Volume 03 - Chapter 02: Odd Infatuation

// Arthur Leywin (Kiyotaka Ayanokouji) //

The flame gained strength as I added another twig to the bonfire set-up in the middle of our camps.

Ever since coming to this world, I have taken every decision with utmost care and diligence. However, the severity of the situation made me reconsider the method of planning.

The comprehension of people as to there are only four elements was wrong. As I could already see the fifth element and utilise it to a meagre amount—-this alone described how little the people of Dicathen knew about magic.

However, now there was something else. Another mote of mana. The presence of Spriggans alone was an idiosyncratic phenomenon. But the presence of a rune and sickly green mana was what made it even more troublesome.

There existed other species. Or races. Just like Sylvia—-dragons. The ominous, uncanny feeling that I get every time Arisu uses her magic and now this green mana. Coupled with the fact that Sylvia was afraid and running away from someone, everything points in one direction.

An internal war between Deities or Asuras as they prefer themselves to be called.

Shaking my head to get rid of these thoughts for now, I looked up. Jasmine and Arisu talked to each other, sitting on the opposite side from me. The flame flickered, distorting the vision of the world across it.

A minute smile wrapped in an innocent sincerity tugged at the corner of Jasmine's thin lips as she continued her 'talk' with Arisu.

Not wanting to butt into their conversation, I sat just in front of them and hovered my hands above the bonfire, absorbing the heat from it. My mind travelled to something vital.

My primary core.

It has been years since I've used it in combat.

There was a reason behind this. And it was that my primary core couldn't be used in combat—-not until I'm done with what I was planning.

The basic hypothesis was to grant my body a constant exposure to mana. Augmenting the joints first followed by every basic layer that formed a human.

Insides of bones, outer covering, joints, tissues, muscles, ligaments... arteries and veins.

Body Augmentation— it was a term related to coating the outer region of the body in a sheen of mana that could vary in intensity. However, there was no research or data about inner augmentation.

Why would someone augment their body only during combat? What if the danger is faster than the perception? What if the enemy kills you before you're able to augment yourself?

Once you're dead, there's nothing you could do. Quite ironic coming from me, however this was the bitter truth.

The solution entailed proper precautions. For the body to be permanently resistant to sudden attack... enough to not die from a surprise attack.

The restraints on my primary core loosened. Dividing my focus, I kept the mana exposure strictly to the inside, not letting even a single drop of mana to leak outside the purlieus of my body.

It was a toilsome task, requiring every last bit of my concentration. The mana had to remain inside. The basic idea for this was to circulate mana subconsciously—like blood being pumped naturally.

The sensation of mana being circulated internally invaded me. Like hot, serrated knives gnawing at my insides, I felt the warm yet harrowing sensation orbit my entire body.

Blood seemed to boil while bones felt like cracking from intense exposure of mana. The muscles tore apart and then mended themselves back—-with the aid of my high core stage and Sylvia's will.

However, my heart remained stable. One diligent, useful beat at a time, a contrast to the raging storm throughout my whole body.

I had repeated this process everyday, without fail. Yet, somehow, the limitations of my body always made the process a little prickling—-despite my tenacity.

Leaves rustled as I opened my eyes slowly. The fire was still blazing in a rich crimson shade. Blinking a few times, I looked to my side.

Jasmine sat while hugging her knees, her red eyes boring holes inside me. Her tied hair was let loose as a few strands fell on her face.

"You look tense," Jasmine commented, her eyes fixated on me.

"The fight earlier was taxing," I replied as I leaned back, pressing my palms against the ground.

She cocked her head to the side. Suddenly she gripped my nose with her fingers and pressed it, "Don't lie," She said in a reprimanding tone.

Slightly jerking my head, I got free of her clutches and rubbed it. She shifted, fully looking in my direction. Her eyes had lost the elder sister look and was now replaced by a predatory one.


"Something I wanted to test," I replied. Giving out crude answers was the best I could do for now.

She nodded, understanding my intentions. "So... any specific reason as to why we are staying inside an unexplored dungeon?"

"Gut feeling? Intuition?" I asked her more than answering her. Her eyes narrowed at me once again, her thin lips quirking up from one side—-twitching in annoyance. "You're too practical and mature to depend on a mere intuition."

A meek sigh escaped my mouth. Maybe because I have been practicing my facial muscles too much, somehow I have developed a reflex while lying. Given my closeness to her, she was bound to pick it up.

"The beasts—-Spriggans."

"Hmm," she hummed as her eyes shifted from me to the fire, "You're right. It's strange," she said and inched closer.

Picking my hand and placing it between her both hands, she pressed it and looked at me, "Arthur."

Her mellow voice reached my ears, unperturbed by any disturbances. A subtle warmth permeated from her hands, a contrast to the glacial cold of my own hands. "You need to trust us."

"I trust you."




A looming silence lingered between us as we stared into each other's eyes. Her eyes—-despite seemingly have moved on from whatever predicament she had---the resentment for it still dwelled in a corner—-a stigma, sweltering. Like a blister it plagued her.

"Ok." I replied.

"Good," she said and ran her fingers through my hair, brushing them back, "Holding back what you feel or emotions never yield anything good," she said and looked up at the roof. I noticed her biting her lower lip that was quivering.

"Is that experience?"


A blunt reply. Her petite frame trembled, barely restrained through a veil of fake strength. I inched closer, our shoulders touching. I didn't know what to do. However, sometimes silence is the only remedy one needs. A shoulder to cry on. Or at least that was what Kei said.

Extending my arm, I placed my hand at the back of her head and pulled it towards me. Grabbing the overcoat she had handed me before, I covered her back with it. She tried to get back up, but I firmed my grip over her, "Stay like this."

She stayed silent, as her stiff muscles relaxed. Any fight she had in her body, instantly vanished. I suddenly felt wet...

her tears drowning my shoulders.

Not knowing what to do in this situation, I just stayed like that, letting her shed all the unrestrained tears she had controlled all this time.

After a short while, she stopped.

"Hey Arthur..." Jasmine said, her head resting in my lap.

I look down, meeting her piercing gaze.

"You wanted to know about me right?"

"I said if you want, you can tell me."

She sat back up and wiped the trails of tears from her face. Taking in a deep breath, she looked at me and continued.


"That's some odd infatuation for someone like you," Arisu's voice was a bare whisper as it reached my ears.

I looked down at her. She was much taller than her past life and... much more well-bred. Not replying, I looked in front of me. A huge wall with lingering traces of multiple mana signatures stuck to it stood at the place where we fought the Spriggans.

Walking towards the wall, I placed my hand on it. Despite knowing something was wrong with the wall, I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Let me try," Arisu said as she took my place. Her white hair rose up from her nape and despite the lack of air, it fluttered like a flag. A crimson light emanated from her hand and a crack ran through it.

Her fingers snapped and a sound barrier conjured, enveloping us. The heavy rumble was suppressed to a gentle whoosh as the crevices made by Arisu widened and the wall fragmented down to tiny pieces.

Behind the wall was a curtain of creepers and vines. Pushing them aside Arisu stepped on the other side while I followed her. Mana trickled out of core as I felt multiple presences around me. Reaching inside, I saw Arisu, her staff in her hand... the red gem glimmering with an abnormal amount of mana.

It wasn't just the quantity...but the composition of mana. She looked at me from above her shoulder as she tapped her staff on the ground. The entire place was engulfed in a sudden outbreak of flames. The walls dyed in a shade of lighter purple and azure as her flames changed colours. Multiple goblins, hobgoblins and multiple snarlers. A snarler queen hovered above them.

However, their appearances were different, sickly. They looked in a worse state than normal but stronger—which means...mutation. Arisu smirked and looked at me, "Go ahead. I can handle this much."

I wasn't going to help her either way but since she took my gesture like that, I don't need to correct her. With a quick mana augmented dash I ran past the beasts and arrived at the gate guarded by the beasts.

A huge axe came crashing down at me.


The sound of Dawn leaving its scabbard echoed like a shrill metallic sound followed by a wet squelch as the axe dropped down to the ground, the hand of hobgoblin still attached to it. It let out a blood-curdling scream which was interrupted as I plunged Dawn in its neck. Its knees buckled and fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Looking at the door, it was carved out of metal with engravings... no, these were runes. The runes glimmered in and out of life with a subtle golden hue. All four types of mana coalesced around my fist as I punched it. The runes formed a red barrier before my hand made contact but it shattered upon impact.

The double door flew open. Tucking my hands inside my pockets, I started walking towards them. 6 of them sat around 3 individual round tables. Atop the round table were chessboards. However, the design of the pieces was totally different from the ones I had.

"Oi look. A rat escaped those filthy beats," One of them spoke, completely disregarding me, not even bothering to glance at me for a second time.

A man who was fairly tall stood up and looked at me with a smirk, cracking his fingers, "Stay back! This lamb is mine. After all the hard work that Draneevee made us do, I want to let out this pent-up frustration," He said.

"So... how would you like yourself to be dismembered?" He said with a smirk.

"I don't understand. You speak like you have leverage over me," I said, slightly confused at his attitude. "Your attitude demands a situation where you have enough firepower to overpower me. You're just six. That is not enough."

The whole cave was filled with maniacal laughter as they all bursted out laughing, some of them rolling on the floor.

"The lesser thinks he has a chance."

"How preposterous!"

"A frog in the well."

"I just want some answers. It can be quick that way," I spoke, trying to avoid any unnecessary work.

"Listen here you littl- AGHHHHHHHHH," the man who advanced and grabbed my collar now laid on the ground, his hand still flopping on the ground, a few yards away.

"Like I said... you all are not enough to stop me, let alone play games," I said and stomped on the man's head, crushing it under my heel.

Mana flared around the remaining five. However, the spells weren't formed directly. Something else was acting as a conduit for their spells.

A tired whisper escaped my mouth followed by a gentle, warm breeze as I felt a surging hurricane of power inside me.


(***) Five minutes later.



"W-What is that thing?"


A/n: The travelling with my parents really made it taxing to write, but eh, I managed it. Let me know what you think of the chapter in the comments.

Identify any mistakes in case my lousy beta reader skipped them.

E/n: I am on a medical rest -_-