9. Eyes of need (2)

I look at this lot, still trying to call me, while looking straight ahead, of where I'm standing, as they couldn't see this me.

"What you looking at?" Endal asks, coming from right behind me.

Right, he wanted me… against the wall.

Endal places his hand on my head.

"Are they your team?" Endal asks.

I look back, and I see the stadium, and Endal behind me.

"Wait, you can… see them?" I ask.

"Seems so," Endal says, and looks back at my team. "Pack huh. That is a nice team."


After such a masterpiece sex, we just sit on the floor and… talk. Which should have been stage 1.

"What position didn't we try?" Endal asks, laughing.

"What, you still want to go?" I ask, humouring his dead dick, which had dried long back.

"No… maybe a bucket list for next time?" Endal says, and my whole self sinks, and looks at him, blushing. "We should get dinner the next time."

I stare at him for a bit too long, and he waits patiently. "Sounds good," I finally nod.

So… were we a thing now? That was the weirdest way I had gotten into a date phase. That is, after literally hooking up, by a lot.

"I really like your breasts," Endal says. "But that isn't exactly why… I want to see you again."


"Well, this time, I want to know you. Like you know me," Endal says. "I don't really have omniscience so…"

I just form a ever-so-slight nod.

"I don't like you for your… well, libido and powers," I say. "I like your story. That… you didn't exactly mean to but… THAT happened."

"Thank you," Endal says.

"Is it weird that we are doing this naked?"

"Well, I'm done. I can't be erect for a long while. Do I need to…?" Endal holds two fingers up.

"N-no, not that. I mean… let's get dressed."

"And your team was calling, so you should probably go," Endal says.

I look around, if there is any mess to be cleaned.

"You can clean yourself up and go. I'll take care," Endal says.

"I… I'll clean up next time then," I say.

"Mm, then I shall make things messy than here," Endal laughs.

That basically is a death threat to my pussy. But will be hell of a night, I can guarantee.

I just clean myself up, and so does Endal. And then we get dressed.

As I reach the door, I just remember something and go back to Endal, and give him a peck on his lip, then smile at him, before leaving.

"So Endal is your boyfriend?" a voice asks, and I punch them in the nose. "Hey!"

"You fucking rat! I knew you'd have come," I say, to Secret-eye.

This guy sure had eavesdropped… the sex. For don't know how long.

"What all did you hear?" I ask.

Secret-eye looks at me and then forms cups on both his hands and claps. Which basically sounds like… you know, doing the do.

Yes, it's hard to normally say about it. When horny, I or anyone is a different person, ok? It is not common for me to talk about fucking just like it is something I crave twenty-four by seven.

I'm embarrassed at this first sex scene, ok? Just… let's move on.

So where were we?

"And I think you saw the bogeyman too many times, kept forgetting about it, then saw him again, so you were screaming and screaming," Secret-eye says.

"Did you masturbate to us?" I ask.

"Hey, at least I didn't see you doing it. Even when I clearly could have done it, without you knowing."

"Just… don't tell Zero," I say.

"Let's start counting favours, alright?"

I groan and start walking.

"You didn't ask why we were calling you," Secret-eye mentions, following me.

"Probably being parents and checking on me?"

"Well… partially. But it was about the next section's matches' announcement," Secret-eye says.

"Whose ass can't we kick? Let us get it over with. When is the match?"

"No. First guess whose ass we can't kick," Secret-eye says.

"Uh… the Asuraas?" I ask.

"It got over even by the time I came here. Was first of this section."

"Well, good. There is no one else," I shrug. "Unless… is it those bastards?"

'Those bastards', basically refering to the team who Pack lost to, last time. They were fucking cheaters, and got their ass kicked by you-know-who, the one and only greatest-

"It's him," Secret-eye sighs. "Not Asuraas. Not the ones we already lost to last year but… the one who kicked THEIR ass."

I just stop at my tracks, and try to search for Peak, with my eyes. And there he is, scrolling through his phone, while a match continues. And he is looking at…

"He is currently looking at an article on me," I gulp. "So you weren't kidding."

"We didn't just give you twenty plus calls ya know."

"Well, you wouldn't have jerked yourself at such serious situation, I thought."

"I guess this was our last time. You surely though, since he is looking at your article."

"At what time?"

"Closing match tonight."

"Hmm, so our death is tonight."

"You really telling me you don't have a plan?"

"You really telling me that you expect one for HIM. That… that… what did he even name his single organization though?"

"Peak," Secret-eye sighs.

"Peak?" that… was just what I named him and… seriously? I don't have future-sightedness or something, do I?

"Yeah… sounds like ours."

Hmm, that is true too.

"Where are the others?" Well, I already knew.

"You come with a plan of what to tell them. They'll be mad that you were gone for… two hours."

"Two hours huh? Neat," I say, with a smirk.

"To remind you again; last hour of pleasure for you."

I just stay silent and go towards an assigned practice-room, of our team. This was one of the reasons why the first fights were in two sets.

"Have an explanation?" Point-zero says, from right in front of my face.

I lift my head and make eye-contact with Point-zero. If not for already knowing that he was right there, my body would have left my soul there, and run away.

Point-zero just glares at me, and at my silence. I see Secret-eye being the one scared, from behind me.

"How about…" I say and walk inside, making the other two turn this way, and look at me. "…a plan instead?"