
Salsa was silent in her room staring at a letter of agreement that made her sick. He wanted to tear the paper and throw it out of sight. But now the fate of his family is in his hands making him unable to move anymore.

.forcedly he began to read the details of the agreement letter one by one. Finished skimming, he sighed heavily, with a heavy heart he was forced to accept the agreement for his mother's sake, and immediately signed.

.salsa grabbed the pen on the small table beside her bed to quickly sign the agreement. After signing, he tossed the paper onto the bed beside him.



Salsa, who was originally relaxed on the bed, was suddenly surprised. .he jumps up.

"Why are you so long?" David stepped closer.

Salsa's thoughts start to become negative, she thinks Devid will act pervert with her.

."What are you going to do?" Salsa stood up with wary eyes, to protect herself if her thoughts were right.

Devid just stared at him, until their eyes fell on each other.

"Do not come close!!" Devid ignored his words.

." Who approached you, I just wanted to take this paper," said Devid, casually taking the paper on the bed beside where Salsa sat.

Salsa took a deep breath, she rubbed her chest many times. I thought he wanted to touch me, but it was just my mind.

.devid was just silent, staring at the details of the letter, Devid frowned. Catch a glimpse of Salsa's very unique signature. There was an image of a smile under his signature.

"What's this?" Devid asked annoyed, throwing the paper on the bed beside Salsa.

.salsa stood up, she held Devid's cheeks without hesitation. makes Devid look strangely at Salsa, and sharpen his eyes even more

"You don't like it besides, I just want you to know, if you don't frown, you have to smile like this now and then," said Salsa, pulling Devid's cheek to make a smile appear on her lips.

Devid's face still looks very cold, his face turns red with anger as soon as Salsa dares to touch him. ."What are you doing?" Devid asked, brushing Salsa's hand from her cheek.

"Yes.. that's just how angry you are. You'll get old later" Salsa muttered softly, turning her body to hide her giggling smile.

Devid who heard what Salsa said, immediately snorted annoyed with his actions. ." What do you say?" asked Devid in a high-pitched voice.

Salsa turned, and glared at Devid, she tiptoed her feet. To bring his face closer to Devid's face. "Dear young master Devid, you are indeed rich and have everything. And you can do anything you want..but one, you have no heart and can't smile at all. How can there be a woman who is loyal and willing to accept you," said Salsa, with a challenging look at Devid.

Devid was silent and pursed his lips, he wanted to slap the woman in front of him. .who dared to oppose him.

"Tomorrow we are getting married, so don't talk too much at our wedding. If you don't want your mother to be okay. You have to do what I tell you. And don't forbid what I do at our wedding. You have no right to that. .you are just my temporary wife. Not my legal wife, tomorrow's celebration is just an ordinary celebration," said Devid annoyed, turned his body, and immediately sat on the sofa in Salsa's room.

"Okay, I'm fine with all that. But why are you here?" .asked Salsa, who wanted Devid to leave his room.

"You want to kick me out of here?" asked Devid jute.

Salsa was silent, swallowing her saliva many times until her already dry throat felt relieved again. .the woman gritted her teeth, and stared intently at Devid who was sitting behind her, with her fists clenched into fists, she wanted to hit him. But if it wasn't for his mother who didn't want him to fall into a house that kept him locked up in prison.

"Why are you silent?" .asked Devid, surprising Salsa who had been dreaming.

"Ee... I want to sleep, can you go now? I can't sleep if there are other people in my room." said Salsa doubtfully.

."If you can't sleep, don't sleep at all," said Devid casually, he reached for his cell phone in his shirt pocket, with clever fingers typed a message. I don't know to who the message was sent. However, Salsa didn't care about him.

"If tomorrow at the wedding, I'm sleepy how?" asked Salsa.

."Up to you!" said Devid, who rose from his seat, put his cell phone on the table, and immediately took off the black coat that covered his fit body. Hanging on the right hanger he used to hang all the coats he just wore.

Sally closed her eyes. "What are you doing?" .asked Salsa covering her eyes with her hands.

Devid was silent, he unbuttoned his sleeves, then removed the tie that was wrapped around the collar of his shirt. After that, he unbuttoned the top button of the left shirt he was wearing. .showing half of his chest that looks very broad with curves like a man who often goes to the gym.

"Don't take your clothes off here" said Salsa, holding her hand out in front of her, with one hand covering her eyes.

.devid frowned, and gave Salsa a strange look, "What are you doing?" asked Devid, who immediately sat back on his bed. With his hand reaching for the AC remote, he started to turn it on at a temperature of 19°c. "

."It's very cold," said Salsa holding her shoulders, feeling her body getting cold.

"Cold, it's not too cold. You are not used to using AC from now on you will live in an AC house so you have to get used to it," said Devid, who began to close his eyes for a moment.

."Eh.. eh.. what are you doing? Why are you sleeping here?" asked Salsa as she stepped closer to Devid.

"Why? This is my house, so I'm free to sleep anywhere. Including here, after all, I have the authority here," said Devid.

."I said you get out of here," said Salsa annoyed, pulling Devid's hand to get out of bed.

"You sleep on the sofa I sleep on this bed" he continued.

"What did you say? You should be the one sleeping on the sofa" said Devid annoyed, he began to lie down on the bed and pulled a thick blanket to cover part of his body. Feeling still hot, he took off the shirt that was still covering his body. And threw it right in Salsa's face.

."You wash it tomorrow quickly" continued Devid, who began to close his eyes.

"Ugh... It's annoying." Salsa stomped her feet, and threw Devid's shirt on the floor with a burning feeling of annoyance.

."If I sleep on the sofa it's fine, the important thing is not sleeping with that monster." mumbled Salsa quietly.

Devid who heard what Salsa said was silent, smiled faintly, and started sleeping again.

.while Salsa didn't stop and continued to chuckle in annoyance, she took a thick blanket on the sofa. "It seems that the annoying man has prepared beforehand, why is the blanket already on the sofa?" Salsa grumbled, and started to lay her body wrapped in a thick blanket.

."Why is it so cold," thought Salsa, still closing her eyes.

Glurrr... Glurrr...

The sound of thunder struck, making Salsa immediately wake up from her sleep on the sofa, and lay down on the bed without thinking anymore. Fear gripped his heart. Unaware that Devid is beside him.

.Glurrr... Glurrr...

The sound of thunder echoed more and more, making Salsa even more frightened. "I'm scared!" said Salsa, hiding behind Devid's stout body, making Devid wake up opening his blanket, he saw Salsa hugging him very tightly hiding in the blanket.

"What is wrong with him?" .murmured Devid, who let Salsa fall asleep beside him.