Chapter 49: Proposal

That night, we hold our celebration. Jeffery and Kam provide plenty of food and drinks. Zephyr spent much of the afternoon advertising the event, gathering people to come to the tavern. Not many show up, but the ones that do are merry and welcoming of the dragons, having heard about the announcement from others.

The atmosphere of the dining area is finally back to what it once was; loud, jovial, filled with song and conversation. Drinks are poured for most of the evening, leading to a lot of laughter. Even Eurus, serious and cold, is found smiling and conversing with some older men about an old book.

I stay next to Dominik the whole night, sitting in his lap, feeding him bits of food. He holds me close, pressing his lips against my skin at random times. When it starts to get late, and he appears to be tired, I dismiss us to the bedroom.

“That was nice,” I say, closing the bedroom door once Dominik is inside.