15. Roach (3)

-no concern for me! Fucker has no concern for me. You think I'd just stop saying it cause you blocked me off, that way? Now I have about two-thousand words, all mine!

And what's with the fucking title of this chapter, huh?

You just are a fucking pervert.

You know why he started writing this? He just gave all that time off, without me narrating, because not much was happening anyways. But now- he just wants to write about how those two are fucking.

My life is fucking at stake, I don't know what is happening, and you think this is all a… ugh! This will NOT be a story of the frustrated character, with the annoying and stubborn writer! You promised!

Why don't you answer me, huh? Still typing it along, even when I'm dissing you… you-you, ugh fuck off. I ain't story-telling the sex-scene for you. I'm not a pervert to watch either, you are the one!

Grow up!

You think your readers are here only for that? You have three fucking readers, and they would only want that, that is your thought? Fuck off…

Three readers… and *** has five. That… is different. And you have even written a new one, ***. As you walk… the place has changed so much… you had a renovation at your house… clothes which I don't recognise, heck it's not like I ever observed those, but… what does this mean, MrParadox_2020?

Should I think that maybe -just- that is how much I missed? Or is it that Roach wants me to think that and give-up the reality…?

Sure things change… but my mind…

I hold my head and kneel down.

"Please tell me, author," I plead.

Mint kneels down too, and says things which I can't hear… I can't hear anything at all.

The author just types. He had typed the start while sitting, on a different day… seemingly. And now he types while walking… with a blank… yet pale expression. Biting a part of his lip occasionally.

He pauses occasionally. And yet continuous writing, while being that way, after pauses- varying pauses.

After a longer gap, he types again… still walking.

I let him.

Maybe things change. Maybe this is all a novel. Maybe this is my mind. Maybe it is how worlds are connected. Writer merely writes what is happening, Einya. Maybe he is the god of the novel world. Maybe Roach is the god of the mind world… but it is my actions… your actions, in the end, in either worlds.

I can't confirm you if you are still struck. You are, if you are. And even after all that, you are still struck, then is there an escape?

Then what the fuck do I do?

And then… he stops writing, yet words continue. Or at least… I think they do.

Stop watching and do something… isn't that why you hated Secret-eye?

He can run. He is a speedster… so am I. A speedster… I could reach the edge of the universe which I can watch.

So I run.

My skin burns, but the coat on me- keeps my body intact. What kind of a material was it? It seemingly could bear the burns and tears and environments of the cosmos I travel to.

I need to travel.

I need to escape this… universe. And find mine.

But my body stops and my back bends slightly. My neck hurts… but there is no pressure. The breath I had held… the time I had taken… there was nothing… what do I mean by this?

I don't feel the author, I can't see beyond what holds in front of my vision. But luckily… I see him, right there, standing there… floating there, in nothingness but… well… I don't know, there is a kind of… barrier in between us.

I can't scream. I can't breath. I can't… die. I don't… know. I can only see. Him standing there.

His face gets red, not mine. I don't feel mine getting any different.

In another… moment? I don't know, if a moment passes… I should know… besides my vision changing… right?

Yet thankfully, the vision does have a slight changes to help the author, whose face is getting red, or pink… well, his skin tone makes it harder to define it, which I don't mean in a wrong way. I have dated dark guys.

Where was I?

Ah yes, somebody appears besides him.

I realise that the author isn't looking at me, but finds the girl besides him very well. This girl… in spectacles. She instead, looks towards me, in a… way. With slight concern and surprise.

She moves. I know she does… and the darkness… was it even darkness? Well, it gets dark…er. I could at least see but… now I don't. I feel I'm in a smaller space now.

And my head hurts.

"Stay with us, Einya!" Point-zero screams.

I move my hand to my head, and finding blood there, just weakly keeping staring at my bloody hand. I feel lights above my head pass by, burning my eyes, making me tear lightly, and hurting me back to sleep.

"Don't tell me you were watching me sleep," I say, right as I wake up, to the only person sitting there, in the room I'm being treated in… for I wouldn't know how long. "Cause we both know-what's with the-"

Secret-eye's eyes get red and he starts tearing up, staring at me.

"Are you crying?"

Secret-eye rubs the tears away. "You keep making fun of me, it hurts more than the-"

"-spiciest noodles," I say with him.

"And you call me and keep mentioning me as the pervert and whatnot, that is so wrong," Secret-eye says.

"I just say it for fun… even you know it. Also… you kind of are, not gonna lie. But quick question, was there any spectacle-wearing girl?"

"Fuck off, I'll go get the others, they have a lot to interrogate with the dumbass real pervert. Also, yes, you had a visitor, and she left," Secret-eye says.

"Left? We-need to find her!"

Secret-eye stares at me, and as a moment passes, Point-zero appears. And just stares at me too, until the rest of Pack, and all the people from that fight with Roach, come into the room, with Onor sulking a bit, both posture-wise and expression-wise.

I try to find the author, and find him back at his home again, and not the dark-edge from before. I feel glad that it is raining there, and not here… otherwise it'd be a poetic sad scene.

Or wait, are you still going to do a sad scene, in this way? Complicated…

"I'm so sorry," Onor says. "It is my fault."

"Are you feeling okay?" Mint asks me.

"Her head almost split-up, and her hair-" Mango-blast almost says, but Point-zero interrupts.

"-Let us just let her speak, and not make… her afraid," Point-zero says.

I just give a dumbfounded expression. Since the protagonist was me, I couldn't see any other new words on the document the author is writing. So I couldn't figure what was happening. Cause what I experienced was confusing, and the author doesn't simplify or explain to his three readers either it seems.

He looks annoyed at the mention of the number.

"You look confused…" Mind says. "When Onor tried to kill Roach, you came in between… to protect her. And the club hit… you."

"We did kill Roach though, we are sure," Super-pack says.

"How long has it been?" I ask, holding my breath.

"A… couple months," Mint says. "Seven, and almost a half, in total."

"Einya… it is only a guess but, something happened in there, didn't it? In your mind," Point-zero says.

"Either that or Roach actually lived even after its head got cut-off, like roaches do," Secret-eye says.

Super-pack shoves his elbow into Secret-eye and he lets out a pained groan.

"Hey, just pointing out… a really big… big hero died, after all," Secret-eye says.

"Endal," I gasp. "The Lord."

"Died the first month after… Roach. Body was found the second, though."

"Where is Nathaniel though?"

He was the only one, from that night, who wasn't here.

"He went back to the UAE…" Point-zero says.

"He is in danger. His powers… I gave them out."

"But not his team's… he explained the happenings to them, he said. We have been in contact," Mint says.

"Okay… who else died? And didn't Nathaniel say anything?"

"He knew very little. Even after he infiltrated your mind partly, he said."

"Einya… please first… tell us if it is Roach or… what even is happening," Point-zero asks.

"And what is with your suit?" Mango-blast points, hitting the right spot of my memory.

Just a while ago… I think… I think I was dreaming perhaps, and right as it started, I don't know context but, the suit started glowing and… that's that.

It wasn't glowing now but, this wasn't the colours it was in at the fight, or just a while ago in that dream.

Well Einya, dreams are dreams- No! It felt… weird, alright? It felt like some… feeling.

And also the-


"Oh right. Sorry. Narrator stuff. As for the questions, I don't think it was Roach. It was perhaps… Roach's master. Some sick person led it to me, making her believe I'm her… dead daughter. And about the suit… for that we need to find the lady with the spectacles. She'll know, I think."

"Well, I can think of one sick person who could try to kill heroes. And as a bonus, who would want to do that to you, I think," Secret-eye says.

"Blood," I sigh. "So we need to find two people now."

"Handle on the villain, and leave the visitor-girl part to us. She was caught on cameras and all, she had an official visit."

"Great. What a simple task to give to a patient."

"Nathaniel tipped us of how your favourite task to do when you were sick, was to watch people, so… may you re-consider," Point-zero says.


"Do we need to like, leave you alone or…? Cause if you are feeling awake, your TEAM would like to have a word with you," Super-pack says.

"I guess it is inevitable."

Everyone except the (Speed) Pack leaves.

"I'm a speedster just like all of you," I say, breaking the silence which was to be broken any moment now. "Of course, except that, we have one teleport-er among us."

"I had seven months. I already told them," Point-zero stares at me, coldly.

"Hey, not like I'm trying to take your leadership spot or your reputation down. I just… find it funny," I say. "All the same… came together… all lying. And formed this… Speed Pack."

"We still are heroes," Secret-eye says.

"Ah shit, here we go," this is bad, they'd kill me after such a debate. "September twenty-third… exactly eleven years ago. Must've been about three to four hours after noon…" I look towards Secret-eye with no expectations, but yet, see his eyes twitch, in recognition… and decide to push. "Were you a hero then?"