Deal With Vaermina

"Oh~! I LOVE~ when mortals fuck me like I'm beneath them~! Using my superior pussy like some convenient harlot's as they pour their semen inside me~! Fuck me like you did that maid, Jeleia~!"

The dual tone voice of Vaermina flooded the dark area we inhabited, her moans and gasps adding fuel to my arousal as I slammed my hips against her ass hard.

I... was being honest when I thought I wouldn't fuck a Daedric Prince for many, many years, yet...

Here I was, the Daedric Prince of Dreams and Nightmares pleading for me to rail her harder, her ass raised and rippling under my thrusts.

Of course, just like her voice, Vaermina was both pleading for me to fuck her hard while also pumping her tail deep into my pussy, coiling it around my cervix and yanking at the flesh, which hurt like hell... but in such a perfect way.

Digging my fingers into her smooth grey skin, I groaned as that thing inside her pussy sucked hard on my tip, greedily demanding I shoot another load inside her.

"Yeah~? You like being a mortals little cumslut, Vaermina? Huh?! You love when I do THIS?!"

My hand slammed into her ass, the sound of her ass jiggling beneath the blow echoing around, followed by her sharp squeal of perverse delight.

"Huh? Do you like when I treat you like some cheap slut?! A little receptacle for me to store my sperm in? A warm little hole that exists solely for my cock?! Answer me bitch!"

I spanked her hard again, and she squealed once more as she tightened up, her gray skin darkening under the blow.

A sadistic grin spread across my face as I rammed into her ass hard, my balls plopping audibly against her wet thighs.

That extra mouth in her cunt gulped down my tip and lapped at my shaft, it's desire for semen rising as I degraded a being so far outside my scope of understanding.

"Oh YES~! I LOVE when you puny mortals degrade me like that~! Sometimes, I take the place of their lovers and enjoy getting railed by cocks in mortals' dreams~! Showing them utterly horrifying scenes of their loved ones being gangraped by dozens of men and women~! I really love wh-"


My shout shocked the Daedric Prince as I slammed her face into the bed, muffling her voice and silencing her.

"Oh FUCK~ yes~! You're such a better fuck when you're quiet~! Tighten up a little more, bitch! Make me cum already!"

With one hand pinning her face into the sheets and the other slamming down on her ass relentlessly, I moaned as her tail spurted a warm liquid before sliding out of my cunt, slipping into my anus next.

With 'cum' dripping down my thighs and her tail wiggling around in my intestines, I moaned loudly as she did as I asked, tightening her cunt up and sucking harder on my tip, all while her ass turned black under my hand.

It didn't take long for my balls to clench as I started cumming inside her again, feeding that insatiable fuckhole of hers with a fat load of semen.

Moaning, I took another load myself as she spurted into my ass, and we both orgasmed off of the other for a few moments, pleasure racking our heads as we came.

Cum leaked from my pussy and ass, and Vaermina removed her tail before 'pushing' me off, her magicka coiling around my body as she pinned me to the bed.

Panting slightly, the Daedric Prince grinned at me, her multicolored eyes filled with an unknown emotion as she mounted my lap.

"I've... never been interrupted before by a mortal... Let alone truly treated as a thing by one... Most fear me too much to do so... Rightfully so. But you, Jeleia... well, you did treat me like I was lesser..."

Her long talons glided over my flesh, and she wrapped her fingers around my neck as she leaned down, staring at me hard.

"I'm of a mind to kill you here for that, but at the same time... you remind me of Sanguine quite a bit, mortal. Versatile and so utterly focused on pleasure you forgo courtesies and formalities with those of your strength - or in your case, so far above you - just so you can reach that familiar high... I admire that, mortal. It's entertaining."

Loosening her grasp around my neck, she slipped my cock into her pussy and began to ride me, gyrating her hips slowly as she said "Well, to business then, mortal. My Skull isn't some third rate Artifact like your game would suggest. Dreams are more powerful than you could ever imagine. Mortals see things, hear things in their dreams that shape their very soul. That is the power my Skull offers, Jeleia. I offer the power of Dreams to you, and you wish to alter my Artifact..."

Trailing her hands over my skin, she groped my breasts and tilted her head as I said "Respectfully, all I want to do is to make your Artifact more wieldable for me. The core idea behind the Artifact would remain; to utilize the dreams of mortals to cast magic. However, the ability of it - in the game, which is all I know of it - is very limited. Just... damage."

Vaermina pinched my nipples before slipping her tail back into my ass, smirking at me as I moaned at the three pleasures assaulting my body.

"Very well, Jeleia. I shall alter my Artifact for you, but in return I want you to drive Erandur insane with nightmares. Twist his mind and shatter it for his transgressions, and I shall offer you a new Skull of Corruption. One befitting someone to call my Champion... I shall also bequeath to you the beginnings of how to alter your magicka to infect sleeping mortals with dreams - or nightmares - that you want them to see. How far you go depends on just how talented you can be, Jeleia..."

She leaned back down again, and bared her keen fangs before biting into my neck, making me gasp in real pain as she began to drink my blood.

Even with her teeth firmly embedded into my flesh, Vaermina said "That is my offer, Jeleia. Give me the soul of Erandur, and I shall give you the ability to wield Dream Magic..."

I shuddered as her tongue lapped at my wounded neck, sealing it up as she showed me her bloody face.

"You can return here whenever you want then... Who knows, maybe when you become a Daedra, you and I can truly mate like Daedra... Maybe, Jeleia, you can have the privilege of inseminating a Daedric Prince... Or, you can be inseminated by one..."

Her tail dumped another thick load of sperm into my ass, smirking widely at me as I began to cum inside her as well.

"For now though, I am far from sated, mortal... Last for as long as you can, Jeleia. Satisfy me..."