Smithing a few things; Camilla

Exiting the Riverwood Trader, I crossed the street, approaching the smelter.

Nodding to Alvor, I said "Hey, I might come over tonight, or it might be tomorrow. However, I WILL be getting a taste of Sigrid."

The smith chuckled, nodding at me.

Browsing the smelter interface, I smirked as I saw the option to smelt the Garnet Ore.

{Garnet Ore -> 2 Garnets (100%), 3 Garnets (50%). Each Garnet has a (10%) chance to be Flawless}

Taking the large chunk of red veined stone out of my inventory, I dropped it into the small tray before watching as it glowed.

It took a few moments, but eventually the stone flared, before revealing 2 blood red garnets.

Picking them up, I looked at them with interest, before shrugging.

Not everything will go my way all the time. Besides, these are quite large~

Next I dropped the 3 Iron Ore into the tray, smelting them into 3 Ingots.

Reading the interface, I was surprised by what the Ancient Nord Heavy Boots and Gauntlets would be smelted into.

{Ancient Nord Heavy Boots -> 3 Iron Ingots (100%), 2 Steel Ingots (100%). (75%) Chance to receive an extra ingot of both Iron and Steel}

{Ancient Nord Heavy Gauntlets -> 2 Iron Ingots (100%), 2 Steel Ingots (100%). (66%) Chance to receive an extra ingot of both Iron and Steel}


That was really tempting...

Eh, fuck it. I want to experiment a little, and I need the materials...

Smelting both, I got 4 Iron Ingots and 3 Steel Ingots from the boots, and 2 Iron Ingots and 2 Steel Ingots from the gauntlets.

Wiping the sweat off my brow, I made my way towards the forge, thinking about what I wanted to make.

I was fine with my axe, but I wanted something as a backup, as well as the utility it would provide.

See, traversing the dungeon made me realize something.

It was common in the game for there to be doors that were barred or locked, as well as a slab of rock separating the boss room from the dungeon.

Now, what would be the perfect tool to bust down those pesky doors?

A Warhammer.

So, stepping up to the forge, I thought of the design I wanted.

Of course, I could just create the base Steel Warhammer, but...

That would be boring.

However, I doubt I could create a masterpiece of a weapon with my Smithing skill at 23, but...

Of all the Warhammers in the game, if I could replicate one and make it from just steel and iron, it would be the Ebony Warhammer.

It had a simply yet deadly design, and had versatility due to its large spike on the opposite side of the giant chunk of metal that made up the hammer portion.

As I envisioned the weapon, a new item appeared in the interface.

{Ebony Warhammer (Steel Replica): 5 Steel, 2 Iron, 3 Leather Strips. (75%) Chance to succeed}

I narrowed my eyes at that last bit, but considering I didn't even have the Steel Smithing perk, I could understand it.

Selecting it, I laid out the required materials on the anvil, my body switching to autopilot.

Welding the ingots together, I started hammering them together, creating a large Damascus Ingot.

{New item unlocked: Damascus}

Well, that was interesting.

Continuing on, I molded the Damascus Ingot into the shape of the hammer head, gradually creating the long spike and four pronged face of the hammer, before the materials glowed.

A long handle of pure iron appeared, before the leather strips wrapped around it.

Lifting it up, I noticed immediately that it wasn't as heavy as I expected.

"That's a fine weapon you created. How'd you get the metal to look like that though?"

Turning to Alvor, I explained how welding the two types of metals together and then folding them over one another created a pattern.

As I told him that, I looked at the notifications that popped up.

{Smithing: 23 -> 27}

{Level: 6 -> 7}

Increasing my health, I took the {Steel Smithing} perk, to help me out when I improved my gear, which I idiotically forgot to do when I was here earlier.

After getting that quick lesson, Alvor turned towards his forge, laying a Steel and Iron Ingot on the anvil.

Seems like he was intent on learning how to forge Damascus...

Shrugging, I approached the grindstone and grabbed my Steel War Axe, sitting down.

Peddling, I accepted the notification of using one Steel Ingot to improve the axe, lowering the blade to the spinning wheel.

Sparks flew as I ground out the slightly rolled and chipped edge of the axe, slowly bringing it back to the incredibly sharp edge that it had when I first forged it.

Inspecting the axe, I read the description.

{Steel War Axe (Superior): Has a higher chance to inflict bleeding. Improved damage}

Doing the same for my new Ebony Warhammer (Steel Replica) and Hunting Bow, I made my way over to the tanning rack, turning the remaining wolf pelts into leather and leather strips.

Then I walked over to the armorer workbench, where I took off and improved my Imperial Studded Armor.

Raising that to Superior as well, I noticed that the improvement was actually quite significant.

{Imperial Studded Armor (Superior): (5%) Chance to ignore an attack. Fitted to wearer}

That was really, really good.

Grinning at that improvement, I received another notification.

{Smithing: 27 -> 28}

Stepping out onto the street, I looked up to see the noon sun, groaning slightly as the realization that I had just spent hours forging hit me like a truck.

However, the increase in Smithing level was worth it, and I stretched my aching body out.

Entering the Riverwood trader again, I saw Camilla sitting at the table, reading a book.

"Camilla, you ready? I'm hungry, so instead of drinks let me buy you a meal."

Closing her book, the thin Imperial woman nodded to me, a slight blush on her cheeks.

Lucan just rolled his eyes as he watched us leave.

"So, Jeleia..."

Looking behind me, I saw Camilla pursing her lips as she looked away, towards Gerdur's house.

"I uh... heard that you and Gerdur..."

Sighing, I turned to face her completely.

"Alright, the meal still stands, but I should probably clear the air. Yes, I slept with Gerdur, and plan on supporting her as best I can since I think she's carrying my child. However, she and I agreed that I was allowed to pursue others, be it man or woman. So, I would like to court you, but if you are uncomfortable with that, then let's just eat together, as friends."

Camilla looked at the ground, clenching her fists slightly.

"I... I think we should..."

Staring at her, I watched as she bit her lip before staring at me, her eyes steady as she said "I'm willing to join you and Gerdur. If I let this chance go, I'll regret it down the line. Besides, what powerful person doesn't end up with multiple partners? I mean, Jarl Balgruf is rumored to have bedded both his maids, Gerda and Fianna, as well as his wife. In fact, if I remember correctly, one of them even has a child..."

Sighing, Camilla stepped forwards, placing her hand on my arm.

"Jeleia, I wish... I wish to become your wife."

I grinned down at her, saying "Glad to have you, Camilla. However, I must admit that currently I have no place for you to stay, so..."

It felt weird, knowing that I had two women who wanted to be mine, yet I wasn't even capable of housing them.

However, I did have an idea, but I needed money, influence, and to get stronger in order to do what I wanted.

Before then, I would have to settle for either Breezehome or another property that was available.

I wonder if the Tundra Homestead is in this world?

Returning my attention to the young Imperial in front of me, she looked up at me with a blush.

"Um... Jeleia, I know that you already slept with Gerdur, but... Can we... wait till our wedding night?"

She looked up at me, her eyes wide as she bit her lip, worried.

Chuckling, I placed a hand on her cheek, rubbing my thumb over it affectionately.

"That's fine with me, Camilla. So, let's go get some food."


Alright, so, Camilla.

Thinking it through, I decided to go with my gut with what I remember of her, and what I think of her.

To me, she was always a pure, optimistic young woman, who seemed like someone you wouldn't see in Skyrim that often; untouched by the harsh reality around people.

I wanted to keep that, so I plan on her being more reserved and 'strict' compared to Gerdur, and definitely compared to Jeleia.

So, the smut about her will need to wait for awhile, but I would rather have a more diverse harem around Jeleia, especially considering the Named Characters I plan on joining her and the ones I will create myself.

As a forewarning though, it will be all women; Jeleia will create a large harem of women and futa, which will be much more fun to write about personally. However, Jeleia will sleep with men as well, and maybe some more creatures~

This is a degenerate Skyrim novel, after all~
