Ch 1- Kelly

"Alright! That's it for today, thanks for watching and supporting as always. I love y'all". *Chu*

Catchme121-'Don't go yet catcher! Okay a bit longer'

Starcraft261-'One more round, catch! Pleaseeee'

The screen kept rolling with the same such comments, and the young man leading the broadcast gave a soft chuckle. "Sorry guys but it's already past time for me to get off, so I'll see you all tomorrow. Have a goodnight everybody".

The viewers in the live room stared at the motionless character on the screen until the screen turned black only leaving behind the words 'this anchor is offline'.

Many viewers sighed and turned their attention to other live broadcast rooms.

The young man who just exited the virtual reality game sat up from his nutrient pod. He lazily opened his eyes and glanced around his dark apartment and slowly got up to make himself a simple meal. He sat down at the table and scrolled through the StarNet to look at the news while eating. As he browsed a call suddenly came through his communicator he pressed the accept button. A video projection appeared before the young man and an enthusiastic voice came through his communicator.

"Kelly! Great job streaming as always! Have you ever thought of extending your streaming time? You'd probably gain more popularity and earn more money if you streamed longer, you're always playing games anyway. You might as well stream the whole time instead of just doing it for a couple of hours".

Kelly rolled his eyes at his agent's words "I've already told you gaming isn't as enjoyable while streaming, so I won't stream for long".

The agent stared at the youth's beautiful face "then how about you start showing your face when you stream and stop using the voice changer? If you showed that face you'd gain lots of girlfriend and mom fans".

The young man's face turned stern "or how bout I ask the company for a new agent who won't always nag me?".

His agent felt his back go cold and showed Kelly a sheepish smile "ha ha…. I was just joking around with you, I know you don't like using vanity and just want people to appreciate your gaming skills. Well I'll leave you be then, have a good night". The video projection disappeared and Kelly sneered at his cowardly manager.

After the teenager finished eating he logged back into his absolute favorite game, he played it for several hours before exiting to the standby screen. He stared at the ripped sniper in front of him and felt satisfied. In fact, what his agent said about him not being vain was completely wrong.

Kelly has a very beautiful face and unique voice, but he hated having such a feminine appearance. As he grew up he saw his classmates and friends playing various virtual reality and online video games. He got pulled in by his friends and realized he could adjust his looks and voice as he pleased and thus he made all his characters buff and strong men.

Games allowed him to fulfill his dreams and vanities just a bit and as he played he came to realize he had a genuine talent for playing games. Gradually becoming completely entranced and obsessed with gaming.

Kelly had lived alone since his parents' deaths at the age of 15, relying on the money given to him as compensation he completed high school as they would've wished. After graduating however he started gaming full-time and used streaming as a means to earn enough income to support himself. Kelly likes to play all sorts and types of games however, all his favorite games seem to come from one company.

Gaia Tech is the leading company in virtual games and simulations and Kelly will promote their games to his viewers whenever he gets the chance. Kelly plays many different games on his live streams and never plays one game consistently. However, when he turns the live stream off he has two or three games he consistently plays and even sits near the top of the leaderboards. All three games are products of Gaia Tech and he treasures them all evenly even though the types of the games are totally different. The scenery, plots, and gameplay are the best of the best Kelly always finds himself absorbed even if he's completed almost everything there is to do and achieve in the game.

Kelly signed back off the game and scrolled through StarNet habitually before he went to bed. He was lazily scrolling however the next moment he sat up in bed and exclaimed in shock. "A new game?!". Kelly stared ardently at the page he was on.

'Gaia Tech announces the launch date for their newest VR game. Below is an interview with the CEO and chief developer of the game'.

Kelly hastily scrolled down to click on the interview.

A holographic project flashed through the dark bedroom before Kelly was a handsome and dashing young man with the words Gaia CEO flashing above his head.

'Thank you all for watching. I am extremely pleased to announce that we at Gaia Tech have completed what I believe to be our greatest masterpiece. This game has been my dream and goal since I was young. A lot of time and research has gone into developing this game. The man pulled up a PowerPoint slide behind his head and turned to show the pictures and stills of the game. These are photos from the game Lichen. This game brings together characters from ancient earth myths. Our Gaia Tech worked with ancient earth experts and historians trying to research and discover as many of ancient earth myths as possible. This game brings those myths to life for our interstellar citizens to see and learn about. This project will allow everyone to learn more about our ancestors from ancient earth and the stories they developed and told their families many millennia ago. There are many unique races and one of the coolest points in my opinion is the character settings. This game coordinates with the Main brain AI, players don't get to choose their characters or looks in this game. When a character enters the game for the first time the main brain will scan the players and assign race and attributes based on the player's soul and potential. There are over 40 races within the game that all have unique powers and abilities. I look forward to welcoming all players into a magical world never seen before. The game is set to release at the end of next month, to celebrate this historic event Gaia tech will be opening a drawing. Everyone who has purchased a game or virtual simulation from Gaia tech previously can register to enter. The prize is a specially made highly virtual cabin sporting the game's features along with it comes a copy of the game. 100 lucky winners will be drawn two weeks before the release of the game and will receive the first access to Lichen; ahead of the rest of the interstellar. I'd like to thank everyone for supporting Gaia tech, over the next month our official page will post photos and game info before the official release. I look forward to meeting you all in the virtual world'.

Kelly rewatched the interview and paused it when the PowerPoint images appeared.

'Sigh' "another masterpiece" Kelly mumbled. He rushed to find the link for the virtual cabin drawing and hastily entered and verified his information before finally turning off his communicator and going to bed. He tossed and turned but he was too excited to sleep; Kelly sat up and walked over to his virtual cabin. He turned on the setting for live streaming and entered the cabin.

"Hello everyone this is Catcher signing on for a late-night chat and play". The live room slowly flooded with Kelly's usual fans.

Starbby0- 'ehh? Why on so late Catch? Finally have a conscious to play more for us?'.

Gingerluv- +1

Catchlovr1- 'what starbby said, are you gonna start playing for us more??'.

Kelly held his head and sighed "no tonight is just a special occasion and I was too excited so I thought I'd share my excitement with my lively fans".

Starbby0- 'what are you excited about?'.

"Have you guys seen the press interview Gaia Tech posted today? They have a new game coming out and it's gonna be amazing. You guys should run to enter their lottery, I'm stoked for this new game and wanted to market it to you all".

Kelly stayed up and decided to support Gaia he played his favorite game with his main account to wow his viewers. He played and chatted for four hours before finally feeling tired enough to sign out. Kelly got up and passed out as soon as his head hit the bed.