Imperial club - II

In the vvip room 1 of imperial club

Fred Meyer, with his leg crossed and a lighted cigarette in hand with dense smoke emitting from the cigarette, opposite him, also sat Liam Reigns of the Reigns conglomerate and his leg crossed over the other .

For some days now, since the news of Rose's death Liam has been busy looking for clues to prove that Rose is still alive but all his hopes crashed when they found Rose's favorite Gold necklace in the crash . For the first time in his life Liam felt inferior because he couldn't fulfill the promise he made to a dying woman on her sick bed to marry and take care of her granddaughter.

" Loosen up man , you've avenged Rose by trapping her killer in a loveless marriage" Fred chided his friend whose face was unreadable at the moment.

Chloe walked into the room and announced her presence with smiles " your wine is here sir "

" Look your wine is here cheer up "

Chloe's smile faltered suddenly when her eyes fell on Liam whose eye's were closed at the moment, ' why is Liam here of all places ' she asked herself, her heart palpitating strongly against her ribcage her breathing because raspy and she cursed inwardly , the scene where he warned her not to go anywhere without his permission replayed before her like a movie.

' I must not allow him to see my face " she concluded and proceeded to serve the wine with shaky hands. Whilst encouraging herself. ' be calm Chloe he didn't notice you '

She served the wine hurriedly ' luckily he didn't notice me ' she heaved a sigh , and made to leave, his grabbed her by the wrist with his head bent and his disheveled hair covering his eyes.

"You're here to serve me right ? Take this and drink as much as you can " he handed him the glass of wine she had poured for him .

Horror was visible on her face , she wished a hole will appear out of nowhere and she will fall right into it. To save herself from this embarrassment.

Shit ! Chloe cursed , he did recognize me , I might as well drink since his friend can't recognize me . Let me play along after all this was what I was paid to do , but not for him ! Chloe you fell right into his trap ! She scolded herself.

Chloe gulped down the glass of wine at a go , the wine burned her throat and her cheeks flushed red .damn ! the wine's is sweet and strong as well she thought and licked her lips , but she didn't notice her actions turned him on.

Liam eyes turned cold and he grabbed and drew her to himself, " what are you doing ?, You should be hiding your face not playing along" he reprimanded her .

Liam made a note at the back of his mind to teach her a lesson when the got home for been a bad kitten. How dare she flirt with him in public! Dressed in an alluring manner ! Is she trying to attract other men too ? His brows furrowed at the thought of that . He has to get her out of here before she does more harm .

" See you later Fred, am off " he flung the weightless Chloe on his shoulder and retreated the room with Chloe dangling on his shoulder.

" Okay , let's have fun next time " he waved him away .

" Wait! what did I just see ? Liam carrying a woman in his arms ? Maybe the wine is too strong he thought and waved it away as if he's seeing things .