
"Call, any ideas about this man?" Bernard faced a middle-aged man with a goatee beard and slim glasses etched on his nose.

"No! But it would be hard to know because a lot of customers come and go, but it's the first time I'm seeing these faces."

Bernard didn't say anything and just veered his gaze back to the screen. 'Maybe it's just luck. I'm just overthinking things.'

He tried to convince himself, but his gut was telling him otherwise. He felt like the man on the screen was trouble.

Seeing his boss's furrowed brows, Cal said, "Boss, why are you stressed? It's not like the first time someone won. And again, he's only done it twice now, so it's nothing to be stressed over."

Cal was right! It was only twice, so he needed not to worry. After all, some people once won all five times they placed a bet.

"Cal, you won't understand! I just have a bad feeling about this man. Haven't you noticed yet?"

" noticed what?" Cal stared at Bernard with a confused look.

Sigh! "Can't you see his gaze almost everywhere? Especially the white-haired girl with him; she has been staring around since the entrance. Now only that makes them suspicious. don't you think?"

"Sir, it could be that this is their first time, so it's understandable." Cal didn't understand what was wrong with the people looking around because it was natural for someone to look if it was their first time in a place, right?

"Hmmmmm! I'll say these guys are trouble." Bernard muttered to himself. He had a feeling that these people weren't ordinary people. He didn't know if he was just being cautious due to the illegal business he operated.

'They can't possibly be the super cop, right? No! I don't think so, but at the same time, it could be them. Should I just capture them and interrogate them?'

Cal shook his head lightly when he saw his boss in a daze. He could vaguely tell what his boss was thinking. His boss was probably thinking of how he'll eliminate these people because of his guts.

He knew his boss could do it if he wanted to because he had done similar things with others before, just because he found them.


"I guess this is how you'll feel when you're doing something Illegal. Every time, it'd feel like a ticking bomb. If you're caught, it goes boom!" Cal suddenly said.

"…" Bernard just spared Cal a look, but he didn't comment on what the latter said because it was true.

His time was ticking. This entire casino was just a cover-up for his main line of business, but the outsiders won't know because they'll still look up to him as one of the strongest supe in Las Vegas, not knowing what he does.

"You're right, calm, but when the bomb goes off, you'd also be in the crossfire. Remember your oath…

You'd never reveal what we do; if you did, you'd die in an instant, and I know you don't want that. After all, the witch said that's what would happen."

What have I done? Anyway, it's not going back again.' Cal thought.

"Let us not worry about the future and focus on our guests. Let's see if they are just ordinary guests, and if they are ordinary...

"I'll make sure that those girls warm my bed tonight."


Meanwhile, at the arena—

"Hon, you said we're going to check out our target base, but it seems like you're having fun instead, or don't want to tour around again."

Natasha didn't see any fun in this game Ruby was playing. She just wanted to check on the person who was giving her a darling headache and...

snapped him in too.

"Yeah, I'd like to do that, but why not sapp some cash from the person first?" Ruby whispered, trying to keep his voice low due to the cameras.

'What a greedy soul.' Natasha thought. 'But I like it, because this way he'd become stronger at the cost of attracting more problems.'

Sometime later, a system prompt flashed in front of Ruby.

[1 billion dollars awarded to]

'Who would have thought it was this easy to make money?' Ruby couldn't help but think. He had used a mere $500 million on the horse race, and in return, he got a billion. Despite it being an age of supes, money still held great value after all.

It was still the same money used to create most of the weapons the superheroes and villains used.

'So bad I can't turn this money into shop points. Times like this are when I really regret not completing that Quest.'

Sigh! 'Not like the money would go to waste, though. I still have many things to do with it.'

With those thoughts, Ruby placed another bet on the next race. It was only natural for him to place more bets in this situation because it was something everyone would do if they had a system that could analyze and predict as Javi would!

Sometime later, the next set of horses lined up again.

Ruby, this time, raised a placard with 600 million, and the others, who initially raised only 500 million, doubled the amount to a billion.

The reason was simple! They felt insulted because of Ruby's younger appearance. Las Vegas housed numerous influential people with different businesses, some of whom you don't want to even know.

Is it drugs, prostitution, or trafficking? These folks did all of them.

'Funny rich fools!'

Ruby shook his head. It wasn't his plan to provoke them or sort, but they felt insulted, so he'd do what any greedy person would do…

…Grab this opportunity and leak these folks dry.

"Gentlemen, you may now place your bets," a distinct voice echoed throughout the large arena.

As if in a queue, all the men approached a man on the desk, probably the one in charge of offering the bet slip.

"You guys should stay here. I'll be right back!" Ruby exclaimed as he strolled to the desk.

Sometime later, the line shortened, and it was now his turn, and after receiving his slip, he came back to the duo and proceeded to watch the race.

"Um, can you guys do something for me?" Ruby glanced at Muna and Natasha.

"…" the two didn't know what he wanted them to do, but they trusted him, so they just nodded.

Nod, nod!

"I want you guys to keep an eye on someone with an egg-shaped head?"

"Ptff!" Natasha thought he was joking and broke into a laugh.

???Really, egg-shaped?

Seeing her reaction, Ruby said, "This is no joke, hon; it's our target. That's how his head is."

"Oh, so where do we start from?" Muna inquired.

"Just keep an eye, but do it secretly."


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