Wednesday the 17th

The torn Prince had just gotten word that there is something in Salem High School that has some plan that the bullies are planning for the graduation party and the angry princess looked and had told him that it might be best to tell Sean about this let him see this he might be able to stop another one of his friends from dying Rosemary came up and looked at it she already knew who was the next Target she said that Anna is the next Target and then puta Sean came up and looked and agreed with Anna he didn't want to and he knew that it was a bad thing but why would they target them they can't figure it out as the firstborn son looked at it he was shocked to see that two of his friends were about to be targeted for elimination and to be killed off he knew that this was not going to be good so he told them that they need to make sure that these girls don't get killed on the same day the Jackal had came up and told them that if this is true then there's something to do with those two girls and why they would attack them first and not Suki since she was Sean's love life the angry princess had said to him that she agrees and knew that something was going on Sean and told them that before he even knew Suki and before he had a love life with her that he had a love life with two others Rosemary head Thought back and she remembered that in 9th grade he did have a love life with puta and in 11th grade he had a love life with Anna the dire mother came up and said if that is true then there is a major problem they probably are going to go after the love life's that he had with before anyone else knowing that would draw him out the great son came up and agreed with his mother knowing that that would piss him off to no end he would come out and they would trap him Sean had that idea of being trapped but his plan was different it was to not be trapped himself but to trap them the Juggernaut came down and asked him what is that plan.

Sean said the plan is to get trapped but not to get trapped the juggernaut was confused just like the rest of them Rosemary understood what he was saying she knew exactly what he meant as she tried to explain it to everybody that he would get trapped but not really he knew that the Trap was going to be in an area where there was a trap door and he would disappear as soon as he got trapped inside the cage she said they would flicker the lights on and off and as they did he disappear and we would surround the bullies that are there the first born son likes the idea he knew something like that would work to give him a little scare as Sean explained the second part of his plan to make the walls bleed and bloody arms come out from the walls and the ground she knew that if they could scare them into submission they would forget about doing the plan the torn Prince loved that idea he agreed with that idea knowing that if they were too scared to even go back into the gymnasium Salem High School they would have to turn to one other gymnasium and that would be the one in Canton High School the angry princess knew how to make things bleed without even touching them she told him that the blood and stuff would be on her Sean said okay as the the first born son was able to mock people and mimic their voices he could draw in the bullies with the voice of Dirk known that he was the leader of the bullies.

The juggernaut said his energy is strong enough to hold those doors closed for a long period of time Sean said that's a good idea to make sure those doors do not get opened and knowing the Juggernaut it would be useful for him to keep those doors closed the bound woman told had told them that there is a way to get all of the bullies in one place and scare them all into submission it would take two parties to do so if Sean is willing to listen to what she had to say she told him he said he'd love to hear that idea of hers she said to split us up into two parties and that she would be in the second party as head captain of that that way while she scares half the bullies into Canton the other half of the bullies will be in Salem they get scared into two separate gems the walls bleed and the Juggernaut could hold all the doors in the gymnasiums of Canton and Salem High closed Sean looked at them and he said he liked that idea Rosemary even liked it she told the bound woman that was the perfect idea to scare both parties of bullies into submission leave them so scared to where they can't attack their friends so they got ready and they planned out what they were going to do the bound woman said that she was going to be in Canton High School as the others were going to be in Salem the Juggernaut would be between both schools with his energy slamming the door shut Sean would be in one place Rosemary would be in the other knowing that they would draw both of them out they would have to be the targets as the angry princess like that idea everybody got ready and with the maps they went to the schools and got ready and prepared