The fever

Xavier changed his clothing to something casual and then went to the garden, it was raining outside so he stayed at the corridor, some minutes later, Hazel arrived

"Its raining milord"

"I noticed"


"Now your punishment is to uproot the weeds in the garden, do not mistake it for the plants"

"But its raining"

"And I said I noticed"


"No buts, get out there and start before I increase the punishment"

Hazel reluctantly walked towards the garden and the minute the drops of water touched her, she froze, it was very cold but she had her punishment to do. Xavier watched her as she did her punishment by pulling our the weeds, she seemed careful as she pulled it off so she wouldn't pull off the good ones.

After some minutes, the ran had already drenched her and her clothes clung to her body revealing her perfect curves to Xavier's view, he stood there watching her as she shivered in the rain. After she was done, she walked back to the corridor, wet and her legs were muddy, it was then Xavier realised that she was bare footed

"You would not want to stain the mopped floor with your legs, would you!"

She looked down at her legs

"I'll t-t-take...I'll w-wa-wash i-it o-o-off" she shivered as she spoke

"You better change your clothes if you don't want to catch a fever" he said as he saw the way she shivered "and next time, you do as I say so you could avoid punishment like this" and he walked inside.

Hazel hurriedly went to the servants quarters and changed her clothes, there wasn't any warm water as servants weren't provided with one, she folded herself under the covers but she kept shivering

The next day, Hazel felt weak and sick, she left to prepare Xavier's bathing water, she had cursed him severally for what he did. Xavier took note of how her hands were shaking when she brought and fed him his breakfast, but he didn't plan on teasing her, he just watched her as the whole time. When she was about leaving, he spoke

"Are you still feeling cold?"

'As you can see, I'm not a vampire that can withstand cold so obviously, yes' she wanted to say out loud but held herself before another punishment may arise

"its nothing sir,I'll just get herbs for it" and she left

Four days passed and Hazel's condition worsened, she felt extra weak and her temperature wasn't helping, she had managed to serve Xavier his breakfast and was about to leave, the whole time she was feeding him, she felt dizzy but tried to control herself but immediately she reached for the door, she fell as she lost consciousness, the last thing she noticed was Xavier running towards her.

When she woke up, she found herself on Xavier's bed in his room and him by her side staring at her

"Your awake" he said

"How long have I been sleeping"

"A whole day"

"A whole day?"she realised her mistake and apologized

" You knew you were sick and you refused to eat" there was no way he knew she wasn't eating except through Collins

"I didn't feel like eating"

"And see where It landed you"

"In your room?"

"Damn it, no, you were running a high temperature but thanks to the doctor it has lessened"

"Its your fault, you made me work under the rain"

"I don't remember punishing without reason"

"The reason isn't worth the punishment and if you weren't feeling guilty why did you bring me here and got me treated"

Xavier never had the intention of making her sick, he wanted to behave cold towards her, he wanted to discard whatever growing feeling he had but seeing her sick rose a feeling he had never felt before. Guilt. He felt guilty and when she fainted by his door, he was worried. Yeah, it was partially his fault but he wasn't going to admit to that

"Your my maid and its my responsibility to the take care of you"

"Says who?"

"Says me"

Just then Collins came in with a tray and a drink that was kinda greenish brown in colour. He dropped the tray and left.

"Humans are weak, I can't believe you fell sick because of the rain"

"Its our nature" 'dumbass' she completed

"You need to eat"

"I'm not hungry"

Xavier ignored her and brought the tray closer and took out the drink

"What's this?" She asked

"Something that will give you strength"

"I do not want it"

"Seems like you love my bed and you don't want to have the energy to get up from it"

Hazel grabbed the cup and drank it in a go, it was after drinking it that she realised it smelt funny

"Look, I don't love your room talk more of your bed"she said

"Now eat" again ignoring her statement

"I'm not hungry"

"You weren't hungry and you found yourself unconscious, who knows where you'll find yourself next, six feet's under the ground?"

"I won't die because of a fever"

"Says the one that can barely lift herself up"

"I'm just weak"

"Enough of the long talk and just eat"

"I wasn't joking when I said so"

"And I aren't talking any longer" he pulled the spoon and scooped a portion of the food bringing it closer to her mouth, she reluctantly opened her mouth and surprisingly he fed her gently. She stated at him the whole time, Xavier felt her stares but didn't react to it. When he was done he said

"You need to rest again"

Hazel was preparing to stand when he said again

"Where are you going?"

"To rest" she said shortly " to rest in my room" she completed

"I don't think your legs can carry you do its preferable you stay here"

"I can walk down to my room"

"I know but I won't want a situation where you'll slip from the stairs and fall and then die as I wouldn't be shocked if you die from that. I am enjoying your services as my maid and I do not want it to end now, so rest here"


"What's with the hmmnph"


He left the room for her to rest, a maid came in later and cleared the tray. Earlier, Xavier was totally worried as she hadn't woken up, it has as almost a day, was the fever really serious and why  didn't she say so, she had been coming to his room for almost five days but she didn't mention about it. All these  went through his mind as Hazel played unconscious and as she woke up, he was happy but decided to cover it up by acting careless about her health. He had left the room earlier because she wasn't comfortable with him but he damn wanted her to be comfortable around him

Hazel recalled what happened before she fainted and how Xavier had rushed to her side, she could see that he was worried or maybe he was just worried about his services that she carried out. Even if she dies or not, nobody will get affected right.

Xavier went back to the courtroom as he had meetings to attend but occasionally, he would send Collins to check on  Hazel, his mind wasn't in the meeting but on Hazel and how she was faring, he hoped the meeting could end soon so he could personally see her.

It was during the evening time that the meeting ended and he hurried back to his room, he saw her still asleep and she looked vulnerable at that moment, he came closer to her and stared at her pretty face, his eyes traveled from her eyes to her nose and stopped at her kissable lips, he felt like capturing them with his but he held himself

'Hold on Xavier, this is not any other girl, hold your peace'

He had never been patient with any other girl but with Hazel he wasn't in a hurry

'Wait, in a hurry for what, you aren't supposed to fall for a girl and for all people, Hazel. No'. He stood up and was about to leave when he heard her whimpering, he turned back to face her

'Seems like your having a bad dream' he said as he tucked some piece of her hair behind her neck

"Mummy where are you, I've missed you a lot" she said as she tighten her grip on the pillow

'She missed her mum' Xavier thought 'but where is her mum'. Xavier had already asked Lucas to get information about her so knowing  about her mum wouldn't be a problem. He concluded that he will try discarding whatever feelings he had for her but if they don't go then he will know that his rabbit has a grip son him and he will embrace it. He placed an airy kiss on her temple and turned to relles

"Is her time up"

"No she is just sick, she won't die" the rabbit said. Relles was a grim reaper, Hazel's reaper and he was sent earlier because her life was threatened, he had to protect her soul so in case she died by mistake, he could send her soul back to her vessel (body). Hazel didn't know about it but Xavier managed to, his suspicion about the rabbit was right. Xavier didn't know who threatened her life but relles knew and had refused to tell

"Is the sickness part of the person's plan to kill her"

"Kind of but not intentionally though"

"Keep a close watch on her"

"That won't be possible as I'm always locked in this cage"

Xavier tilted his head at the rabbit's complain but still opened the cage

"There you go, now you can keep a close watch on her"

"And if she sees me outside the cage?"

"I'll tell her you went out strolling"

At that moment, Hazel stirrup in her sleep which made her brown hair sprawl all over the bed, she looked breathtaking in such position and Xavier had to excuse himself.

He went out to see his wolves and when he came back, she was no longer in the room,  but her scent was still around the room, it was refreshing. He guessed she was at the servants quarters. He wanted to know how she was feeling but calling her to his room will stress her so he decided to go to her.

As Xavier stepped into the servants quarters at night,all the maids and guards were shocked and they all murmured silently. Xavier walked passed them, he knew that they were shocked but he paid less attention to that, he went straight to Hazel's room and without bothering to knock, he stepped inside and closed the door. She wasn't in the room at that moment but as soon as he heard some water sounds, he guessed she was in the bathroom. Xavier knowing well that servants weren't provided with hot water dashed into the bathroom, luckily Hazel still had her towel on which was held around her bosom and it stopped on her mid thigh, she froze the moment she saw him. What was he doing here and why did he just barge into her bathroom, didn't he know she might be naked.

"Don't be shy, I've seen many of those" he said as if he had read her mind

"You've seen many doesn't mean mine should be included"

"Humans like you throw themselves at me, happy inviting me to see them and you are here covering yourself"

"I'm not like them and what are you doing here"

"You dare raise your voice at your Lord" she reluctantly bowed her head and apologized "don't you know that cod water increases fever"

"It is what we are provided with here"

"Then come to my room, you could have your bath there"

'WHAT!, his room, NO WAY' she thought

"Thanks for your concern Milord but I'll prefer using the one available in my room"

"And make me spend note money on your health again?"

"My health is getting better Milord"

"It is, but you haven't fully recovered so do not use cold water or else it might come back"

"It won't"

"I'm giving you two options, it's either you come have your bath in my room or you completely start staying there"

'Like park to your room' she thought

"Time up, I'll choose" he said " you'll park to my room by tomorrow "



"I didn't get to choose...okay I'll bath in your room"

"Time over like I said. You'll bath in my room today and by tomorrow your things will be here, after all your my maid and you  are meant to be close to me" he grinned widely and his fangs were in view "we'll be going immediately"

"No, I'm not going anywhere"

"Dont make me force you rabbit" he raised a brow up

"I'll have to change"

"There's no need for that"

"I can't go out with just a towel"

He looked at her again seeing that indeed it wasn't right to wear this towel alone and moreover he didn't want any other person to see her like this, only him can see her like this. He took off his coat and wore it on her, it stopped below her knees

"There, now you can walk and pick up a night dress with you"


"You'll be sleeping in my room"

"You said tomorrow"

"I said your things will be brought to my room from tomorrow so quickly pick up a night dress and let's go, I'm being patient with you"

'Patient my ass' she mocked

She saw how serious he was and picked a night dress and followed him. As she went outside, she noticed gazes on her, she was wearing his coat with nothing inside only a towel, that was enough to raise suspicions. She still felt weak and her steps weren't fast, Xavier noticed and went by her pace

"I can't walk any longer" she finally said after staring at the stairs

"That's not a problem" and he carried her in a princess style

"Drop me down!"

"You complained about not being able to walk, I'm just helping" he knew exactly what she wanted him to do and it was to teleport them to his room but he wanted to spend some time with her so he didn't use that way. He carried her all the way to his room and Hazel's eyes were fixed on him all the while,she couldn't resist staring at his perfect face, Xavier sensed it and looked down at her

"Why are you staring"

"Nothing" she turned her face away

He smirked at her action

Finally they reached his room and he placed her down gently, he closed the door and reached for the bed leaving her standing by the door.

"Aren't you gonna have you bath again"

'There's no way I'm going to bath here, don't he understand what privacy means' she thought "I do not have the energy to bath again"

"Then I would help you"

What, he's seriously using her words against her

"I don't feel like bathing any longer"

"I wouldn't want a stinking thing to lay on my bed"

"I can bath myself"

"I thought you didn't have the strength"

"I do now"

He stared at her for some seconds and Hazel hoped he would buy the idea

"Nope, I wouldn't want a situation where you will slip and fall in the bath tub, as you said, you didn't have the strength to bath, so I'll help"

"Then call some maids to help me"

"Don't you think its disturbing, so your gonna wake some tired humans just because you want to bath.."

'Since when did he start caring about his servants' she thought

"...and moreover its a privilege for me to bath you, I'll be waiting in the bathroom" he left to the bathroom

Was he seriously going to see her naked. AAAHH!!this is frustrating.

"I'm waiting" he called from the bathroom. She removed the coat dropping it on the bed and walked to the bathroom. Xavier had already pulled his slaves up and was waiting for her

"You aren't planning on bathing with a towel on are you"

'Can you not be so shameless for once' she almost said out " you got to turn around"

"Okay" and he turned around, Hazel quickly pulled off the towel and immersed herself into the water, thankfully, the water was able to cover most of her body so only her head, shoulder and knee could be seen. He turned back to see that she was already in the bath tub so he picked the soap and dried twig and started cleaning her body, he respected her and did not stay longer on her womanly parts.

Even in the warm water, Hazel could still feel goose bumps on her body. He reached her nape and then stopped, he was behind her so she didn't noticed why he stopped but Xavier was intensely staring at her nape, precisely on the skin that connects her shoulder and neck, he leaned closer to her nape and breathed in

"This might hurt" he said and he didn't give her time to understand before sinking his fangs into her neck and sucked her blood. She whimpered at the sudden act, strangely her blood was sweeter than any he had tasted, he continued sucking, it was when she was turning limp in his hands that he realized that she was sick, he withdrew his fangs and lacked the place where his fangs had pierced

"I'm sorry, I was too tempted to resist" he hugged her from the back. Hazel was too weak to say a word or refuse the hug. He stood her up after some minutes but kept his eyes on her so that it won't seem like he was seeing her body even if he was badly tempted to do so, he grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her and carried her back to the room. He helped her put on her night dress and tucked her to sleep.

He hadn't plan on taking blood from her but she was too tempting, he knocked his fists on the wall

'Damn you Xavier, you could even control yourself, did you realise that you could have made her unconscious again' he thought as he continued slamming his fists on the wall. He turned to her and saw that she was asleep, his guilt kind of lessened the moment he saw her peaceful face. He came closer to the bed and laid besides her, he cuddled her as he wrapped his hands around her waist and slept