Chapter 40 - Epilogue of Xyrus Arc.

(Arthur Leywin)

The plan was set.

The rusted gears of my plan that had been on hold for so many years, waiting for the other continent to make a move were finally put into motion.

Windsom and other asura would have dispatched the traitors in council already. It was weird enough. Having infiltrated so many dungeons without anyone knowing, the Alacryans were being aided by someone inside Dicathen.

The uncanny annexation of dungeons like the one where I fought Uto---the middle region of Hells-jaw and Widow's Crypt.

All of these subtle hints pointed towards a single thing.

The Dwarves.

The only ones possible to make complex enough underground tunnels to grant access to invaders from other continents were the Dwarves.

After some digging, I found out that the King---Dawsid Greysunder was an impotent man with no magical powers whatsoever. The only thing that made people fear him were his lances. However, the lances are bound to kings and queens with a blood bound seal.

An equal exchange since the lances exchange their loyalty for power.

But what use is power if you are not able to exercise it as you want?

But that thing was exactly what was keeping peace in this continent. However, a war was coming. And having lapdog lances who had no room for improvement were the least of my worries. The traitors needed to be wiped out and lances needed to be freed of their potential blockers.

"Papa, we are here." Sylvie said as I spotted the Council's floating castle.

Picking up speed, me and Sylvie made our way to the castle. However, a wave of oppressive mana washed all over the place swatting Sylvie away, but she regained her balance as the pressure disappeared in a near instant.

Finally, we made it inside the castle, and what we saw was a scene of utter chaos and devastation. Two Dwarven lances lay discarded on the ground. Their bodies were wracked with convulsions, and foam frothed from their mouths. However, they were alive, a stark contrast to the Dwarven royalty who laid flat on the ground, drowning in their own pool of blood and a gaping hole in their chests.

All eyes shifted to me, a visible horror in their eyes as they looked up while still prostrating in front of Windsom and the three eyed asura.

He was strong.

Much stronger than Windsom.

"Arthur. Just on time. Your acquaintance has been freed already. We will handle things here. Go say farewell to your parents. We leave in the earliest." Windsom said and then turned towards the other asura, "This is Aldir. He will be temporarily gaining control over the council."

Aldir. I will keep the name in mind.

Aldir and Windom's eyes shifted from me to Sylvie as they both bowed, "Lady Sylvie." They said in unison, taking a knee.

Sylvie looked at me, confused at what was happening.


Arisu looked back, her eyes locking with mine as she looked the other way.

Is she mad at me? If she is, that would make sense. While I was in Elenoir, I had told Virion not to let Tess come back to Xyrus as the rogue students and Alacryans were going to attack before than intended.

Humiliating Lucas proved fruitful as he had a high ego and pride in his lineage along with an inferiority complex. Being defeated by a commoner would definitely make him go to any lengths. Since he decided to shake hands with Draneevee, the Alacryan commander for operations in Dicathen, I was able to follow him to other hideouts.

With Draneevee killed by Arisu, the ones left behind in dungeons were easy prey for white core mages in Dicathen.

Alea was rescued by me and after being healed by the best healers in Dicathen she was battle-ready. The status of her condition was also kept hidden.

Right now, she was already dispatched to the remaining Alacryan camps, ready to wipe them all. All that remained was to settle things here.

Windsom walked towards me while Aldir stayed back. Looking at Alduin once, I nodded as he nodded back while Merial flashed a bright smile as I returned my attention towards Windsom. Arisu walked beside him as she crossed her arms beneath her breasts and looked away.

"I must say, such creative use of Illusion magic to make everyone mistake her for the elven princess. You are a box of surprises." Windsom said with an amused smile. "I will leave you two to talk. Meet me outside once you're done."

With those words he left, leaving me and Arisu alone.

I stood in front of her, completely silent and she did the same, reflecting her own conflicted feelings.


"I used you. Do you have a problem?"

"No. I knew you would do that. So...," She came closer as she bent down and patted Sylvie who was now in her fox form, "Continue to do so."


"Don't think I come without a cost. Use me again like this," She got up and got extremely close, a confident smirk over her face, "There would be a price to pay." She whispered, her warm breath fanning the inside of my ears as a chill ran down my spine.

That was mildly arousing.

Peeling herself away from me she took a step back from me, "I will be waiting for you."

"You don't have to."

"That is my personal choice. You have no say in it."

I stayed silent, not entirely comprehending what she was trying to do. However, it was best not to think much about it. I waved my hand and walked away from her. I should give her something for causing her so much trouble, but as things stand I don't want her to get any kind of wrong idea.

The war had already started.

Matters like these could be sorted afterwards.

Casting one last look back, I flew away towards Windsom, ready to say goodbye to my parents. It was time I left for the land of asuras—Euphotus.

(Agrona Vritra)

Walking at a steady pace, I stormed inside Atsuomi's room. He was sitting in a rocking chair, his eyes set on the Sovereign's Quarrel in front of him with his fingers interlocked.

"Ah, Agrona."

Sitting in front of him, I kicked the pieces as they toppled over each other before falling to the ground, "What is the meaning of this?" I asked, keeping my mana under control to not crush the lesser's entire existence.

"Meaning of what?"

"You know what I am talking about." I replied, a bubbling lava of unfiltered rage inside me.

His tactics and war sense was the same as mine. Sometimes, even better. That was why I had heeded to his advice, letting events happen before time. However, what happened was exactly opposite of what he had predicted.

"Mad that your little rab rats died without knowing what hit them?"

"You have an interesting way of portraying your narrative. You were the one who planned it."

"And it all went according to plan. The one you should be wary of... more than the dragon king, is the one who is lurking in the shadows of Dicathen." He replied as I saw subtle excitement on his face.

"You don't mean... him, right?" I asked. There was a certain individual he had always talked about. Someone, he was deeply obsessed with. Someone, who's mere presence outweighed every reincarnate I had.

"Yes, he is here. My dear son." He said with a grin and looked up.

"How do you know?"

"I've studied the artefacts that the lances have. No matter how talented they are, they should not be able to defeat the strongest retainer, Uto. In addition to that, my plan was completely seen through. How many people can do that? Certainly not Kezzes Indrath. If he was smart enough, he would've crushed you centuries ago."

"So, only your son is capable of seeing through you?" I asked.

"Exactly. But it's just like last time. When he thought he was free from me... he will be dancing right in the palm of my hands."


Author's Note

First of all, Ramadan Mubarak to everyone who is celebrating it.

Secondly, since I am also fasting, I can't write chapters frequently. Its a month of discipline and self-reflection so expect slower, sluggish uploads. However, if I do publish, they would be around 3k words, so fret not.

See ya all next time, Sayonara.