Ch 3- Face-cons unite!

The man's eyes flashed and when he opened them he was sitting in a beautiful meadow. No matter how many times he's seen it he still feels drawn into the realistic touch and senses he has in this game. Immediately the man disappeared in his place a large and beautiful red and gold Phoenix appeared, it spread its large wings and took off observing its world and domain with pride.

The next day Kelly woke up in a daze, he wiped his hand across his face and held his cheeks for a few moments. Then smacked his cheeks hard in an attempt to boost his mood. He heaved in a heavy breath and shakily exhaled 'showing your face can't be that bad, come on Kelly'.

After he finished hypnotizing himself Kelly got showered and dressed before making his way to the virtual cabin. After adjusting the broadcast settings he clenched the sides of the cabin fiercely as he slowly lowered himself to lie down.

The next moment his eyes went dark and the system interface appeared 'please pick what type of entertainment you are seeking today'. Kelly expertly navigated the interface and went straight to the games section and selected his all-time favorite game, hoping it could give him some confidence and security.

As soon as his character appeared on the screen the live broadcast live symbol flashed and he saw his face in the virtual cabin appear in the corner of his screen. Kelly looked incredibly awkward as he greeted his viewers and looked tightly as the numbers staggered and increased exponentially fast.

"Welcome back everyone this is Catcher here playing Gun slingers online. It great to see you all". As Kelly finished words fireworks and stars lit up across his stream room both large and small rewards flooded his room. He stared at the barrages silent as a frightened chicken, one must know his viewers rarely gifted and he's never gotten anything higher than a third-tier gift. When Kelly snapped back to reality, he started reading the names of the highest gifters thanking them for their support.

Dazedcat- 'fuck Catch if I had your Face I'd go be a model or movie star or somethin else; being a couch gamer is a waste with that face'.

Catchme121- 'wow catch I never thought you'd be unattractive or anything but I don't think any of us could have imagined you being such a beauty with that poisonous tongue'.

Starbby0- 'shit I'm a bottom but I think I'd be willing to top if it was for you'.

Kelly read the barrage and asked his room monitor to directly kick people who say perverted things. The poor room mod was extremely busy as many viewers were saying either 'want to fuck' or 'I'm hard' he had his hands full kicking out the dirty-mouthed viewers.

Meanwhile, Kelly's face had turned as black as the bottom of a pot. "If you all keep saying sexual things about me I'll never show my face or voice again. If you want to say anything inappropriate keep it to yourself".

Kelly's voice was cold as frost and his beautiful face looked particularly scary at this moment.

Starcraft261- 'fuck me, this is definitely a kaolin flower type of beauty isn't it?'.

Even some of Catcher's most loyal and honest viewers were turning bad on him; Kelly felt that his insides were turning green. He clapped his hands and turned off the viewing for the barrage for himself and didn't say another word to his fans until around four hours into his stream. Casey steeled his nerves and turned the comments visible so he could see how these hooligans had been chatting while he ignored them.

Kelly's eyes almost rolled up, all the comments were talking about his cuteness when he looks a certain way or how when he pursed his lips he looked fatally sexy. He also took a glance at the fan gifts and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets he managed to earn over 200,000 dollars in four hours. He couldn't even dream of making that much in two years.

Even though everyone's lusty and derisive comments were unpleasant Kelly couldn't help but relent that it was worth it for this kind of money. So Kelly just kept the viewer's comments invisible and mainly only talked about gameplay. Another four hours passed by in a flash and Kelly turned the comments visible again.

"Alright we'll conclude my first eight-hour-long broadcast here. Thank you all for watching and for the gifts, I'll be back here again tomorrow at the same time".

Kelly watched stars, fireworks, and various rewards flash across the screen and smirked as he saw his viewers wailing and begging him not to leave. "You all want me to play longer?". Kelly spoke in the sweetest and coquettish voice he could muster and watched the barrage go crazy.

For the first time tonight, Kelly showed a dazzling smile "Ahh. But I don't want to ".Kelly crinkled his eyes and said sweetly "Goodbye, perverts". He then exited the Livestream as soon as he left those words and felt very satisfied. Kelly got out of the nutrient cabin and logged into the streaming platform on his communication device; to see the breakdown of how much he earned. He opened the platform and saw his face plastered on the front page above the stream were boldface letters left by the website moderator "Face-cons come to check out our best and most beautiful gaming baby!".

Kelly stared at the line blankly and felt his eye twitching; he madly called his agent the next second. The line beeped stating it was busy, Kelly refused to give up and kept spamming his agent.

"When I get my hands on that moderator I'm gonna smack him into next week". Kelly was fuming by himself; going into a complete rampage. He heard a 'beep' and looked back at his communication device and saw he a received a deposit from StarLive streaming for 1 million dollars. All Kelly's dissatisfaction and anger disappeared in a flash and a giddy smile appeared on his delicate face. He then proceeded to open the E-mall and ordered an absurd amount of nutrient solution all at once. He kept rubbing his hands together in excitement and decided to just deal with his current streaming contract and make the most cash possible with it. So the pattern of gaming and streaming continued like this without any ripples for two weeks.

The live drawing for the Lichen virtual cabins would be held tomorrow and the CEO's secretary Alice was currently passing on the information he previously requested.

"Sir here's the list you've asked for, there was quite a lot of data to sift and compare so it took a while. I've narrowed the list down to around 300 people based on your criteria".

The boss stared at the document in the secretary's hand and showed her a beaming smile "good job, now I need you to go through that list your holding and take off any of those people who didn't enter the raffle".

The secretary sighed in relief, such a task would take no more than half an hour. Sure enough, just a short while later she walked back in.

"Here boss, only 20 people on the list didn't enter the raffle".

"Perfect, I've decided to raffle off an extra 6 nutrient cabins. I want it to be separated from the other 100 and have only the people who are on the list in your hands involved in it".

"As you wish, I'll set it up right away".

With the drawing being tomorrow Kelly streamed late today to celebrate and also to focus his nerves on something productive (aka earning money). Kelly stayed up late and slept in, almost missing the live raffle altogether. Thankfully his notification sound was turned all the way up so when the live room for Gaia Tech opened he woke up from the notification.

Kelly raised his wrist and glanced at the notification, seeing that it said Gaia Tech he abruptly sat up and looked at his clock.

"Shit! I almost missed it!".

Kelly wiped his imaginary sweat from his brows and opened the live broadcast room and saw the handsome face of Gaias CEO. He didn't pay much attention to him in the first interview but this time the man grasped his attention tightly. "Art huh? His name really suits him with a face like that".

This is the second time the CEO of Gaia Tech has appeared in person, before the previous interview no netizens knew what the rumored genius CEO looked like. Gaia Tech appeared in the circle only a short twenty years ago and managed to reach the top and dominate the market within its first ten years.

The CEO appearing now arrives just as suddenly as the game Lichen before that interview the company had never mentioned or released anything pertaining to this game before. The more Kelly thought about it the more mysterious he felt the man on his screen was.

As Art started to speak about the raffle he first stated how many people had entered. "Now without further ado let's have the main brain pull up our lucky 100 winners". The screen behind Art flashed and soon 100 names neatly appeared behind his head. He slowly and calmly read every name out. "Congratulations to our winners! Please send a message to our HR department and they'll collect your addresses and send your virtual cabins out tomorrow. Now before you all sign off I have a special announcement".

Art paused and smiled at the camera as another list appeared behind his head. "Behind me is a list of over 200 names, these names include some of our most successful and dedicated users from various games and simulators. I personally have decided to raffle out an additional 6 virtual cabins that are slightly different for this group of individuals. I won't keep you all haning in anticipation, now let's hold the final raffle of the night".

Kelly sat up straight as he saw his user tag in the names listed above, his heart raced in anticipation. He wasn't selected in the first one hundred but with odds against him, he wasn't surprised or upset. However in a pot of two hundred his odds of winning we're very good. Kelly's cheeks flushed red in excitement and he stared at the screen without blinking. The next moment six names appeared before his eyes.


Kelly raised his fist to the air and literally fell on the rolling back and forth in excitement. After he finally settled down he went straight to the HR portion of Gaia's page, verified his information, and sent his address. Kelly got on his live stream later and flaunted his good luck to his viewers who reluctantly put up with it because of his face. Kelly was on an emotional high the whole day and couldn't sleep due to his excitement. So he gamed all night and once the day came he sat next to his front door waiting for the doorbell to ring.