Best Birthday Present

Hoyt finally realized what was happening. He had been working in the black market for five years now. This was due to the Cedric help who had introduce him to his uncle who works at the black market.

Two days ago, a client had visited the black market, demanding to buy a star rank beast. Star rank beasts were rare to see and partially non-existent in Starry Sky planet.

Professionally he made an enquiry from the manager, and surprisingly, the organization had an intel on the whereabouts of a star rank beast. Hence the transaction was immediately proceeded. Normally, such mission would be distributed to a lot of people.

It was that moment Cedric call came through, ordering him to find a way to get rid of Tyron. That why he suddenly had the idea of giving Tyron the mission. He lied that the beast was only an A rank which Tyron believed and gladly accept the mission.

None of the authority were aware of what he had done, since that would warrant him a dismissal.

In spite of this, it seems like the plan had failed. All this could be guessed through Cedric angry appearance.

Hoyt was at loss of what to say. Cedric saw his down expression and laughed mockingly.

"Wow, this is so interesting. I can't believe I shoot myself in the foot."

Hoyt lowered his head in shame when he heard Cedric last sentence. He immediately bowed and apologize.

"I'm so sorry. I promise to do better next time."

"Next time my ass. Do you know... Ah" Cedric held his head due to the intense ache that suddenly struck him. "I'll let you go for now. However, you had better not make any mistake this time around."

"Yes sir." Hoyt was thankful that Cedric was being lenient to him.

Cedric turned around to leave. When he saw several people looking in his direction, he hollered at them, "What. Never seen two people quarrelling before." The ache hit him in the head again. "Aish, today is really my bad day." Holding onto his head, Cedric walked out of the building and failed to noticed a certain figure that had been watching him all along.

Cedric voice wasn't silent, and Tyron was able to hear everything they had discussed. His eyes were filled with raging anger as he looked towards Hoyt direction.

The two had been friends since ages. How dare he plot against him. Now he finally knew how Hoyt had gotten a job in the black market. Turns out he had gotten help from Cedric.

Now he finally knew the reason why the information was incorrect. The two had plotted for his demise.

Rage burn through Tyron's mind at the sudden thought of the truth. But instead of acting upon his thinking, he traces his steps backwards and left the building.

Hoyt was still thinking about cooking another plot, having no knowledge that his secret had already been exposed.


The Xue's villa was full of go the next morning. Packages kept arriving from time to time. They were materials meant to be used to decorate the indoor of the house for Xue Haoran's birthday.

Thankfully, Uncle Mike had taken the day off to help Xue Yiran with the preparation, making a lot of the task easier.

Leaving the arrangements stuff to Uncle Mike, Xue Yiran went into the kitchen bringing out the freshly made cookies from the oven. At the side, robot 'Bai' was mixing the ice cream mixture together which was going to be made into an ice-cream cake later.

The doorbell soon rang. It was just morning and wasn't yet time for Xue Haoran's classmates to arrive. Hence Xue Yiran had thought it was another delivery.

The excited Xue Haoran had already run towards the passage and opened the door.

"Oh, Xue Haoran." Miley squeal when she saw Xue Haoran, being the one who opened the door. She scoops the little fella up from the floor and shower him with kisses.

Behind her were the eight men of the Tyron's guild. Each respectively were holding a gift box.

"Miley." Xue Yiran had soon stepped out of the kitchen and saw Miley and the others. She was surprised by their appearance. She hadn't told them about Xue Haoran's birthday. Then how did they know.

Mike stopped what he was doing when he saw the newly arrived visitor. Mike wasn't aware that Xue Yiran was venturing outside the wild, hence he thought they were Xue Yiran's classmates. However, aren't they too old enough to be Xue Yiran classmates?

Compare to everyone in Tyron guild, Xue Yiran was very much younger.

"Hello, sir." Tyron saw Mike and greeted him. The others also followed suit.

"Everyone, this is my Uncle Mike. Uncle Mike, these are my friends." That was the only introduction she gave. She was afraid that if she explained further, uncle Mike might find out that she's been going outside of the wilds, which might bring the other party to worry.

Mike also nodded in greetings. With more assistance from the men side, the whole decorations were set up.

Since Miley had no idea on what to do, she could only watch as Xue Yiran prepares the food and assist whenever she needs something.

The happiest among the group was Xue Haoran. It was his birthday and he was going to invite his friends over. The was the best moments of his life.

Later in the afternoon, a long hover bus stopped in front of the Vila. Inside it were students who were still dressed in their uniforms. Each of then cheered as they highlight from the bus.

Xue Haoran had already been dressed up by Xue Yiran. The little guy was wearing a black short with a blue top to match. All in all, his appearance looks so cute that it couldn't help capture the mommy fever Miley's heart.

"Ayaan." Xue Haoran sight his little friend from the crowd.

"Xue Haoran." The two runs towards each other and bond.

The teacher also attended at well. The whole party went well. A lot of the children tried the new varieties of food they had never tasted in their entire life.

When the ice cream cake was brought, it garners a lot of gasps from the crowd. Walker couldn't help get excited as he saw the huge ice cream cake.

Everyone complimented as they taste the cake. Miley was at the side taking videos and pictures. The whole party went smoothly. Each kid all had a little package in their hands to take back home. This would be the best birthday they had ever attended. A lot of them would go home to inform their family and friends about their mind-blowing experience here.

Soon the party was over, Tyron and the others assist with the cleanup before leaving. Mike also bade farewell and left.

Xue Haoran had gotten a lot of gifts today. He was so excited and couldn't help but want to open them up. In the room, Xue Yiran was by Xue Haoran's side, helping him unwrap the presents.

There were too many presents. If Xue Haoran had to unwrap all of these gifts by himself, it would take forever, so she had to help him out.

Most were filled with expensive gadget, dresses and so on. What was more surprising was that Susu had also gotten Xue Haoran a gift.

The little robot had said he had gotten it with the money he had earned from his side job.

Side job? She never knew an AI could also have a job.

He had given a version of a hoover toy car. The parcel was big and Xue Haoran had a hard time opening it. Xue Yiran then had to help out.

The little fella went wild with joy seeing the toy hover car. They then move to the next parcel. However instead of opening the gift, Xue Yiran noticed him sweeping through the pile of gifts.

She curiously asked, "What are you looking for?"

The little guy looked up. His large eyes blinked and he answered. "Your gift. My friends gave me a lot of gifts, uncle Mike also got me a new watch and your friends also. But I can't seem to find your gift, sister."

"What are you talking about?" Xue Yiran beam and leaned closer pinching Xue Haoran softly of the cheeks. "Didn't sister already make you an ice cream cake. That could also be termed as sisters' present for you."

"Oh." Xue Haoran tone sound disappointed. The little fella couldn't help pouting his cheeks. He truly wants to say 'but the ice cream cake was eaten by everyone.'

Soon Xue Yiran got a notification from Susu and then left the room, leaving the disappointed guy all to himself. After some minutes, she entered the room with bag.

"Xue Haoran, come look what sister got for you."

Xue Haoran round eyes were full of curiosity that couldn't be hidden as he gazes at the bag Xue Yiran was holding.

Xue Yiran put the bag down and pull down the zipper. At this time, a soft "squeak" came from inside the bag. A silvery-white beast vigilantly stretched its head out of the bag.

"It's a baby Sky!" Xue Haoran's eyes widened.

"It's a baby fox." Xue Yiran corrected. The little fella must have thought that the beast was the same as sky since its fur was also white. "This is sister birthday gift for you. Do you like it."

"Hmm." Xue Haoran had already tossed the stuff he was holding, and approach the little baby beast.

The baby fox was still a newborn who had been used to its breeding facility. Hence, found the environment it was very unfamiliar. Seeing the smaller figure that was suddenly running over, the baby fox got scared and went back inside the bag.

Then again, it didn't take long for its little head to pop out. It saw that Xue Haoran was harmless and approach him. It rubs its furry head against his short leg.

"Ha-ha-ha." Xue Haoran burst into laughter from the tickle. The fox seems to have found a playmate.

"Let's give it a name." Xue Yiran said.

"Hmm, how about Lis." Xue Haoran carried the furry animal in his embrace.

"Lis it is then."

A certain fox named Lis was then added to the family.