Bitter Gourd Soup

Zhang Jian said, slightly worried, "Okay then, why don't you go back and rest first?"

Li Baojia silently rolled her eyes and bowed slightly. "Then I'll get going now. I'll be back to look for Jiaying when it's the Lantern Festival."

When Li Baojia and Taotao walked out of the Zhang family's residence, Taotao asked impatiently, "Miss, when did you ask the young master to come and pick you up? I follow you every day. So how come I don't know about this?"

Li Jiaying had a twin brother named Li Yu, the eldest in the family, followed by Madam Qin's eldest son, Li Mingxuan, and her youngest son, Li Li.

Li Baojia got on the carriage and nibbled on a small snack, saying, "I didn't ask him to pick me up. I haven't said anything yet."

Taotao's mouth was wide enough to fit in an egg. "Then, then you just said..."

Li Baojia turned and slapped her on the head. "You silly girl. How could he agree if I didn't say so? I'll just go back and write to my brother. Brother is staying at my grandfather's in Ji Province. It's only a few days away from here."

Taotao covered her forehead and nodded with approval. "Miss, that was impressive!"

"By the way, where are we on the woman, Ping something?"

Taotao immediately became serious. "I found some clues. Her full name is Ping Qingqing, Assistant Minister Zhang's cousin. She has been living in the Zhang family's residence because of her own decline."

"She is said to be in love with Assistant Minister Zhang, but Mrs. Zhang did not agree to the marriage and broke them up. Later, the Zhang family's decline left Ping Qingqing no choice but to marry a wealthy and powerful official in Ji Province named Wang something. After that, I have no idea how she came back."

"Miss, was this woman chased out of the door because her husband found the child in her belly didn't belong to him?" Taotao asked.

Li Baojia tapped her fingers. "If they found out that the child did not belong to the Wang family, would they let her come back so easily? She would at least be punished, not to mention executed."

Since the last time she knew about this, she asked Taotao to check Ping Qingqing out, but what Taotao could find about her was limited. As a result, many matters were left unclear.

After returning to her courtyard at the Li family's house, Li Baojia sat down to write a letter to her elder brother in Ji Province.

In the letter, besides asking him to come to the Imperial City to pick them up and return to Su Province, she also asked him to help her find out about the Wang family and Ping Qingqing.

After writing the letter, she folded it up and asked Taotao to send it to Ji Province as soon as possible.

After Taotao finished the order and cleared the table, she suddenly realized that she had not yet told Madam about this.

Taotao was a bit worried. "Miss, can the Madam approve of your going to Su Province? After all, if you are engaged to a man during the Lantern Festival, you have to prepare for some time."

Li Baojia looked confident. "My grandfather's family is also in Su Province, and I haven't been there for a long time, so I'd better take this opportunity to go. Mother will not have a problem with this."

Besides, after the Lantern Festival, she knew they would realize that the engagement would not work.

As she had expected, Madam Huang came over for dinner, and Li Baojia mentioned the matter to her. At first, she didn't consent to her going, but then she mentioned her grandfather.

Madam Huang thought that it was a rare opportunity and that it would be difficult to visit him after she got married, so she agreed.

After Madam Huang left, Taotao jumped up and down with joy. "Great! Miss, let's pack our things!"

Li Baojia finished her meal and laid down. "It can wait. We can make a list first."

The first thing she had to consider now was whether to deliver the soup to Zhao Yi in the morning.

It was too difficult to do.

As she was thinking about this, someone from the kitchen below came over to ask for instructions. "Miss, which soup should I choose to send to the prince tomorrow?"

After saying that, the person handed over a list, on which there were a lot of soups.

Li Baojia tilted her head and casually pointed. "This one: stewed chicken with bitter gourd."

She thought this would help bring down his inner heat because he'd consumed too much high-calorie food.

The dinner lady said, "Miss, Madam has asked for the soup to be delivered at seven in the morning. Therefore, I think it's better for you to make preparations tonight."

Li Baojia sat up. "Do I look like someone who knows how to make soup to you? Aren't you worried His Highness might get sick after eating my cooking?"

The dinner lady froze and said in fear, "Then...then what should..."

Li Baojia sighed. "If I make the soup and you assist me, who should take the credit?"

"Of course, it's you, Miss."

"Then does it matter if the work is unevenly distributed?"

"No, no?"

Li Baojia nodded with a satisfied look on her face and then motioned for them to leave.

On her way back, the dinner lady's head was still dizzy. She always felt something was wrong but couldn't tell, so she obediently prepared the ingredients.

Early the next morning.

Li Baojia got up, cleaned up, put on her dress, and sat in front of the bronze mirror, pleased with herself.

Although she planned to return after a short stop at the entrance of the East Palace, she wore a low-key dress just in case.

She wore a simple double bun tied on her head, decorated with some pink beads and flowers, and a dress that was just right, neither over the top nor shabby.

"But no matter how plain I try to look, I can't hide the quality I'm exuding," she thought with a smile as she looked into the mirror.

A short while later, the cook brought the steaming soup and put it in a white porcelain pot. Li Baojia cleaned her hands with a serious face and said. "Bring it."

Taotao handed over the green jar with a grave face. Li Baojia took it and found it was a jar of salt.

She took a small spoon, scooped a little, sprinkled it into the soup, and asked the dinner lady next to her, "Will that be enough?"

The cook thought for a second and said, "Put in half a spoonful more."

Li Baojia took the spoon and scooped half a spoonful.

She said it was too much.

Li Baojia poured out some more.

She then said it was not enough.

They went back and forth over this before it was the right amount.

After putting it in, she stirred the soup with a spoon. "The soup is finished!"

Taotao was excited. "Miss, you're so good!"

The dinner lady had a look of admiration on her face. "Very few noble ladies are willing to make soup in person. You're definitely one of a kind."

Li Baojia proudly tilted up her little face. "This is nothing."

The other servants in the room knew she was telling the truth, though.

So Li Baojia took the soup and strutted her way out with Taotao.

The food box was made of wood and wrapped with special materials that could keep the soup warm for hours.

She smelled the fragrance in the carriage and rubbed her little belly. "I should have woken up earlier today. Now the smell is really killing me.

Taotao immediately said, "Miss, I called you today at three minutes past one in the morning, and you stayed in bed for another 45 minutes."

Li Baojia glanced at the soup and then at it again. "I regret it very much now. I just want to finish the delivery quickly and return for breakfast."

When they reached the entrance of the East Palace, they showed their tokens and went in.

Mr. Huang had been waiting for her at the palace entrance, and when he saw her coming, he greeted her with a smile. "Miss Li, welcome!"

This morning, the prince seemed to be in an unprecedentedly good mood. He did not even get angry after his subjects said something stupid about Jiangnan's drought problem during the court.

Li Baojia handed the food box to Mr. Huang and said with a fake smile, "His Highness is busy, so I'll have to ask Mr. Huang to do me a favor by bringing the soup inside. I think I better get going now."