chapter 21-22


After knocking out John, I called in for backup and within minutes, The police swarmed John's house, but they did it quietly and steadily, since it was already an hour close to midnight, They didn't want to disturb people who were already asleep, so they came in three Hilux cars and without uniforms.

At about 12:00pm sharp, John was awoken with a cold bucket of water which was splashed on his face, He woke up abruptly popping his eyes open looking left and right trying to see who had done that, as soon as he saw the situation he was in, he calmed down and kept quiet.

Denise was already prepared for him, she came and stood in his front staring down at him with disgust.


Denise ➡ Shame on you, John.. You're a disgrace john.. A big disgrace and traitor.


John ➡ What's going on? I don't understand.


Denise ➡ Oh.. You will.. As it turns out.. You have been working together with Alhaji Sule and you have been his eyes and ears 👂. Thanks to these fine youths here, your deeds were exposed and brought to light.


John ➡ What?? That's nonsense… Come on.. You can't honestly believe these kids…. Come on Denise.. You know me.


Denise ➡ Yeah.. But It looks like I never realized that you were nothing but a rat 🐀.


John ➡ Look! This is all a misunderstanding.. Whatever they told you is a lie and where's the proof that I'm working with that criminal?


Denise ➡ Oh we do have proof.. Your phone.. It seems like you've been communicating with the Alhaji and you've been meeting with him secretly…


John ➡ Look.. I.. I..


Peter ➡ Just admit your wrongs.. Fool.


John ➡ Shut up you b-stard… When I get my hands on you you'll regret it.


Denise ➡ Alright John.. Spill it out.. Tell us where the Alhaji is?


John ➡ I don't know! We only make calls and meet.. That's all.


Denise ➡ You don't know huh? Look John.. Don't make this any worse than it already is.. The reason why you're not being beaten to a state of coma is because I didn't allow it and I respect the good old days we spent together.. So for the last time.. Tell me where the Alhaji is?


John ➡ I said I don't know…


Denise kept quiet staring down on John, then suddenly she grabbed her pistol and pinned it on John's d-ck, her finger was already on the trigger.

Her face looked mean and without emotion, if John is't careful, He's going to lose his precious breeding tool. As soon as he sees the gun on his d-ck, he panics.


John ➡ (scared) DENISE!! WHAT ARE YOU DOI…


Denise ➡ SHUT UP DOG! I've been lenient with you but now I'll show you no mercy.. Tell me where the Alhaji is!? And if you don't talk, I'll castrate you for life.. So TALK!!


John ➡ Denise… I.


Denise ➡ TALK!!!!


John ➡ Okay, okay, okay.. The Alhaji is lives in maitama… Please get that gun off me.


As soon as John said that Denise alerted the other police and told them where we'll all be heading, John was dragged out of his room, and was led straight into one of uh Hilux cars, He was going to show us the way, as for Peter and I, we followed Denise and entered her car following the Hilux cars from behind.

I couldn't believe we were finally going to nail the Alhaji once and for all.. About some minutes later, we arrived at his house, it was huge and magnificent..

The police decided to storm his house instead of going in quietly, before long his house was full of police and more were on the way, Peter and I decided to go at the back of the house to see the extent of the building.. As soon as we got there, We saw Alhaji Sule in his T-shirt and sweat p-nts trying to escape, he quickly got into one of his cars trying to turn it on.






But before our cries could be heard, Alhaji turned on his car and charged murderously straight at us, Upon seeing the car, I froze instantly with fear unable to move, if it wasn't for peter who pushed me out of the way, I would have knocked down, Denise came in that moment and dodged the car in time, she brought out her gun and shot the Alhaji's car repeatedly until she shot one of his tyres which made the car tumble and roll towards the gate, The devastating impact of the car and gate colliding was awful, the gate was bent out of shape and the car's hood was destroyed.. Alhaji came out of the car still determined to run but he was caught and beaten mercilessly by the other police men.

They marched and stomped on him, some were even throwing slaps and punches at the man, It didn't take long for the Alhaji to surrender and tell us the location of the kidnapped girls…

Denise, Peter and I went with some of police men with Alhaji leading the way, as for John he was taken back to the police station where he'll be locked up.

About an hour later, we arrived at an unpainted building outside Abuja, it looked like those buildings that are for sale, The police armed themselves and Alhaji who was put in front led the way, We noticed a couple of guys inside the building staring at us directly through the window.

They were alarmed of course and decided to scram, The police knocked down the door and went into the place together with the Alhaji , Peter and I together with Denise stayed in the car and waited to see what was going to happen, in that moment, Denise decided to call for backup in order to contain the situation if it got out of hand… Suddenly we heard gun shots and scre-ms.. We had no idea what was going on in there but what ever it was I just hope it wasn't bad.. Then out of the darkness, We saw Alhaji running together with some couple of guys who were trying to escape, none of the police came out but there were noises inside, Before we knew what was happening, Peter got out of the car and chased Alhaji.


Angelina ➡ Peter!!! Jesus.. Is he crazy?


Denise ➡ What's he doing? Stay here, I'll save him.


Angelina ➡ Stay?? I can't stay..


I got out of the car as well and ran after him, Peter tackled the Alhaji pinning him down to the ground, the rest of the guys seeing what was happening, descended upon Peter as well… They outnumbered him but he did his best throwing punches especially at one of them. Alhaji who was free from Peter's hold grabbed a big stone and wanted to smash it on his head, I reached him in time and kicked him hard in his jaw.


Sule ➡ (shouts) ARGGGGHHH!! You b-tch… I'll kill you.


Angelina ➡ We'll see about that. Take this pig.


Shortly after that kicked I grabbed him pulling him closer to me and as soon as he got close, I drove a hard knee on his nuts.. Alhaji fell down and clutched his eggs painfully… Immediately after that, I was tackled by one of the guys who were beating up Peter.


Thug ➡ So you're Angelina abi? What a night.. I'm going to show your boyfriend how to handle ladies like you. Ha, ha, ha.


He pinned me down trying to k-ss me, I struggled trying to push him off me but the guy was strong but the worst part was he smelled like shit, he had this strong stinking smell that nearly made me faint, The brute opened his mouth trying to force his tongue into my mouth, I swung my head left and right trying not to get touched by his slimy tongue.

Just as he was about to force his mouth on me, Denise came and kicked his head, the guy fell on the ground gro-ning in pain, as he was trying to get up, I jumped and landed an elbow on his midsection, The guy burped and passed out.. Meanwhile Peter was still struggling with the other guy, They were rolling on the ground grunting, each of them was trying to outmaneuver the other, Before long, the guy got on top of Peter and grabbed hold of his neck trying to choke him out… Peter looked defenseless so I quickly rushed towards them and grabbed the guy from behind… Unfortunately for the ape, He turned around focusing his attention on me and that gave Peter an advantage, He stood up and poked the guy in his eyes and sent him flying with a mean uppercut under his jaw.. After that, everything was quiet.


Angelina ➡ Ah. Jesus.. What a night.


Peter ➡ Are you okay?


Angelina ➡ Yes.. I'm fine.. What were you thinking?? Running out like that.. It doesn't pay to be a hero.


Peter ➡ I know.. But I couldn't let the Alhaji escape.. Because if he does.. You and I are dead for sure..


Denise ➡ Well, that was brave of you but don't ever do that again..


Peter ➡ Yeah.. Oh my Gosh… Look.. Here comes the girls, they're safe.


As we turned around, we saw the girls coming out of the building, they looked weary and scared, We were excited when we saw some of the police esc-rting them outside. One of them came towards Denise telling her what happened inside.


Police officer 1 ➡ The girls are safe… We need medical assistance.. Some of the men are injured..


Denise ➡ How many?


Police officer 1 ➡ 3.. They're all shot and bleeding… We were almost outfoxed by the Alhaji.. He's escaped.


Denise ➡ No.. There he is over there.


Police officer 1 ➡ Have you called for backup?


Denise ➡ Yes.. Oh.. Here they are.


In the corner of our eye, dozens of Hilux cars came into the scene, there was also an ambulance and the media was at the scene as well, The girls were soon taken care of and the media did their thing snapping pictures of the girls and the Alhaji with his goons, the police were also interviewed as well… In that moment, we came across Happiness but what was more surprising was the way Denise was checking on her. Peter and I went to find out what was going on.


Peter ➡ Happiness! You're safe.


Happiness ➡ Yes.. Thanks for the rescue.. Aunty here told me how you guys helped alot.


Angelina ➡ Uh huh… So you two know each other?


Denise ➡ Of course… She's my niece.


Peter ➡ Niece!?


Angelina ➡ Niece!? How?


Denise ➡ There's no need to get surprised… She was my informant.. She was present when you both first saw that girl get kidnapped in wonderland that day.. So she told me everything and I sent her to keep an eye on you both.


Peter ➡ I can't believe this… So this wh0le time… So how did you get the Alhaji's plate number?


Happiness ➡ Remember that day that we collided close to one restaurant.. You dropped a piece of paper containing his plate number, when I saw his car and saw the exact same thing, I assumed that you knew who was behind the kidnap.


Peter ➡ So that's why you kept bothering me?… Well, now things make sense… Happiness was your eyes and ears..


Denise ➡ Yes.. She was my secret source..Everyone seem to ignore her so she fitted perfectly as my informant.. Nobody would suspect her.


Angelina ➡ That's smart.. So what now?


Denise ➡ Well, you guys are practically heroes.. I'm sure the media will like to know about your heroic deeds.


Peter ➡ No thanks.. No media coverage.. It's better nobody knew we were behind this.. Let the police take the credit.


Denise ➡ Are you sure about this?


Angelina ➡ Sure.. It's safe that way.


Denise ➡ Okay then.. Thanks again.. But I'll see you get a small reward for your effort.


Peter ➡ Okay… If you don't mind… We'd like to a place to stay for the night.


Angelina ➡ Sure..


Denise ➡ Well, you're welcome to stay at my place.. But I only have one guest room.


Angelina ➡ That's okay.. Peter and I will share the room.. Nice and comfy and alone.


Peter ➡ I beg your pardon!?


Angelina ➡ I said we'll share the room..


Peter ➡ That's not happening buddy… I'll sleep in the living room.


Angelina ➡ Why?.. I can't sleep alone at night… I need some company.. Please 😍.


Peter ➡ Okay.. But no funny business, because I'm all sore and tired.


Angelina ➡ Sure. I won't do a thing 😏.


Peter ➡ I'm serious..


Angelina ➡ I know..


Denise ➡ Do you two always behave like this?


Happiness ➡ No. But they suit each other.. My advice for you both is to just get married after graduation.



A week passed after that wild night and a lot had happened since then… The media did a good job broadcasting Alhaji Sule's criminal acts, turns out that wasn't his shady act, he was involved in embezzlement of public funds and online scam, his entire property was seized and he was left with nothing… He and his partner in crime, John former detective were sentenced to prison for quite a few long years but John's sentence was a bit lighter and as usual Denise took all the credit for busting the Alhaji's crimes and was given monetary reward and fortunately for Angelina and I. , She remembered us and gave us each 60,000 naira to manage… It's not that I'm not grateful but honestly.. We deserved a wh0le lot more than that.

After all that fiasco, Life was back to normal and Valentine's day had finally showed up.

Earlier that day in school, Lots of the guys were showering their babes with gifts and the ashawos were busy collecting it and smiling like donkeys.

I too wasn't left out in all this, I too wanted to give Angelina something special, just days before Valentine came, I've been thinking of what to give Angelina.. 60,000 was too small for a babe like Angelina.. Ladies like her deserve something special and expensive.. So since I couldn't give her any luxury gift, I decided to be myself, do what I can and give her what I could offer, so I bought a photo album putting pictures of us together through out the years, and I paid for a reserved special seat at one of our favorite eating place in our neighborhood.

So later that afternoon, Everyone was busy asking me about my Valentine, I ignored them and keep my mouth shut. David who had given most of the girls in our department expensive gifts 🎁 began to mock me.


David ➡ Peter loser!! How far now?… How's your Valentine? I haven't seen Angelina with anything special… Is it that you're too broke to buy her anything? What kind of a man are you?


People laughed of course and I was very annoyed but I never gave him an answer but preferably I would to give him an answer with fist 👊.

Later that afternoon at the student lounge, I met Angelina alone, she was busy typing on her phone and giggling with excitement.


Peter ➡ What's up buddy?.


Angelina ➡ Awwn.. That's so cute.. xoxo 😊


Peter ➡ Angelina!?


Angelina ➡ Oh.. Yes Peter!? Sorry.. I was kind of occupied.


Peter ➡ I can see that.. Um I was trying to ask you for a..???


Before I could say anything, Angelina's phone blinked with messages and her attention was drawn to the phone, she giggled again biting her lower lip 💋 sed-ctively.. I couldn't help but wonder what she was doing?


Peter ➡ What's going on?


Angelina ➡ Oh… Nothing.. Just give me a minute.


Peter ➡ Well, that doesn't look like nothing.. In fact let me see what's going on?


I quickly swiped her phone from her hands and took a look at what she focusing at, It was a bunch of messages from hundreds of guys from her Instagram page all sending her love texts and rom-ntic nonsensity.

Angelina tried to grab her phone but I used my right hand to block her off, I mistakenly touched her bre*sts while we struggled over her phone.


Angelina ➡ Peter! Give me my phone or I swear I'm going to unleash hell for you in this lounge.


Peter ➡ So you're going to fight me? Bring it on.


Angelina ➡ Seriously buddy, you know the usual outcome, I always knock you down, you've never beaten me in your life.. So save yourself from public embarrassment and humiliation and give me my ohone..


Peter ➡ Okay fine… Besides who are these guys?


Angelina ➡ They're my side.. I mean… admirers..


Peter ➡ Admirers my a**,… Why are they sending you I love you texts….


Angelina ➡ Awwn.. Are you jealous? 😏


Peter ➡ Jealous!? Heck no… I thought we were.. You know..


Angelina ➡ Of course… But you're not the only guy I know.


Peter ➡ Obviously.


Angelina ➡ Look there's no need to worry.. Besides I can't help it if I'm the center of affection.


Peter ➡ Yeah, yeah yeah.. Whatever.


Angelina realizing I wasn't in a good mood, crossed over to my side and cuddled me tightly pulling my chin playfully.


Angelina ➡ Relax Luv, besides these guys don't mean nothing to me.


Peter ➡ Okay, okay, okay… I get it.. Look, get ready tonight I'm taking you out..


Angelina ➡ Really? Where?


Peter ➡ It's a surprise.. Just get ready.


Angelina ➡ Okay.. I'll be waiting for you.


Just before I could leave the lounge, I got a call from Zainab.. So I picked her call to see what's up.


Peter ➡ Hello.


Zainab ➡ Hello Peter.. Happy Valentine.


Peter ➡ Uh.. Sure thanks..


Zainab ➡ Bye… (ends call)


Peter ➡ That was weird.


Angelina ➡ Who was that?


Peter ➡ It was Zainab.


Angelina ➡ ZAINAB!?? Why is she calling you?


In that moment, I had one sneaky idea, I decided to give Angelina a taste of her own medicine.


Peter ➡ She just called to say happy Valentine.. I think she has a crush on me.


Angelina ➡ (jealous) And you answered her?


Peter ➡ Why not? I can't help it if I'm the center of affection.


Angelina ➡ 😡 How many girls did you get Valentine calls from ?


Peter ➡ Oh.. My fair share.


Angelina ➡ This is outrageous.. You can't do this to me.


Peter ➡ Why? Are you jealous I'm starting to get attention from other babes.


That last statement I made turned out to be a big mistake.. As soon as I said that, Angelina's face turned into vicious and mean, her stare was scary and she grinded her teeth in anger.. In that moment I knew I was in deep hot soup….

Though I was beaten by her but she did manage to handle me for some seconds before throwing me out of the lounge without any wahala.

I fell outside flat on my face, I later stood up and left the lounge afterwards. Women! They are sure a real piece of work.. They like to make us men jealous but they don't want us to make them feel jealous.. Why are women so complicated?