

Lazarus's aircraft was surprisingly spacious, even though it smelt like something and hopefully not someone had died in it.

He had put some bandages on my chest and then proceeded to administer the most painkillers a person can biologically handle before dying.

I had a very hard time adjusting to the sudden lift off, and was a bit nauseous and dizzy as we flew at top speed.

I should've been used to the high adrenaline life of being a space traveller, but I had resolved that I had the space equivalent to sea sickness.

I found myself sitted in a folded position with my hair soaked in blood from my fall off the tree. Multiple cuts also held space on my arms and legs.

For the first time in my life i felt really fucked up.

My feet and arms were sore, I could hardly feel my chest anymore, and I had the greatest migraine in all history.

" Hey kid, you good back there?", he inquired.

" You guess"

" Oh come on, u were taught better than this"

" i was not taught how to get the literal shit beaten out of me"

" It is what it is, youngblood"

" Please tell me you have at least got a plan"

" Who needs a plan when you have good old fashioned intuition?"

" everyone, every fucking person needs a plan"

" Kid, do you have any idea who I am?"

" Oh no, please not with the intro again", I pleaded, to which my pleas were ignored.

" My name is Lazarus Armindle, son of Jaxon Armindle who is the son of Mary Heloiine who was the daughter of Jack Heloiine. I am the greatest soldier that has ever graced the Empires asses, I've conquered 13 planets, each within a time period of 2 months. I slaid the entire colony of Jeremuis minor, by my own. I laid waste to the planet Orionnai, with a single blast of my lightning beast. My name is fucking Lazarus Armindle, and i am the star-collector"

Oh the silence in the room after he said all that crap was because I didn't really care who he was.

You see, Lazarus was the greatest hero in our history as an empire, and he did kick some serious ass.

But when he was doing all these amazing things he was a young man, roughly between the ages of 22 and 35, so naturally at the age of 39, u wouldnt expect him to be anywhere close to his former glory.

Now he taught classes to teenagers to make them the same thing he was forced to be, a soldier for an empire that was blood lusted.

Sometimes Lazarus carried a sort of sorrow about him, it seemed as though he had the skeletons of the millions he had killed, chained to his feet, he held the lives of so many in his hands, way too many times.

" Kid, were here now"

I looked out the window which showed the same forest I had raced through, not more than two hours ago, burnt to mostly black ash and smoke, the blue flames consuming everything in sight.

Never had he ever seen a sight that solely depicted the belief of hell among the christians, the hellish sight looked like something out of an ancient painting that burnt an everlasting flame in the mind of any person that dared to even look at it for a fraction of a second.

The weight of this situation finally reflected onto Damien, this might be the last day he would ever see his friend, Sebastien.

He winced as memories of their childhood went through his mind, they flew around his mind like pages of a book carried by the wind on a warm spring afternoon.

" Let's get ready kiddo"

" Let's get ready captain"

" Are you okay, you have a lot of shit going on?"

" Life, i guess"

" You know what the drunk men of the pub would say, more war, more life"

" You really enjoy pub language"

" A pub is every great man's second home"

" Never going to be my second home for sure", I concluded.

I began to wear a set of white gear from Lazarus, which was different to our standard, black gear.

The sound of the fire burning, and the smell of smoke quickly overrun the sensory organs of my body as the aircraft landed.

Lazarus looked at me, now fully in gear and a balaclava on his head.

" You go first", he said as he pushed me right out of the aircraft through a small hatch.

" Dumbass", I replied, with a smile on my face.