The Four Horsemen meet at a place called the Hall of the End. It's located within there very own domain called the Void of Armageddon. It's a dark space filled with stars and pieces of floating land. Only those who server the Horsemen and invited guests are allowed but not many receive such an invertation.

One of the pieces of land held a Colosseum. It looked old and as if it held a 1000 wars within it.

Kuru is walking in a dark passage of this Colosseum. He followed War from behind.

All Gods are able to change from a titain size to a humans height.

Kuru seems quiet nervous. Not knowing what kind of training War is to give him. War didn't speak. All Kuru could hear was the sound of their footsteps and Wars armour.

At the end of the passage they stepped into the colosiums grounds. The ground were clear with sand and old broken pillars.

"Here you will train. If I am to teach you to fight like a true warrior. I need to see your resolve."

'my resolve?'

Suddenly 10 skeletons emmerged from the ground with old broken swords and broken armor

"You have to kill them all."

Then War suddenly disappeared. Leaving Kuru alone and unarmed.

"wait!... I have to kill them? I don't even have a weapon!"

Suddenly War appeared where a king would be seated.

"You are not worthy of welding a weapon. So use your fists."

Up in the air appears a system like panel Showing:







"what? My fis.." before Kuru could finish his speaking. He is stabbed by one of the skeletons. Through his abdomen.

Kuru's eyes showed signs of shock and he looked down to see the sword and his own blood.

'What?... So suddenly..."

" Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!"

Kuru shouts with pain.

The skeleton pulls out his sword but another skeleton appeared from behind him. It swang it's broken sword and slash Kuru's back.

" Aaaaaahhhhhh" Blood splatter from his back and Kuru fell to his knees.

'it hurts! It hurts! It hurts!' Kuru's thoughts screamed.

The third skeleton came and as Kuru looked up. All he felt was the fear of death.

"Please don't..." it cut off Kuru's head. His head rolled on the ground. As it stopped, the light in his eyes disappeared.

[1st Death]

"Oppa! Oppa!"

' That voice.. I know that voice.'

"Oppa help me."

'that voice... Little sister?'s so dark here. I can't see anything. I can't feel anything.'

"Oppa, please save me!"

Kuru opened his yes. He found himself lying with his face on the ground.

"did i die?" he whispered.

"yes you did." War answered. Standing in front Kuru with his arms crossed.

"You are within the void of Armageddon. Under the power of Death's Law. You can die but not stay dead. But it will hurt. Every cut, every dismemberment. You will feel the full Brunt if it all."

'what?...this is insane.'

"each time you die. The undead soldiers will resporn. So get up Boy. If you keep getting slaughtered. You will never grow."

"but i don't have a weapon to protect myself."

"And what of it! If you don't have a weapon use your hands. If they cut off your hands then use your legs. If they cut of your legs then Use your teeth. A weapon is not some object that is just used in your hands for killing. It is how you use it that makes it a true weapon."

War tured around and walked away.

" You have already disappointed your first life and died a shamefully. Are you really going to do it again?"

Kuru looked at his hands made a fist. His mind ran through all the hardships went through and all the pain he had suffered. The last picture in his mind is his family. His little sister hugging his leg.

War look at him and said quietly to himself.

" his eyes have changed a little. Show me Kuru. Show me your resolve."

Kuru faced the 10 skeleton soldiers. Kuru ran towards them. One soldier swung his sword. Kuru ducks and dodges. He throws a punch and hits it's face but it does little effect.

'shit.. My hand hurts. Who knew punching hurt so much.'

Then from behind a soldier plunges a sword through Kurus back.

"aaaaaahhhhh" Kuru screams as blood gushes out of his wound and mouth.

[2nd Death]

"Oppa Save me please!"

"Sakuya!" Kuru screamed as he woke up. With his hand reaching out in the air.'

' oh yeah, I can't die in this place...but I have to keep fighting'

Kuru gets up and faces the skeleton soldiers again. He runs towards them. The soldier swings his swings downward but Kuru bearly dodged it. He jumps on top of the soldier. Forcing it to fall on it's back. Kuru then repeated punche's it's face until it's skull broke.

'I can't be the scared child anymore!'

2 soldiers came from behind and stabbed Kuru with their swords into his back. Another soldier in the front plunges his sword through Kuru's face.

[3rd Death]


' I can't give up anymore'

Kuru throws his school jaket on one soldier's head and takels it to the ground. He takes it's sword and jumps off him before 2 soldiers came from behind.

'I won't give up'

Kuru runs towards them. But the soldier swongs it's sword and knocks it out of Kuru's hands. Four more soldiers come with spears in all directions. Stabbing Kuru at the same time.

[4th Death]

"Oppa Please!"

'I have to find out what happened to my parents'

Kuru kills one soldier with a sword, throught it's head. 2 more soldiers with swords come but he is bearly able to dodge and block their attacks. He swings back cutting another ones head off. The other swings it's swors but Kuru jumps back. He got a cut on his arm, but Kuru stays strong. Two more soldiers come with their spears from behind.

'I have to save my Sakuya'

Kuru ducks to his knees, Turns around and grabs one spear with his free hand. He pulls the soldier closer and cuts it's head off. He doesn't stop and swings his sword at the other spearman but without notice another soldier with a shield appeared. Not only does it block his attack but breaks Kuru's old sword.

Just past that shield soldier's head came spear. It piersed his cheek as he dodged his attack but two more solders came with swords and cut his legs off.


'I Can't stop here.'

Another bigger soldier appears. Walking slowly towards Kuru who is lying on his back.

'I won't stop here'

In it's hand is a giant heavy hammer. Kuru looks up and shouts.

"Fuck You!"

With great force it smashed Kuru's head into the ground. Splattering Kuru's blood brain matter on the ground.

[5th Death]

"help Oppa help!"

'each time I die I can hear my sisters voice.'

Kuru's dodging has improved and is swinging his sword faster. His stanima has increased a little.

[10th Death]

"Oppa don't give up."

'each I hear her voice in my head. It gave me strength.'

Kuru is now able to match the strength of a soldier and dodging a little better. But the bigger skeleton swings its hammer into Kuru's chest. Sending Kuru through a pillar and flying across the battle field. Ribs broken, coughing blood.

[18th Death]

"Oppa it's so cold."

'each time I heard her voice it made me angry'

Kuru's pain threshold grew stronger. Being able to ignore cuts, punching and bone breaking attacks.

[25th Death]

"Oppa say somthing!"

'each time I heard her voice call out to me. I Could not help but bring out somthing I had always felt inside.'

[38th Death]

"Oppa, save me please!"

'each time I heard her voice crys for help. It became harder to Hold back what have been hiding inside.'

[84th Death]

"Oppa aahhhh!"

' Inside me, like everyone else. Their inner darkness. But mine is different.'

[125th Death]

"aaaaahhhhhh.. Oppa. Aaahhh"

' mine is much darker than you think.'

[156th Death]

"Mommy, daddy, Oppa.. Help me!"

' mine is a monster.'

[200th Death]

Kuru opend his eyes. But somthing has changed and War senses it.

"Come on boy. Show me"

1 soldier swings his sword but Kuru easily dodges it with little movement.

'I can feel the movements and the sound of wind the sword makes as it's being swung.'

He grabs and breaks a piece of the soldiers ribs and stabbs it in the temple of it's head.

'after fighting so long. I realised I can use anything as a weapon.'

While the soldier drops to the ground. Kuru takes it's sword.

Kuru runs. His speed and agility has increased. 3 soldier with swords take a swing at him. Kuru is able to dodge and cut each of their heads off with ease.

' I can feel the weight of the sword cut into bone. Most of the time I cut thick bone but the sword would break. So I aimed for joints and weak points to decapitate body parts easily.'

2 spearmans and 1 shieldman came forward. Shield in front and 2 spears behind. 1 spearman throw it's spear but all Kuru did was tilt his head. The spear missed. He put the swords hilt in his mouth Kuru took the spear.

' People say using a spear in close combat is asking for death. But I don't see the difference in using between a staff and a spear.'

Kuru got close but struck the spear in the ground. Using it to leverage to jump in the air. While still holding onto the spear. He doesn't let go of the spear and throws it at the one who throw it first. Kuru' s strength has increased so much. The spear impails the soldiers sternum.

The second spearman throws his while Kuru is still in mid air. But Kuru tilts his head with the sword in his mouth to deflect the spear.

'I noticed that every inch of movement you make with precise time can save your life in battle.'

Kuru decends upon the shield man but it blocks the blow. While on the shield, he grabs onto the shield. He jumps off, uses his weight and forcefully brings the shield down to the ground. The soldier is still holding on to it. Kuru grabs it's head and places it's teeth against the shield. Kuru uses his elbow and hits the back of it's head repeatedly. Till it teeth breaks through and it's jaw broken.

Kuru takes the sword out of it's mouth and takes the shield. He looks at the unarmed soldier and runs towards him. He uses the shield and pushes the skeleton against a broken piller with great force. Crushing it's ribs.

Suddenly a feeling death came from behind. A giant hammer comes towards kuru from behind.

(loud explosion)

The broken pillar exsplodes by shear force. Bones of the soldier go along with it. But Kuru is not there.

'Through the amount of times I've died. I could feel before every strike. I could feel the intent behind it. Killing intent.'

The giant soldier looked left to right. Suddenly kuru comes behind and slashes the back of the giants knee. Frocing it to go down on one knee. The giant swings it's hammer but Kuru jumps over it. The giant swings it's hammer back but Kuru uses it's knee to step up. Then steps up on it's shoulder and jumps in the air.

"Show me boy! Show me the monster of the dark side of your heart."

Kuru eyes gave off red manna like smoke. His old broken sword became imbued with dark red manna. In the air, Kuru lifted the sword above his head and shouted.


Kuru comes down with a vertical slash. An explosion on dark red manna 20 feet in the air.

Once the dust setailed. Kuru is standing on top of broken bones and armour. A large slash at lead 30 feet long and 3 feet wide appeared on the ground.

Kuru is breathing heavily. But smiles. He looks to his side to see the 5 other soldiers running towards him. Kuru runs towards them and throws his shield like a disc.

Kuru's strength has increased so much the breaks 2 soldiers in half.

1 soldier swings his sword horizontally but Kuru slides on his kness, Past the soldiers. Kuru quickly gets back up and throws his sword. The sword plunges into the other soldiers skull. Kuru then grabs that soldier's sword and attack the next one.

'after witnessing the movement of joints over a hundred times. I'm able to predict the movement of their swords.'

They clash the swords. Kuru blocks 3 stricks and pins his opponents sword to the ground. Kuru then slides his sword up and takes it's head clean off.

Kuru looks back to see the last soldier coming at him. So he ducks under his swing and in one swing. Cuts off both legs. Kuru then takes his sword and drives it into it's mouth. The soldier dies and falls to the ground.

Suddenly a system panel shows.



War stands infront of Kuru.

"Congratulations, you died 200 times and was finally able defeat 10 undead soldiers."

" long have been fighting?"

"1 year has past. You have to get some rest.."

"danm it!" Kuru shouts as he hits the ground with his fist.

"What's wrong boy?"

"it's not enough.."

"after some rest. You can continue tomorrow.."

"No.. Before I rest... I have to complete it."

"Boy, you have just awaken manna. You need time to rest. You just died 200 times most would lose their minds after 10 deaths. You.."

"I'm sorry but I can't. My sister... She's... She's alive and I just accepted the fact that she died. She's out there all alone and nobody came to save her... I... I can't wait any longer. I'm her big bother and yet lived with a fact that she was please... Please lets continue!"

Wars felt his resolve. Kuru had finally let go of his weaknesses and under that helmet War wore. He smiled.

" So be it. But if you lose your mind and sanity. It's on you."

"thank you Lord War."

'huh...calling me Lord War cheeky bastered.'

War the takes out a old dagger and hands it to Kuru.

"First, I'll teach how to use a dagger"

Kuru examines the dagger. He sees that it's worn out with old blood stains on it.

"how long will it take to tech me?"

"that depends on you. How ever long it takes untill I'm satisfied."

Kuru grips the dagger tightly and War begins to show more interest in Kuru.







[255th Death]

"A shield can stop attacks but I will not only show you how to use it to protect you but how use it to kill your opponent."







[505th Death]

"The sword is one of the greatest weapons ever made. But the sword can only be as strong as it's welder. I will tech you 10 000 different ways of the sword."







[894th Death]

"The spear is ment to keep your enemies at bay. But not only is it's tip used to kill but it's staff and hilt. I will tech how to use every part of the spear to kill. Even if it breaks in half."







[1050th Death]

" The bow, it kills the enemy at a distance but if used correctly with manne. It can become the most deadly weapon."







[1549th Death]

"Chains are more dangerous than wips. They are cold, heavey and painful. I will teach how to use the technique. Fist of Hades... But just don't tell him I taught you it."

'I've either lost my mind or is War starting to like me?'







[2023rd Death]

" Guns, one of mans finest weapons. If you put this weapon in anyone's hands. They can become a murderer. But if you put it in the ands of expert. He or she will become a deadly enemy. I will teach you the ways of each gun and how to use them. You will perfect the art of killing."







[3146th Death]




" How... How long has it been now?" Kuru asks while gasping for air. The battle field is filled with bodys of undead soldiers wearing different arm uniforms.

"511 years, take rest. Tomorrow tech you how to fight with your hands."

"Yeah i think I'll take that rest... Now." Kuru says as he passes out. Face firts on the ground.

"This kid, his a complete moster. To think you spend over 500 years constantly fighting. Hahahahahaha." War laughed

At the Hall of the End. Death is sitting alone on his thrown. He had been watching Kuru's progress the entire time.

"to think. War out of all people to show interest in a human. This boy, will he be the bringer of his worlds the end or it's Savior?"

"I can't wait to see."

Kuru woke up feeling refreshed and his body recovered. War had given him a green like elixir for his wounds.

"just wait a little longer sister. I'll find you and bring you home."

Kuru makes his way to the colosium. As he enters the battle field. War is waiting for him.

"what took you so long?"

"what do you mean? I thought I woke up early."

"What are you talking about. You've been asleep for 8 month"

"8 months!" Kuru shouted as he jaw dropped.

" thats why told you to rest after each stage but your hard head couldn't even do that." War said while exuding a deadly aura.

"I'm deeply sorry Lord War" Kuru said getting on his kness and bowing frantically.

'cheeky bastered. Although he only slept for 8 months but what he put his body through and the amount of time he took to complete it. Is truly astonishing'

"you can earn my forgiveness after you learn how to fight with your hands."

"yes sir Lord War!" Kuru, trying to act like a soldier.

"Hold out your fist." and so he did.

"bend your arm slightly."

War point at the kuckes of the middle and index finger.

"remember the body is a weapon it's. These two kuckes are a weapon. The elbow, shoulder, knees, feet, hill of the foot, head and even your teeth are weapons."

'wow all thses body parts can be used?'

"now I will tech you the ways of hand to hand combat and different martial arts."

"please teach me lord War."


(10 years later)

"you're finally ready. Now don't die too much"

'what did he mean by that?'