
The sound of the rain did not prevent the child and mother from talking together in their room. Talking about the past with his father.

"Mom, is dad calm down there now?" Salsa hugged her mother tightly, she knew that her mother would also miss her father very much.

."Honey, dad must be calm in heaven, Salsa doesn't think about dad anymore, okay?"


The sound of the door opening very loudly, made Salsa and Morgan's mother suddenly startled, Dan turned around at the same time.

"MOTHER!!".Gio shouted Salsa's little sister ran to her mother with a piece of paper in her hand.

Salsa and her mother frowned in unison.

"What is it Gio?" Ask Megan's mother.

"Mom, the Sis, look! A rich man is looking for a wife. Just look at how handsome he is!" .concluded Gio so innocently the words of this little boy, he handed a piece of paper to his mother.

Salsa squinted her eyes, she immediately pulled the paper from Gio's hand. "Where did you get this from?" Salsa asked in a high tone that made Gio look down in fear. .gio was silent, with his index finger pointing out the door.

"Brother already told you not to go out in the rain!!" Salsa got up from her seat hitting Gio's ass many times.

"I'm sorry, Sis! I'm sorry, Gio just took this. Gio isn't raining, Sis," said Gio, lowering his head in fear. .with a sobbing voice from him. "Hik... His... Gio won't do it again, sis!"

Megan's mother shook her head, at her daughter's behavior over her sister. he immediately got up from his seat, and patted Salsa's shoulder.

."Never mind Sa, don't often hit your sister, listen to the explanation first," Her mother said softly trying to mediate the problem between Salsa and Gio.

"But ma--"

"Sa! He's your sister, pity him! You hit him often..let him talk first, if it's not wrong don't scold him" Megan's mother cut Salsa's words quickly, without giving her a chance to dodge.

Sally took a breath. trying to calm his heart, so as not to get carried away by emotions.

"Okay!" mumbled Salsa looking lethargic...He doesn't want to lose his brother just like his father. Because of that, he became overprotective of his sister. Always forbid him to leave the house when it rains.

Gio who was still looking down tried to raise his voice again.

"Sob, I'm sorry Gio sis!" said Gio, who was still lowering his head in fear.

."Yes, hurry up and go to the room," concluded his mother, rubbing Gio's head.

The seven-year-old child just stood in silence in front of him. "Gio, I'm a sorry brother! Brother has hit Gio" said sorry that came out of Salsa's lips. He sat down, hugging his sister.

."Now, Gio goes to his room first, I'll take Gio to school later." Megan's mother interrupted their hug.

"Yes ma'am" Gio immediately ran to his room.


Salsa Amerta Putri, 17 years old beautiful girl. with a very unique personality...He studies at SMA Antarctica class XI-IPA 3. He is known to be a smart kid but one thing that makes his report cards bad is that he often skips school when it rains. That beautiful girl was very friendly, polite, and mean to everyone. But sometimes he also likes to buy them.

.his mother also never forbade him to go to school or not. He gave freedom to his son. Tetali is not free to skip school at any time. He only allowed his son not to go to school when it rained, accompanied by the sound of thunder booming in the sky.

.Salsa's mother is a single parent. He only sells cakes around and uses a bicycle to pay for his daily meals and school fees for Salsa. When his father died his mother always struggled alone to support her two children who were still in school.


.after watching Gio leave, Salsa sat back on the bed. Eirik the piece of the brochure.

"Let's see who's looking for that husband" Megan's mother's eyes followed, glancing at the piece of a paper brochure.

"Do you want to find a husband?" asked Salsa seductively to her mother.

Megan's mother frowned.

."Mother is old, fragile like this, who wants to be with mother," said Mrs. Salsa.

Salsa chuckled. "Yes, there are grandfathers who want to be with Mother," said Salsa teasing her mother.

"Salsa is cooking, you want to have a new father but it's grandpa. Now try to look at the brochure first," concluded the salsa mother.

.salsa started reading a brochure in her hand.

"We are looking for a single woman who wants to marry a young master, the eldest child of the Morgan family. On the condition that one must be a virgin and have not been touched by a man at all. And must be 17 to 21 years old"

."Why do businessmen who are rich but looking for a wife have to distribute brochures like this? It's like an audition." Salsa clicks that feel very strange.

"Yes, even though he is very handsome even like an artist. There must be a lot of women lining up for him, right." Says his mother.

.long talked with his mother about the rich man's marriage. Now her mother's gaze was fixed on the girl in front of her. "Mom wants to talk to you!" The salsa turned to her mother, "Do you want to get married?" .continued her mother full of doubts about expressing the feelings she had wanted to convey to her child.

Salsa was surprised, and widened her eyes for a moment, hearing her mother's words.

"What, ma'am, married?" .those words were like lightning struck Salsa's heart, what was her mother thinking, until the words came out of her mouth?

"Salsa, I know you don't want to..but think about the fate of your sister and your mother who is this old surah," said Mrs. Megan, holding Salsa's hands hoping she would accept her offer.

Sally took a breath. trying to soothe her.

"Salsa's mother is still in school, how could Salsa get married? .he couldn't possibly accept a little girl like me anyways. And I'm also still innocent and innocent like this, I have no experience at all with household matters," concluded Salsa, whose eyes now seem to have started to tear up.

.his mother was silent for a moment when she saw her beloved child was about to shed tears. He hugged his son tightly, to calm his heart for a moment.

"If you don't want to get married, that's okay. I can work selling again," concluded her mother.

.salsa was silent, she knew if her mother wanted a better life later for her and her family. Seeing her mother's struggle all this time, Salsa began to realize. It's not easy being a single parent, having to support two children who are still in school.



.The sound of knocking on the door could be heard clearly in Salsa's room. Make Salsa let go of her mother's arms

"Who came in the rain like this?" mumbled Salsa's mother, letting go of her hand.

"Let me open it, ma'am," said Salsa.

There was no answer from his mother, he ran out to the door of his house.

.Salsa's mother just kept silent letting her meet her future husband. He realized that if it was for sure, the Young Master would pick up his son. ."Sorry dear, only this is the best for you, the future for you and your sister, I hope you can live happily with your husband later" The word that could come out of his mouth, he couldn't tell the truth to his son.

.salsa took a breath, she held the doorknob with an ancient design, which looked worn and almost broken. Slowly opening the door to his house, he just looked down, not daring to look ahead. He saw several shiny black shoes lined in front of him.

."Morning," a very foreign voice in Salsa's ears.

"Morning," said Salsa flatly. He lifted his head, trying to see who was coming. Immediately, Salsa was surprised to take a step back. "Wh-- who are you guys?".Salsa's face began to panic, seeing three people dressed very neatly in black coats that wrapped around their bodies.

"Don't ask too many questions! Come with me!" said one of the Young Master's bodyguards standing in front of them.

Salsa stretched her hands forward, preventing them from touching her.

."Eh ... wait, wait! Who are you? And what are you doing here? Maybe you have the wrong address." Salsa stepped back, trying to dodge.

"Take him quickly, I don't want him to ask a lot of questions again," asked a handsome man, looking very cold ... He turned around and stepped into his car.

"Wait! It's still raining, where are you taking me?" Without saying much more, the two bodyguards pulled Salsa's hand forcibly. "Eh, what are you guys doing, don't touch me!"

."Don't talk too much," snapped one of the guards, breaking through the rain.

"OLDER BROTHER!" shouted Gio who realized his brother was taken away by someone.

"Let me go!" Salsa tried to struggle, but her tiny body was not as strong as the two big bodyguards beside her. .they threw him into a black luxury car, which was parked in his yard.