he had sipped on a strong alcohol which burned them."Wassup my guy?"he gets up to greet him.A simple nudge nearly pushes the scrawny male metres away.The male laughs nervously rubbing the spot he had been hit on."Hehe.I want to make a deposit,"he says as Eros begins the transaction.He looks up at the male and clears his throat,"So you live just around the block huh?"The male nods,"Yes sir."Eros nods,"Today you are alone.You are not with that chick you are usually found with.Is she like your sister,cousin,auntie?"The male shakes his head,"Nope.None of those.She is my sister.''Eros leans back holding his chin looking at him menacingly before calmy speaking,"Gimme her number."The male is shocked by his bluntness,"Pardon me?"Eros gets up towering the young male."You deaf or you fried your ear drums too when you wrapped your lips at the edge of the tequila glass like you about to lick that kitty for the first time.I said give me your sister's number,"he grabs his collar frightening the young lad before he lets go,"Yo you are a cool guy.Despite the lips you still got the tail,you can make any girl happy,"he pauses before continuing,"if you can meet the requirements in length size.I got both for your sister.What do you say future bro in law?"He places his hand on his shoulder.The manner in which he shuddered and sweat annoyed Eros who shoves him away."Dash!He is never getting to the kitty express any time soon.Hmmm plan C!"A little girl hops up and down the street playfully.He had seen this girl multiple times in the company of Leah.She would jump high to get his attention when she passed by his booth.Today she was walking further away from his booth.As she came around,Eros picks her up like a car had run her over and sits her down on a nearby bench.He sits next to her,"What's up little girl?"The little girl was about to scream when he pulls out a lolipop.She snatches it from his hand."Now let's get to business little lady.I want to see your auntie.."Before he could continue the little girl loudly unwraps her sweet and speaks in between her nibbling,"She is my cousin Mr Money!"Eros smirks,"Ok Mr Money.Is that what you and your cousin call me?"The little girl swings her legs shaking her head,"No silly.That is what you are.You are Mr Money.You take money and give money.You take money from my big sister!''Eros chuckles nervously,"Well guess what.I want to give your big sister eh uh some money back!Would you be a kind little angel and tell her to come over alone and see Mr Money?"The little girl holds up her small three fingers up."I want three more lolipops?"She smirks at him,"Really dude,you are hustling me?"Eros takes out some pocket change and the little girl snatches what he had and runs off,"I will be back with her Mr Money!"Eros grunts,"Greedy little snort nosed smart ass!You better make it count!"Moments later Eros looks up and sees the little girl jumping across the street pointing at him.Leah appears with her arms on her waist looking at him with disgust."What in the hell?"He comes out of his booth as Leah walks up to him.Before he could utter a word he is smacked across the face."How dare you say those things to a little girl?You want to do dirty things to me huh?You shameless dash of an ass!"Eros is unable to defend himself as Leah pours a barrage of insults and grabs his collar continuously slapping him.From the corner of his eye he sees the little girl giving a hi five to the male he had bullied earlier."Those ducks!Shit!"Eros shakes his head as he sits up,"Nope,no.All dashing dead ends."

Connie and Leah walk up to Tasha's booth.The young ladies stand there and are seen to be in an interesting conversation.Tasha looks in the direction of Eros,who had been standing outside as well.Eros turns to his side and noticed the gaze of Tasha before her friends glance in his direction followed by loud giggling and murmurs.This goes on for quite a while making Eros wonder what they had been talking about."Look at him,"Tasha begins,"I swear it seems like there is no opening on this dude.He takes his job serious."Connie turns to Tasha,"So what if he is serious on the job.Aren't you supposed to be?"Tasha snatches the cup in Connie's hand which had alcohol in it and takes a sip."Serious not stuck up.He always seems like he has a stick up his ass!Not to mention there is an abundance of ass walking up and about.It is like he is blind too!"Leah interrupts before she could continue"How would you know all this if you haven't had a talk with the guy?"Tasha turns to Leah,"Does he seem like the approachable type.Guy's like a lil bitch tripping.I think he needs something sweet or I don't know perhaps get laid!"Leah and Connie raise their brows,"By who you?"they say at the same time.Tasha wraps her tongue on the straw and winks at her friends who jump at her trying to get the alcohol away from her.

During the eve of a national holiday the neighborhood was so live night seemed like daytime.Everyone was making preparations for either a holiday braii,parties and all sorts of get together events.Eros stands there relieved the next day was his day off."Hey kid!"Eros turns to the voice of the man who had just left his booth,"Try picking up some girls.Look at those,supple and just your size!''Eros turns to the view of two skimpy dressed teens.He shakes his head and looks up to the man,"Yo these want sugar daddies.You are in that category!''Both of them laugh.He looks up ahead as Hazel emerges from the unlit path.He quickly looks down avoiding any contact with her.Then the scent of a sweet perfume flows straight into his nostrils,his heart warms up and looks at Leah who had just walked past him.This perfume aroused him,not to mention Leah had worn a tight short black dressed which shaped her beautifully showing her figure.Eros takes a deep breath,"You gotta make a move now!"As he said this to himself Leah was only a few metres away walking past him.Instinctively as Leah walked closely to his side,Eros' arm reaches out and swiftly grabs her by her arm.Leah's eyes trace from her arm straight into Eros' eyes.She angrily brushes away his hand as the next hand slaps his cheek.Eros rubs his cheek at the thought of being hit by a woman,"Not flashy.Nope."

Leah paces back and forth past Eros until he grabs her arm.He quickly let's go of her.The stern look she gave him makes him sweat.He gulps,"Hey."Leah takes a step closer to him."Hi."she replies as Eros leans back trying to avoid being swang at any second."Yuh!Ey we are neighbors,we have ignored each for quiet a while now.I am Eros,"he extends his hand."I am Leah,"she replies whilst shaking his hand.He smiles feeling relieved he managed to make the first contact."Awesome.So I was thinking,"before he could continue Leah looks around."Let's get out of here!"Eros is confused by her statement which came out of the blues.She grabs his arm and without warning runs off with him locked into her."You little bitch!"Tasha yells out to Leah as Connie stands there in shock.

"Leah!Do not forget the sleeping bags!"Tasha yells to Leah who walks back to her awwfriends.Eros shakes his head and smirks."I wonder where she would have taken me?"

One Sunday afternoon Eros had run an errand for Mr Rian and was headed to meet him.Whilst on the bus awaiting to reach his destination he was fully immersed in his game.Afternoon rides were a pain for him due to most driver's choice of music.He looks down on his phone when he felt another passenger sit next to him."Hi,"a voice greets him to which he ignorantly nods his head.After ten minutes he sighs and looks up.He looks out the window and noticed he was three bus stops away from his destination.He turns to his neighbor and is shocked.Leah slowly turns her head to face him shyly.Eros begins to feel hot,his heart skipped rapidly."Where did she come from?Dash!Dash,Dash,Dash,ugh!Think fast Eros!"he says to himself.After a series of awkward glances from the corners of their eyes the two fully face each other.Eros rubs the back of his neck,"Heya!"Leah smiles and nods,"My bad.I was in a really tight campaign I did not even bother to check on who greeted me."Leah shakes her head,"Oh no.Its cool.I did not want to disturb you."Eros chuckles nervously,"So uh where are you coming from?Mall,church?"Leah leans back now seemingly calm and comfortable."I went to pick up some incoming merchandise for my mom."Eros nods,"Oh I see."Then the silence creeps in once more as the two face opposite directions but continue to secretly glance at each other.The bus arrives at the stop where Leah too disembarks.Eros saw she had quite the luggage.He begins to walk."Don't look back.Forget it,she is not your problem,"he says to himself."Don't be a dick!You know you want to do it.You will never get another chance like this.Do not be an ass,turn around!Turn the dash around now,"Eros stops in his tracks and sighs,"Dash me."Leah struggles with the luggage when a scruffy dirty looking man walks up to her,"Hey baby girl,need a hand?"the man asked as the scent of cigarettes and alcohol accompanied his words causing Leah to hold her breath."No I'm good.Thank you!"These were the local junkies who roamed bus stations to hustle change to buy more drugs.If one was not careful,when irritated the junkies were known to be aggressive and mostly robbed people boldly in daylight.Before the junkie could continue, Eros grabs one of her luggages,"Hey baby!Sorry I am late.Here let me help with that!"The junkie quickly retreats from their sight.Leah turns to him and smiles relieved,"Thank you so much.Those guys are persistent."Eros nods in agreement,"I just saw how quick he was to assist.Their assistance comes with a price."Leah looks down and up turning to him,"I am fortunate you were around.I might just call you my guardian angel."Eros smirks,''I'm Ros by the way.Short for Eros,"he introduces himself."That is a lovely name.I am Leah!"she says then a silence creeps in for a minute."Leah,you are in luck I do not have a nickname for ya!"She raises a brow at his statement,"Why would you want to give me a nickname?"Eros stutters to find his words,"Well you know it is a friends thing right.Sometimes you get to know each other and boom we be calling each other cooler names."Leah twists her finger on one of her braids,"I-I do not recall us being friends.I mean I see you every day.You are always busy.Angrily busy."Eros chuckles,"Ok that is a judgy.You know the saying never judge a book by its cover."Leah looks away embarrassed,"I-I yeah you are right."The two continue to banter back and forth until they arrive at her residence."I will take it from here,"Leah comes to a halt as well as Eros who puts down the luggage.He stretches,"I guess I will see you around."Leah nods,"Yes and thank you again."Eros smiles and walks towards Mr Rian's shop.

Eros and Phil,one of his old acquaintances from his former employee invites him to a party which after much persuasion Eros agreed to attend.Upon arrival Eros realized he knew almost everyone at the party.He grabs a drink and walks around trying to ghost those who knew him.Phil catches up to him and they stand amongst Phil's gang.As Eros' eyes scan the place his gaze meets that of Leah and her friends.Eros almost chokes on his drink."Whoa Mister Lightweight take it easy!"Phil jokingly says as he pats Eros' back."Who knew Mr Stuck up came to these kinda parties!''Tasha says whilst sipping on her gin."Never judge a book by its cover,"Leah says to which Tasha rolls her eyes,"Ugh gimme a break Leah."Eros makes his way to the table where a bowl of punch was.As he nears the punch bowl he is met with Connie.Eros smiles and gives way to Connie.She reaches for two cups and pours some for her and then extends another cup to Eros who is surprised by the gesture."Want me to hold this for you?"Connie smiles,"No,that is for you is it not?"Eros smirks and nods,"Yup,why else would I come over to the table if not to get a drink,"he laughs awkwardly and sips on his drink walking away.The mid base music is turned on loud as they gather round when the host shouted for a singles open dance floor.Anyone willing took turns showing off their dance moves.Amongst them is Tasha.She lifts her braids,twirling around and shaking her hips like she had no backbone.One would say she was seductively possessed in the manner which she danced whilst peering into her audience.Her moves attract some of the playboys who join in on her dance.However most guys noticed the dance wasn't necessarily for show,instead it was a call."Shit this lil bitch crazy.Dash can you handle all that crazy on the bed?"One of Phil's friends turns to Eros.He looks back and at them,"Uh what you talking about?"They make way and he realizes she positioned herself in his angle.It was clear all her perverse moves were for Eros"Y'all crazy ducks!"He quickly gulps down his drink and rushes to the punch bowl.Connie too joins in on the dance floor.By a stroke of luck,the DJ plays a favorite tune of Eros,now tipsy and feeling friendlier jumps onto the dance floor.The crowd cheers for him.Leah sits up and is amazed.She contemplates whether to jump in but her soul was already at the dance floor,her body was beginning to resonate to the rhythm.Just as she is about to get up,she sees Tasha and her other friend Jen rush to join Eros.The pair grind and dance all over Eros making the crowd roar in excitement.After the mood settles everyone begins to hang out.Eros had become a star for the night and felt drained by the number of the ladies that had taken an interest in him.Phil and his friends jump in and preoccupy some of the ladies as Eros slithers away quickly.He finds an empty couch and tosses himself on it."You have some moves!"Eros quickly turns to the sound of the voice.Leah leans on her palm glaring at Eros."Hey.What a surprise!"She nods,"Surprise is me starting to see this side of you."Eros leans back and faces her,"What kind of side might that be?"Leah sighs,"The fun side,and not the I have eaten an aloe!"They both laugh,"Well I am glad.Perhaps since you have seen this side of me,you can show me your end what it looks like."Leah moves closer to him,"If you are lucky I may show you more!"Eros' heart skips and begins to feel hot,"Is this you or is it the alcohol talking?"Leah moves much closer to him and hplaces her hand on his hip."Here we are!''Whilst the two have a moment,Connie and Tasha interrupt."Oh hi,hi!I haven't had so much fun in a long time.Woo!"She turns to Eros,"Hey handsome!You are quite the entertainer!"Eros smiles at her,"Right back at ya!"She gets into Eros' face and pokes his cheek,"What were you doing here alone with my friend hmmm.Last I checked we work close to Tasha each other.You barely look at me or a simple cat call.Am I too hot for ya,I can make it really hot!"Connie pulls her away from him as Leah hides her face embarrassed,"Ok we are leaving!"Connie says."No the party has to keep going!I wanna party!"Tasha struggles to free herself from Connie's grip.Tasha had become wasted and started to behave unruly."I hate to ask,can you guys help me drag her drunk ass home!"Leah grunts but Eros gets up,"Well party is over.Lets get her home before she strips."He leans to Connie,"She wouldn't strip right?"Connie stutters,"Let us take her home!"They help a woobly footed Tasha down the street as she mumbles jibberish and hums.Nearing her place she jumps to Eros and hooks her arm into his."No we danced tonight.It can't end like this.Come over and sleep with me?"They all look at her shocked at her statement,"Come on!You wanna have a piece of this sexy ass!Hmmm"she begins to feel his chest and giggles seductively,"You won't regret it.Im worth it!"Eros nearly blushes but keeps his cool.Connie takes control and hauls Tasha away forcefully."No!No!Let go of me!I want him!He is mine!"Tasha cries out as Connie drags her away.Connie helps Tasha into her home,"Get off me Connie!Duck in hell,the dash dude!"Connie is confused for a moment."Wait a duck at the door you were faking it this entire time?Were you trying to get him over to have sex?"Tasha throws a tantrum before resting her face on Connie's chest,"You messed up our opportunity to a threesome!"Connie stutters,"I-i beg your pardon Tasha?''She looks up at Connie,"Don't duck me bitch!You too wanted in on the hot action,you also want that meat for yourself.Liar!"Connie cradles Tasha,"Shut your drunk ass up!"Meanwhile Eros walks Leah home after the two get into the house."Wow you have quite the friend in Tasha!"He moves closer to her,"I don't suppose you too are as nuts as her?"Leah laughs,"She is built that way.I am sure she did not mean all the things she said."Eros sighs,"What a bummer.I guess I won't get that fun time she said so much!"Leah gasps and gives him a light nudge,"Are you kidding me? You'd rather bang a nasty bitch like her than me?"Leah quickly looks the other way,"Duck!I did not mean it that way!"Eros smirks,"Oh you meant a lot alright!"She pouts playfully and the two laugh till they reach her home.Eros,"Well here you are.At the doorstep.You go on in now."Leah smiles,"Thanks.Goodnight."She turns her back but then walks back and unexpectedly jumps onto Eros.She cups his face and kisses him.Eros stands there and gives in slowly to tightly wrapping his arms around her waist.Leah breaks the kiss and smiles before dashing into her gate.Eros sobbers up and left speechless,"Wow,ok!Ok!"He walks away wondering if he had been hallucinating.

A day in between those in attendance at the party greeted Eros when they walked past his booth.Mr Rian wonders how Eros had become an instant known figure to which he simply says he it is thanks to him.Leah comes around with her mother.The timing being poor he does not say anything.Later she paces back and forth,Eros had no chance to greet her.It was back to default,no connection.Eros sighs and sits back in his chair feeling disappointed.During the day,Leah appears from the corner of his booth.She hands him a note and quickly runs off.Eros picks up the note which he unwraps.He looks up and grins.She had left him her phone number.