The next day in school was very peaceful for Xue Yiran. There was not the constant nagging from the two girls, Aviva and Maia which was as a result of their black materials that was posted on the group chat. The two girls had been called to the dean office and berated with harsh words. After the dean inform their parents, they were faced with another second scolding from their respective parents. Ever since then, Aviva had appeared low key. You wouldn't even hear her harsh voice till the end of the day. Even her follower, Maia was the same.

Anyway, that was none of Xue Yiran concern. Her head was buried in the history books on her table. There was an upcoming pre-test next week. That was to prepare the class for the upcoming mid-term test. As she was a new soul in this world, Xue Yiran was a mile behind everyone in term of anything pertaining to history. Of course, she has the cheat Susu with her and wouldn't need to do anything but just rely on him all through her academics.

Suddenly, an ominous thought came across her mind. What if one day leaves her and Susu disappears. Such thoughts suddenly sent a chill all over her body.

She immediately shut her eyes, shunning the unpleasant thoughts that was taking up in her mind. Even when she succumbs to the impossible probability of being sucked into the void, Susu was the one who save her. The two had already shared two lifetimes together. Then why would such a discerning thought be taking up in her mind.

After coming to such conclusion, Xue Yiran unrest mind was suddenly calm.

"I was just worrying for nothing." A chuckle evokes from her lips.

Susu who was playing fight the landlord with the clones he had conjectured in the system space heard his host chuckle.

[Host. What's wrong?]

"Nothing. How's the shop in the virtual net going?"

[It's doing great. Our daily figure yesterday was two billion credits.] Susu was excited to announce his reap of hard work. [As long as our daily income is like this, 50 years to now, we'll be richer than the Starry star emperor.]

"Cough, cough." Xue Yiran choke on her spit when she heard the number of years Susu mentioned. 50 years? Then how rich is the emperor for him to have such a huge amount in his hold. Well, he's the ruler of an entire planet so that's not surprising for him to have such amount. "You, how do you know the amount of credit in the emperor's account?"

[I hacked into the financial account of the country.] Susu answered like it wasn't a big deal hacking into the planet financial bank.

'Wow. I really admire your courage.' Xue Yiran salute in her heart.

It didn't take long for the morning class teacher to come in and just like that, the class started.

~Roland Academy~

The hallway of each class was devoid of students as all of them were already in their respective classroom, listening to the teacher lectures.

Although Roland Academy was made for the elite, they were quite strict in their discipline. If any students were to move on about during the lecture's hours, they would be summoned to the board room immediately and sanctioned according to the school laws.

However, what was surprising now was that a student was currently actually walking down the class corridor. And that was none other than the crown prince.

Ian had just finished with his training routine and was ready to meet his mentor, Amos. It didn't take a while for him to reach his mentor office after some minutes of walking.

Inside the office room, Amos was seated behind his office desk, his head bowed onto the hologram projected on his table as he kept scribbling on the screen with his finger.

"Teacher." Ian who had already entered the office greeted.

"You're here." Amos lifted his head up when he heard the voice. He moved his left hand to the side and tapped on a conspicuous button. The hologram which was displaying some undistinguishable symbol was put then put off.

"Yes." Ian nodded, watching his mentor actions.

"The reason why I called for you is due to the pre-test competition. Would you like to participate?" Amos cut to the chase.

Ian was confused at such question and answered. "Wouldn't that make me a bully if I were to participate in such competition."

"That was my opinion also." Amos nodded his head, agreeing with Ian's word. "The principal still told me asked you. Your strength has been growing day by day, shouldn't such a thing be displayed at the national competition. As for the interschool competition, I've told the register to opt out your name from it."

"Why?" Ian eyes widen. He had been training like a bull before the competition even start, why would he be opted out without any reason.

"Just like the pre-test competition, wouldn't you also be a bully if you were to participate in the interschool competition. At your constant growing rate, you would be able to take down some of the contestants at the national level. Also, you don't have to worry about not having a partner to train with. Me and you will be going to the wilderness to train your skills. I've already informed the principal about it and he assent to it."

Hearing that, Ian was instantly delight. "Thanks so much, teacher Amos." No matter how hard he'd been training with a virtual simulation, it won't be as good as having a real physical combat. Due to his status as the empire crown prince, his safety was top notch. And surely, he wasn't even able to step into the wilderness to train.

The last time he was granted access to train there, behind him were entourage of skilled soldiers. He even regretted coming out to train because even the lowest rank F class beasts which he could handle were all killed by the entourage without his hand killing a single beast. Their reason as they were doing their job to protect the crown prince.

Much like, it was as if he was on a tour. He had to hurry back home before news like 'His Highness the Crown Prince Went on A Tour Outside the Wilderness Bringing a Barrage of Soldiers with Him. How Cool Is That' spread across the empire.

But with mentor Amos bringing him along, he surely wouldn't enjoy such special treatment from him. Ian was happy at such an outcome.


At the Xue's villa, one could see a small kid topping a wolf beast that was ten times its size. Yet the wolf beast didn't appear angry at all. It just laid on the floor letting the kid do as he wish.

"Sister, can I bring Sky to school tomorrow? I told Ayaan today about Sky, he was also excited to meet Sky. So, I promised to let him see sky." Xue Haoran looked hopefully at his sister, not minding that he was topping atop a whole Wolf king. To him, Sky was a harmless gentle pet his sister got for him. And besides, he really loves Sky so much.

"Well, I don't think that'll be possible." Xue Yiran down the hope of the little fella.

"Why? Sky doesn't bite at all so he won't injure the kids at school."

'Hey kiddo, who told you I don't bite. This tooth is one of the sharpest weapons we sliver wolves have. Want me to show you how sharp it is.' The sliver Wolf king who was ready to flaunt suddenly felt a shiver down his body as he was about to bear his fangs. Looking upward, his gaze clashed upon Xue Yiran cold eyes. 'Fine, fine. I was only trying to show the little fella the real deal. Who knew my good little deed would be face with such contempt.' The Wolf king broke his gaze away and laid his big head back onto the floor.

"Yes, Sky is gentle but have you ever thought of how you'll get him to your school. With how big he is, he wouldn't be able to fit into your school bus."

As if he was just noticing the Wolf king huge size, Xue Haoran wore a very sad expression, his face looking as if he was about to cry. "But I made a promise to Ayaan that I'll bring Sky to school tomorrow."

"Oh, don't cry." Xue Yiran scooped the little guy off the Wolf king's body and pacify him. "How about you bring Ayaan over here tomorrow. You two would be able to play with Sky how long you want."

"Okay." The little guy sniffles as he answered.

After getting him to bed, Xue Yiran logged into the virtual net she hadn't visit for a long time. As usual, uncle Mike was busy and kept answering the constant customer.

The whole previous uproar had soon died down but there were still flood of customers coming to the shop. The shop had already gone through a total makeover. It wasn't the small cramped store before. It was now ten times larger than before. There were several decorations inlaid on the wall. Most especially the huge portrait of the idol celebrity Xue Yiran was portraying that stood out in the store.

There were screams of surprise from girls as soon as she appeared.

"He's truly good-looking. I must have bath with a lucky soap before coming here."

Xue Yiran greeted Uncle Mike and started assisting. But it seems like the other party just want her to leave everything to him. Xue Yiran had no choice but to do as he pleased after some constant pestering.

Outside of the shop, Xue Yiran had no idea of where to go. She saw that she had several messages in her inbox. However, most of them were from modelling industry and entertainment industry. They were all asking her to sign a contract with them. The pay was very mouthwatering. It would have been great if she was the actual person they really want to contract with.

"I'd better not look anymore. Such a good offer really makes my heart ache." Xue Yiran exited her inbox and strode forward. "Hmmm, where should I go." She ponders. "My strength has increased a bit; I should be able to visit the battle arena." Her step suddenly paused as an idea suddenly struck her. "Damm, what a stupid person I am." She had gotten quite stronger; doesn't that mean she is now able to go out of the Z zone. Previously, she was at the F class ranks, now that she's at the C class rank, she should be able to go to the higher zone.

Xue Yiran was very excited thinking of that. She quickly message Uncle Mike that she would be going to the upper zone and hurry off to the transmission portal.

However not long she left, a certain crown prince appeared in the Z zone. Beside him stood a lovely blond hair girl.

"Wow, it's my first time coming to the lower zone. I can't believe it's so bustling." The girl was none other than Lavinia who stood excitedly beside Ian. "Creamery Creamer shouldn't be far from here. I heard they sell delicious snacks. My friends wouldn't stop complementing them after tasting their products."

"It's delicious indeed."

"Uh." Lavinia looked at her fiancé with a stunned expression. "You've patronized the store before?" To her, Ian was a very busy person. He wouldn't even have the time to visit the virtual net much less of coming to the lower zone for a snack.

"Well, I was dragged there by Colton. He was so noisy that I wasn't able to train so I just had to comply with his wish." Ian answered.

Lavinia nodded knowingly. That was the Ian she knew. Even she had persuaded him a lot of time before getting him to come to the virtual world. "Let's go then. I'm going to try all the delicacies the store has."

Ian could only smile as he was being pulled forward by her.