Volume 02 - Chapter 03: Divine Transformation

// Agrona Vritra //

Standing on one of the balconies in Taegrin Caelum, my eyes darted across the vast field that exploded in a series of explosions. The ground splintered as hundreds of spikes flew from beneath the ground towards the sky. Once the countless metal spikes and harpoons reached a specific point, they turned directions, their sharp region pointing downwards. 

Looking down I saw the second anchor--Grey, having a frustrated look over his face as he stood across another boy. His scarlet eyes, which looked oddly similar to my own were calculating, thinking of a way to land a hit. Jet black hair stuck to his forehead because of the heated arena. With a flick of his wrist, the harpoons came crashing down at the other boy. 

Like a violent, frenzied hailstorm it rained down at him. Grey stood in the far corner of the arena as he continued looking here and there, trying to find a sign of his mana signature. However, any last trace of his mana wasn't present there. It was like he had... died. 

I looked back to see the brown-haired man, taking a gentle sip from cup. "He isn't dead, is he?", I asked. 

"I am afraid I do not have the means to answer your question. I am an unadorned after all", he replied casually, not even a hint of remorse at his lack of ability to use magic. 

"I offered to grant you one", I replied, still looking down at the battlefield. 

"I do not take grants. I can climb to the top even if I don't have this revered magic." A small moment of silence ensued, interrupted by a frantic murmur, "Did Grey overdo it?" 

The second anchor--Nico Sever, spoke. 

"Although I am not proud of his existence... I am sure, he is better than this", he replied and put the cup on the round table in front of him. Picking up his cane he stood up and started walking towards the balcony, "I think you told me you asuras can't die that easily", he said. 

I cocked a brow at him, "And?"

"His foundations were placed by you via another asura. I don't think it's remotely possible for your "Son" to beat him... at least not that easily", he replied and pointed at a specific point in the mushroom shaped rising smoke and rubble. 

The temperature increased violently as more and more dust started to disappear. Looking around I saw Nico cover himself in a protective sheen of mana. Mana built up around where the lesser that was so cherished by the man was. Suddenly a heat wave rose emanated from him and cleared the arena as he finally came into view. 

His brown hair was now beaming in a red color and fluttering in the air like a flag. The green of his eyes were replaced by a burning orange that seemed to overflow with mana. The foundations of castle shook ever-so-slightly. 

A nexus of complicated engravings glistened underneath the boy's shirt as he raised his fists up. A crazed look formed on his face as he looked at Grey. 

Grey was always vigilant and predicted things ahead of time. However, this was something even he couldn't predict. I have to say, this lesser was as much of a surprise as Grey. Although Grey was still a better swordsman because of his past experiences, the boy was something else. His hand-to-hand combat was at a level where even the elites of Thyestes clan couldn't stand against him. 

A shame he was born into a lesser's body. However, this transformation... this change in appearance. 

Looks like the sacrifice of a prisoner wasn't in vain in trying to bring him here. A sudden nostalgia washed over me as I saw the flaming wings sprout from his either side, engulfed in a golden light--The Divine Transformation. 

"I can see why you cherished him so much, Ayanokoji", I said, looking at him from the corner of my eyes. 

"If this much is enough then I must say", he paused as he looked at me with a disappointed look, "You're going to fail. HE could've done so much more."

"Who is this "he" you refer to?" I asked, for the hundredth time. 

"Someone...", he paused once again, "someone you will never want to be in this world if you want your goals to come to fruition", he replied. 

A chill crept up my spine. It was an answer I had never expected. Not from him. I looked back outside as I saw Grey and the lesser fight on equal grounds after the transformation. My gaze lingered from them to the sky as I closed my eyes, "I will get my hands on the legacy", I replied. 

"You can try", he replied. "Are you sure he is not here?" He asked. 

"I am pretty sure", I replied. After many days of closed-door research, I concluded that the reason for Ayanokoji's worries wasn't in this world. 

"Then remember our deal. Send me where he is and in return, I will help you fulfill your goals", he said, picking up a striker and placed it in his palm. 

"Why are you so fixated on him? What has he done to bedevil you to this extent?" I asked, genuinely flabbergasted at his obsession. His obsession was more deep-rooted than my own.

"The answer is simple, Agrona."

"I created him so I will be the one to destroy him," he spoke through clenched teeth, breaking the striker into two in his fist.


// Kiyotaka Ayanokoji //

Sitting on the couch in the Helstea Manor, I looked around me. Alice sat right beside me... or should I call her mom now? Since I am a grown-up and have to talk more than I like to, I have to make this a habit in case I call her by her real name accidently. 

Ok so, Mom sat right beside me, still stroking my hair. Her fingers ran through my hair slowly as the other hand wrapped around my entire frame, embracing me in a firm-warm hug. Although I had a girlfriend before and she loved me, this experience was still new for me. 

Parental love. It felt so different from the one I had gotten from Kei. It felt ambitionless. Lacking any purpose. From what I've heard and now personally experienced, parents just love. They cannot describe how and why. 

The past me and even the current me always wonder, why? Why are parents selfish in general but not when it comes to their offspring. Was it because they considered them a part of themselves? Or was it another reason? It was a question plaguing people who thought about it and even parents themselves. 

The most common answer was, "because he/she's my child". 

But was it a valid reason? Why would someone just love their child for no reason and expect nothing in return. I, for one can't believe it easily after being thrown in a battlefield since a young age by my own father. 

But seeing Ali- Mom and Dad here, happy and content after seeing me was something that was making my brain hurt. The depressed looks on their faces when I first saw mom was replaced by an expression that can be seen only when a person achieves their lifetime goal. 

Was this warm feeling of belonging somewhere, being genuinely needed by someone without desiring anything in return called being home?

I felt a gentle poke at my forehead as mom removed the hair with her hand and placed a small kiss there. I looked at her, confused as I placed my other hand on my forehead, "Thank... you?"

"Don't say that, Art. I am your mom... and since you seemed to like it, mom will give you a lot of kisses now", she said and hugged me once more like a person who is holding the last straw while drowning... literally.

Well, this is going to be troublesome. Adjusting to being in family was already a mountainous task. Is she really going to do that a lot? A shiver ran down my spine at the prospect of being kissed like a little baby. 

"But Art, how are you? How did you survive the fall? Where were you all this time?" Dad asked. Mom seemed to somehow remember that she had to ask me this question too as she suddenly removed my head from her chest and brought my face in front of herself.

I looked at her and then at dad, "After the fall I somehow survived since there were some branches of the trees to cushion my impact, After that..." I continued to narrate my story by remaining as much to the truth as I could, excluding the part where I killed and tortured the bandits. I told them about Sylvia, albeit not her name but rather as an elderly woman who bandaged and fed me and also gave me Sylvie. 

I am sure if she managed to survive, she'd kill me for calling her an elderly woman. Not that she is young either, since from what I can see she was quite old and was using some sort of advanced magic to make herself look young. 

My parents took a moment of silence in their interrogation when I told them about Sylvia's death while protecting me. It wasn't a lie at all. However, I didn't need to elaborate in detail who or what she was protecting me against.  

After a good 10 to 15 minutes, they finally stopped, content with my answers. Mom was restraining her tears once again after hearing what I had been through. Placing a hand over her back, I drew circles on it. The tears that were brimming fell down and formed narrow streams on her cheeks. 

Holding emotions is a disease. It is curable, but if it is not done, it might come back to bite you later. Be it sad ones or happy ones, no one should be doing it. After she finished sobbing, she took out a piece of cloth and wiped her tears with it. 

Looking up I saw dad looking at me with a look that seemed like he was itching to ask something. Being the musclehead he was, he probably wants to spar.

Peeling myself away from mom, I stood up and walked towards the couch where my little sister was sitting. She had inherited alternating features from our parents just like me. She had dad's ashen hair and mom's brown eyes. She looked at me as I stooped down on my knees. There was a strange maturity in her eyes. 

I wasn't sure how I should treat her. Like just pick her up by her shoulders and spin her around like dad used to do with me? Or should I act like a tough brother in front of her? Or should I be cheerful and make her laugh using my magic? 

As I was busy with inner strife mom walked closer, "Just be yourself", she said. 

Once again, she had left me baffled. I looked at her as she smiled, "I am your mother. I know you have trouble expressing your feelings. So just be yourself for now", she replied. 

Well, close enough. It's not like I am emotionless. I can certainly feel them. I have just suppressed them to an extent where I have lost the ability to comprehend and express them in their rightful situations. Placing my hand over her head, I patted her once and TRIED to smile at her. She seemed scared at first, so I stopped smiling. 

Turns out it was exactly my smile that was bothering her as she suddenly smiled, "Bwother?" She spoke. Turns out she can almost form accurate words. Seeing normal humans, she might grow up into a talented individual without having any prior knowledge. 

Then another thought crossed my mind. Someone might use her. I heard from Ike and others about being a sis-con. I guess I should protect her without falling into that category. Since she is my only sibling in two lives, I should do at least this much. Yes... for now my goal aside from smiling without freaking someone out is to develop my relationship with my family. 

"Papa? Can I go outside? I am hungry", Sylvie spoke through our mental connection. 

"You can get dinner inside", I replied. 

"It doesn't taste good. I will be back before dark... promise", she shot back again. 

"You know what will happen if you don't return by then, right?" 

"Appropriate Penalty... I remember, papa. Can I go now?" She spoke and I could feel the subtle roll of her eyes. I guess since I am her surrogate parent, I shouldn't be too harsh. 

"Go", I gave her confirmation as she jumped from mom's head to the ground and ran away. 

"Arthur! Sylvie is..." 

"Let her go, mom. She needs some air", I spoke, looking back. 

"Hey son, I was wondering..." Dad interrupted in the conversation. 

"How about you tell me your core stage first?" Without waiting for his awkwardness to finish and letting him ask the question, I replied in instead, saving both of our time. 

"Ahahaha. Your old man broke into Dark Orange stage recently. Now... what stage your core is?" He huffed proudly and then awaited my answer. I could lie at this moment but since he will know anyways if he tries to check my core so its better not to lie. 

"Light Orange", I replied as I saw everyone including the maids' jaws drop to the floor.       


(A/n I had written 1.6k chapters but unfortunately my editor is one hell of a pain in the ass and kept pestering me...again, to elongate the chapter length. Anyways, If you notice grammatical mistakes since the beta reader is a good for nothing who only has the perk to read chapters early. Thanks! Hope you enjoy the chapter.)

(E/n Ouch!)