21. Apartment’s other corner

Brushing my teeth, a kind of a stinging smell enters my nose, making it twitch. That was from Toni's room… come to think of it, I hadn't seen her. Then again, it was only like nine o'clock or something.

I quickly finish brushing my teeth, not caring for the precision of it today. I even have my breakfast, and watch the news, at a bit louder sound on purpose.

'In a battle between the gay-rights hero, Trans, and the terrorizer Adleon – the match weirdly ended up in both the parties leaving behind a function hall, where Trans was talking to his followers, in a great mess. People tensely anticipate that after the King himself facing Trans, next it'd be Fro's turn on the hero.'

Terrorizer… that was basically a terrorist, but somebody who didn't have a big noble reason to claim. Just did it because they can. That was the term which not many of these VILLAINS got. Adleon… and Fro… Trans wasn't enough for them.

But yet, I could only think about why Toni wasn't out yet. She had to be. And that… stink…

As I slowly walk towards Toni's room, I realise that it really was as I suspected… the smell of blood, almost making me hurl.

No way… was she fine?

I put my face to the door, and see a spot of heat in there, that must be her. And I could hear a faint heartbeat, or was it something else? I wish it was a heartbeat. Had to be!

I knock at the door, in deep worry. After a good amount of knock, I hear the heartbeat getting just a bit louder, and the little heat blob moves.

"Hey, it's me, Varon," I say. "Sorry if I woke you up or something. It just… is noon now," I slightly chuckle. "You didn't come out of your room, since morning. I didn't even hear you come-in last night. But your shoes are outside so… are you feeling under the weather?"

I see the blob get-up and move around just a bit, to the cupboard. She must be fine but… seemingly didn't want to speak.

Was that even her?

"I understand. It is your business. Sorry. I won't bother you."

I walk away, taking a sigh of relief that she was alive and well enough. But the smell of blood… was she wounded? But that was quite an amount, if so. The one other explanation could be… no, I shouldn't interfere in her matters.

I spend the later hours on myself. A little workout in my corner. I even go to the gymnasium of the apartment, to lift their heaviest of weights. It was hard enough to do, but I was better than most men my size.

Evening almost hits, and Toni still doesn't come out. This only makes me worry more. She should see a doctor if she was feeling under the weather. And at the least… she hadn't moved much, not even brushed, moreover eaten I suppose.

I make as much preparations that I could make, and knock at her door once again, after evening hits.

"Hey, me again. I think… I think you should eat. That could help you feel better, from whatever the situation is. But even if not… you need the strength. I think you don't want to interact for a reason… and that's okay."

I wait for a reply, but shake off the hope – that wasn't what is important.

"Tell you what, I'll place the food, right beside your door – because it opens to the outside. And I'll go inside my room. No contact, no words. Just please… please eat."

I place the plate and dishes with extra food in them. And then a two-litre water bottle containing mineral water. The food… smelled fine-enough to me. Hope she likes it, and could eat enough. She could at least save some for tonight, or I could make some again, but…

I make sure the rustle of plates on the ground is loud enough. And I take hard and loud footsteps towards my room. I even close the door with a thud, to make sure that she knows that I wasn't peaking.

It gets harder to see, but, as I hear her door open, I see the blob of heat, through my room's door. She seemingly looks towards the ground or maybe even here, for a while. And finally decides to take the plates inside with her. She makes sure to make a thud using her door too, making me smile faintly.

She should be fine until I get back, at the least. Even with her heartrate being that way, and the blood I could smell by her door… this was good enough of an assurance.

I couldn't just expect to help people when I can't even make sure my roommate is fine or not.

Rather than leave through my door, I leave through my window, climbing down a ladder. Dressed in a huge coat around me, like Antonia had suggested.


"And here he is," Antonia introduces me to a room full of… businessmen. "The hero with great capabilities."

I don't like this.

"There's like a hundred of them, nowadays," somebody scoffs.

"At least he didn't go power-lusting towards Adleon and Fro. That is what they all do."

"Well, he could still be."

"So here is how it goes," somebody else says, directing to me. "We need to trust you before investing in you. So you first show us a few neat tricks and loyalty, and we will invest for your good behaviour."

"You misunderstand," I say, and Antonia tries to stop me by staring at me with wide-open eyes. "I'm not a dog… sir. I'm a person with power who wants to do good, by stopping the terrorizers. No matter how small or big they are."

"You are just as threatening as them… there is no point for you to make noise over here. Make some out there… and that could help you get a few dimes."

"No please, you don't understand. He can be stronger than-" but the businessmen don't listen to Antonia, and she stands there defeated, not able to look at me.

The businessman simply leave the room, with us two still in here.

I start gasping and sit on the floor. Antonia comes to my aid and pats my back.

"I'm sorry, they just… they're not the right people, Antonia. Deep inside, I was feeling that and-and-"

"-calm down. It's okay."

After calming down and Antonia making me drink a little water, we sit on the chairs of the empty room.

"So I'll be put in some team?" I ask.

"Maybe… but you'll still be a part of the organisation."

"Not alone though, obviously… right? I can't face that many of them… myself. Terrorizers, maybe. But these people..."

"Well… there are solo teams… you can be one of them. And you don't have to exactly work for this exact bunch. Some of them may be interested now, then it-"

"-what do you suggest?" I ask her, and she looks at me: shook.

"Well… I… for a person of your… prowess. And considering your secret identity and all that… solo team. But the organisation-"

"-I don't care about the organisation. I just wanted your opinion. After which… I'll make it work," I say and get up to leave. "Thank you."

"Wait," Antonia says, getting up too. "You… could have asked them the same. Why me? You thought they wouldn't answer because they are-"

"-I know what a… person is. Antonia. And none of them… could've pointed me to a right direction."

"Then let me try once more," Antonia says. "There is a team out there… the only one of its country. Pack. It holds only one member now… Rem. You don't have to team up with her or anything, but… they'd maybe… help someone like you. To form a solo team, I mean."

Her heartrate was up by a lot.

"Why'd you do that?" I ask.

"I may not have those kind of powers or senses of good and bad like you… but I know people too."

I remove my mask and introduce myself to her.


That was a month ago, now. Pack's organisation funded Antonia to fund me. They recognised her too… and me, through her.

I stand, leaning back at the top of the tallest building's slim piece of tower. As I look at the people going by in peace, I feel calm and peaceful.

But the peace is short-lived, as I hear a scream of distress from… there. I let go of the tower, and free-fall forward, and push myself even further. Just as I'm about to impact with a building in the way, I glide sideways, and now fly in control – finally using my powers.

I arrive at an alleyway, which was far from the streets; but surely people should have heard such a loud scream. Even I could… but even with my powers and all… this scream was powerful… I mean loud.

"Please, please I beg you," the girl in distress yelps and pleads.

"It'll be fun down there. Fights every night for a freak like you. Or any other pleasure can be cleared by so many men that-"

"-touch her and you'll be the one screaming," I say to the man in black clothing… weird costume of black and silver, which was just a very close tint for the black around. It even had glittery wing-like structures on the back. So, he could fly.

"Ah, another freak. What a lucky night for me. Two different bloods for the Mosquito," the guy says, turning to me.

"What business do you have with her?"

"What business do YOU have with her? She is a freak, mine for the taking. And you can come along too."

A psychotic guy cosplaying as a Mosquito… lovely, lovely night.