A loud ping could heard that Ryaa's ear rings a sharp tune. He covered his ears while looking at YaYa irritatedly.

"Turn that tune down or I'll get deaf"

With a blue wide screen popped up, YaYa pressed the volume sound into 0.


She turn quickly and face back the screen. With an envelope displayed the same style as Ryaa took out the box, a message placed the moment YaYa tap on in.

Mission: Pregnancy Check Up (Missing Memory)

Level: 1

Level of difficulty by Percentage: 5%

Rewards: Key Memory Chapter Unlock (Randomly Selected)

Keys: 1

Status: Unfinished

Would you like to used the 'Key' to unlocked Chapter Memory of a Selected Character?

Confirmed                  Denied

YaYa turn around to Ryaa as if asking for permission. Her eyes are glimmering asking for approval like a puppy that seek to have a walk along with a pouted lips. But even when Ryaa is about to speak, she already press the confirmation button.

With a grin face, she said "aiyoo my hand slipped. What to do?"

Pressing her index finger into her lips making a sad face, Ryaa could only smiled pretentiously, while asking himself to calm down.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you? You weren't even asking for my approval yet.... So, an OIC also have the right to decide now?"

Ryaa's face becomes slightly dark. Though, he wanted to declined this mission since he is not mentally prepared for it but things already turn out the opposite- thanks to a certain someone.

"That's not true. My hand really slip, you see"

YaYa shows her little hands open wide.

"Look, I didn't lie, did I?"

With one of his brow rise up, Ryaa was looking at him suspiciously.

Since the volume had been lowered to zero, the system automatic change into a voicemail.

'Submission Confirm'

Please Select the Following List of Characters:

* Kwon Ken Kian

* Kwon McSivle

* Hamlin Nicco John

* Dyle Cheaster

* Dyle Chelsea

* Butler Zhang

* Mr. Rim

* Mrs. Rim

* Dr. Hindelr

* Kim Aster

* Sean Robert

* Woo Mia

* Jean

* Maria

* Caramel

'Note: Please select what is best for completing your mission'

The voicemail is not as sharp as Ryaa would thought it would be just like what he saw in movies. Instead, it sounded more like a baby's voice tone, cute and calming.

Ryaa went infront of the screen. Scanning every name and remembering the memories of their encounters as much as possible.

All the names have different types of feeling Ryaa had. He can identify what kind of feeling it is that his heart skip a beat. Clenching to his fist, he speaks in confirmation.

"Dr. Hindelr"

YaYa looked at him for a second before she tapped the name. Two files of Dr. Hindelr shown above with a picture. It includes information in which Ryaa didn't know in the past.

Character Portfolio:

Name: Dr. Hindelr

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Occupation: Physician, OB-Gyne

Company owned: Danmei Hospital

Address: Ferro St. Building 123

Status: Single

Height: 6'0

Standard: Above Average

Death Range: 55%

Hidden Identity: xxxxxxxx

Former Character Portfolio:

Name: Dr. Hindelr

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Occupation: Scientist, Physician, OB-GYNE

Company owned: Danmei Hospital

Bio Lab Tech. Inc.

Institute of Foreign Lab Tech. Management L.A

Address: xxxxxxxxxx

Status: Married

Height: 6'2

Standard: Normal

Death Range: 87%

Hidden Identity: Assassin, Sniper

With this pile of information, gathered from both past and present, Ryaa was somehow speechless. The last sentence causes Ryaa to felt a sudden fear. He raise his trembling hand while pointing at the specific words.

"What? A-a-ssa-sin? S-niper?"

This revelation was too severe. At the very least, Ryaa thought that Dr. Hindelr was one of the most kind person he know. How come? The man who smiles at him genuinely could actually kill?

"I-is this information... really reliable?"

YaYa took a peek and sighed. Her sight had been glued on the screen, tapping this and that as preparing a mission requires full attention to avoid mistakes and future failure plans thus, she only said without looking.

"Don't be so shocked dear host. Since this is an advance prototype of a system ofcourse all of the hidden information in each characters are basically included, even the darkest one"

Ryaa was at lost. He heard every word, read every sentence but his mind cannot sink in the information he just received. The most kind person he regarded to was actually an assassin and sniper?

"Are you sure about this host?"

Ryaa went back to reality. He frustratingly said "Do I have a choice?"

"Very well"

YaYa tap the screen once more.

Are you sure you want to used the 'Key' to Unlock the Chapter Memory?

Yes.           No

Pressing the Yes button, a message came along.

Unlocking (Delivering) Chapter Memory of [Dr. Hindelr]

-Chapter One-



At the same time*

Danmei Hospital~

"Goodbye, Dr. Hindelr"

"Safe travels, Dr. Hindelr"

"See you tomorrow, Dr. Hindelr"

Each passing nurse form a heart in their eyes bid their farewell to a man in hospital coat leaving the building. Wearing a nongraded eyeglass, blonde hair, perfect structure and a killer smile.

He walked pass the hallway where he could received several greets and attention from those people who admire him. Bunch of secret letter and gift packed in his office almost everyday.

Hindelr return a sweet smile that melted the nurses heart.

Since his condominium is only a walking distance form his work place, he doesn't have to spent too much hour in a traffic jam.

When he reach his place, a sole light from a lamp in the living room ignited. He walk calmly inside without fear that he may get attacked. Only after taking a few steps closer, a figure of a woman standing beside the full glass window illuminated with a full moon view can be seen. It was a spectacular romantic scenery but only by then Hindelr realized something is wrong.

"Who are you? How did you get in?"

The woman didn't move nor turn around. Only pacing the same way looking at the busy night below.

"What a spectacular view, don't you think, Dr. Hindelr..... Welcome back"

Her voice sounded like a robotic one but didn't affect the gentleness beneath.

"I am truly sorry for invading your house without consent but I didn't meant any harm. Rest assured that none of your human creations have been touch or reduce"

Her head slowly twisted with a slow tilt and smile.

"I am here to deliver a message from BSA-009L. Please don't get alarmed"

The woman manage to create a very terrifying atmosphere. Her smile curved perfectly but plain and her eyes are glistening but practically empty. Hindelr only took a blink and in a instant the woman is already infront of him.


The sudden attack made Hindelr unable to move for a second. His instinct of defense have been blocked and his body becomes stiff. Only by then it was already too late. The woman lightly touch his forehead and dizziness started to erupt. His vision becomes blurry and his eyes becomes heavy.

"You.... W-what did you do"

The only last thing he hear before collapsing is that the woman said something before she vanished into the thin air.

"Message Delivery Complete"

-Chapter One-

(4 years ago before Ryaa's Rebirth)

Hindelr woke up in a large room filled with high-end technologies. There were cylinder tubes and tanks all over the place with various of wires and a big monitor screen in the center that shows a biochemical compounds, data research and files of different species.

Each tubes are filled with green liquid and a specific subject. From animals to plants, insects and human. With only nothing but confusion, Hindelr quickly analyze the situation. They are not only studying biology but also experimenting each specie and injecting chemical formula.

Chemicals, dissection, experimental design, tools and equipment

Hindelr was at lost. He keep on focusing how he end up such situation. Recalling the event before he woke up in this place could only mean one thing- that woman did something to him.

He looked at himself. The hospital coat that he wore before is not the same as he is wearing now. Though, it is still white in hue but the only thing differ is that the logo in his coat is not from his hospital. The logo is composed with a maple leaf with a hole and drop of water in the middle. It made everything clear to him.

He was observing the room when the door suddenly open revealing a man wearing the same coat as him.

"Oh Dr. Hindelr, your finally awake. Young Master Kwon called earlier asking for you to go at their mansion. I guess it's another 'clean up' that needed a professional personnel"

The man smirked and went straight to one of the tank observing the new possibility of reaction.

Hindelr thought for a moment. Hearing the famous family name, he could swear that even this is not a coincidence.

Kwon Ken Kian

Without doubt he stood up, turn around and left without saying a word, leaving the man whom took a glance at him before closing the door.


Hindelr walk the hallway. The unfamiliar building of nothing but white and several doors he passes through looks like an endless maze. If he asked for a way out, they might get suspicious, thus, Hindelr could only take the risk. Following the path where it lead to unknown gate, he somehow manage to reach at the parking space.

Riding a red car, he went to  Kwon's main mansion.

When he arrives, two men sitting the opposite side looking at whatever their eyes could meet in silence. Kian was ready a news paper while sipping a coffee in hand and the other man squirm as if guilty of something. Hindelr sit on the same opposite side, obviously observing the atmosphere.

The young lad which could probably look like a teenage boy because of how small, thin and pale he is. With a small face and innocent eyes whom won't commit any crime somehow give a teary look.

"Why did the Young Master called me here?"

Hindelr's eyes didn't leave at the young lad while talking. He keeps on thinking what could this pretty boy did in order to sit with Kian alone.

"Check him up"

Kian spoke rather plainly. His voice sounded bored and didn't even bother to look at the man.

"Make sure he's 'thoroughly' clean"

Hindelr's brow rise "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean"

Just being said, Kian folded the news paper and lay it into the table. He stood up while peeking a glance at him.

"When I came back, I want it done already"

Hindelr didn't say anything but only looking at the leaving man before his eyes shifted back to the young lad. He smile at him to give comfort to the cowering boy.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not a bad person. I'm a friend of that prick- I mean Kian. What's your name?"

The boy only took a second glance and slightly chuckles trying to be as polite as possible but his body can't stop from shaking.

"Xxx Xxxx"

"I see. I am Dr. Hindelr. I'm going to be your doctor from now on. I'll be attending all your health needs from physical to emotional. If you have any questions just let me know"

The boy only nodded. His hands are currently playing with each other that Hindelr seems to notice from the very start. It only proves how nervous he is, thus, Hindelr smile from his heart and took a candy from his pocket.

"Here eat this. I hope you like sweet candies. It's a strawberry flavor. I used to eat this when I'm nervous or can't focused on something. I assure you it'll help you calm down"

The boy look at him with hesitation. The candy was wrap fancily and seems to be expensive yet this man gives it to him like it was nothing.

"Don't worry it's free"

The boy slowly extended his hand as Hindelr patiently waiting for him to pick it up. His smile never cease and it was not a fake one but real.

When the boy finally reached the candy, a momentary touch with both bare skin from each finger touches and the scene started to become hazy. Hindelr's vision becomes fuzzy and his head is aching up again. He could hear the worried voice of the boy but he cannot see his expression.

"Dr. Hindelr are you okay? Dr. Hindelr ......"

Hindelr tried to waken his senses but the undefeated heavy feeling somehow manage to fully shut down his eyes.