38. Blur (1)

"So you're telling me," Antonia says. "You slept with your roommate?"

And there she goes, concentrating on the wrong part again.

"It is a blur, it may not have happened," I say, still confused.

"Then it must be Rem. Can't be me. It wasn't me."

"I really thought that maybe it was you, so I asked. Never bring up this topic until I allow it, yeah?"

"But when we are on the topic… you really thought you slept with me, over your superhero ex, and your gorgeous roommate?"

"Just was a bad guess. And I felt that we were moving in too close that night."

"Just a tease. That's what you do at clubs. Besides, wasn't our plan to get one of them jealous that night?"

"Rem almost died not too long ago and you think I wanted to get in her-"

"-hup-up, let's start with that. You still didn't tell me of what the heck happened."

"Wouldn't you already guess? I thought she was gone after helping me with saving all those heroes, but… one sniff of Rem and…"

Antonia starts laughing, and I glare at her. "Sorry. But you said sniff. You really are making dog-kind references after having Black-one."

Yes. Black-one. That's actually where the story started. The blur's start…

"No… we do not know what that is, or if it will harm you. Throw it out. I'll get you good food," I say to Black-one, as he starts munching on something from the street.

Black-one whines and stares at me with puppy-eyes, before spitting the street food out.

I sigh with relief… at least now he understood me, and stopped throwing tantrums. Toni was the one who had to bear most of his tantrums, so lucky me.

"It's night-time. Why are you even excited for a stroll huh? Why do you have such sudden ener-"

"-Help!" I hear a moan for help.

"You know what, Black-one?" I say, bending down to him – holding his leash. "Only run around the route I take you from, understood? Away from the streets boy. Better remember. I won't be long."

Black-one whines and looks at me for affirmation, as I click-out the leash-lock to his collar.

"Yes. Use that energy. And DON'T follow me. Old business," I nod to him, and he nods along. "You don't even understand me," I shake my head, and he follows too. "Okay. I'll come find you, promise."

I start racing away, and quickly wear my go-to mask. I was already in my overcoat. Hopefully she recognises me this way… even when it had been a while.

I couldn't hear that voice anymore, but I rush towards where it had come from. I rush hard and carefully. If she knew that I was coming-

"Oh you came," I hear her voice. "Oh my-my… the hero of the night."

"Hero of the city actually, that's what they call me."

"Seen that. Bummer that you didn't talk about us."

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused. Anyways… you took the life of a person… how do they call you a hero again?"

"I didn't kill anyone."

"Surely a swatted Mosquito is a no-one. I'll shake your soul out of you," she says.

"Just a second," I say, as she inhales deeply again. "I registered your friend as Cosplayer, but he was the Mosquito or whatever. I think it isn't fair to call you names when you already have names… so, what do they call you?"

"Aw… that's sweet of you to ask," her black lips form an innocent and heartfelt smile. "Blur. Because… that's all they end up seeing."

What's that supposed to mean?

She opens her mouth to declare what she meant… and I find myself in a blur. As I gasp and sweat profusely… I fight to break the blur and see what is in front of me… Blur, in the grasp of my hands.

What just happened?


"Blur. Because… that's all they end up seeing."

And after declaring that, she inhales again and lets out a scream, making even me shudder. I separate from Varon, to properly see what is happening.

But while I couldn't see anything as Varon, I just see that Varon is unphased by the whole screaming. Blur stops and looks at Varon, who just cracks his neck.

Varon jumps up in one line and falls into a curve towards her. Blur just dodges that, while smirking… taking fun of all of this.

Blur jumps into the sky and starts flowing higher up. Varon follows too. But eventually she comes to a sudden halt, leaving Varon in his flow, and she holds his leg and knocks her knee to his back. That doesn't seem to do much, but her leg vibrates and I hear a little crack on Varon's back.

"That feel good?" Blur asks.

Varon moves his body and gets on Blur's back, holding her leg like she's holding his. And he swings them both towards the ground, and uses her legs as a fall cushion.


And as she lets him go, Varon stands near her fallen body. He senses her lust for blood… she has thoughts of hurting Varon and so many others. He could sense her madness which makes his head ache.

And this way, he ends up holding her by her throat.


Blur gasps, swinging her hands… her legs were in no condition of being swung.

"You made your point. Now what, you going to break the one thing which keeps my defence up?"

I recall everything that was a blur… the little fight with her. And finally I grasp on reality.

"Is this your kink? Huh? Threatening this way, making them beg? Is that how you killed Mosquito, my Buzz? You little fucking rascal."

"Still… I did not kill him. And what makes you better than me, even if I had, when you kidnap and enslave heroes?"

Blur just scoffs. "We take better care of them than the world does. Give them food, satisfy their lust, give an arena where they can kill. Come on now, don't you want to kill too? Try it… you know how to."

"No," I say and put her to the ground.


"I'm not like you."

"But we stand on opposite sides."

"Okay, well, you begged for me to not hurt you. So shut up now."

"Begged? People like me love it when people like you beg. So if you liked it… maybe you should check your path."

"My path is fine."

"Then do something about me… we are rivals. When my legs heal; I'll come back for you. You have to kill me, eventually."

"There must be another way."

"What, you'll take my powers?"

"Your powers…?" I ask, and I look at my hands… feeling a kind of… feeling. "Could I?"

And like that, my hand moves to her throat… not with force, but carrying flames… flames which burn her throat. She screams… until she's unable to. Until her throat looks like…

"Oh no," I say, letting her go. "What have I done?"

The… urge… it was hers… she wanted blood… she… she made me… this is wrong. No. No. No. No. This… a blur takes over me, and I find myself at a completely different place, alone.

Where did Blur go?

"She's in prison, where she belongs," I hear a familiar voice. "You did good."


"Varon," Rem nods strictly. "You good?"

"I… is she okay?"

"Seriously? It's been what, so long, and this is how you-"

I take big steps and start kissing her beautiful lips. After a few moments of savoury, I let her go, while still holding her in between my palms.

"Yeah, seems fine, just a little burning and lost her dumb little powers. But hey… good job. I wish I could do what-"

I kiss her again, as I see her lips twitch from talking. She lets me savour her lips and greets my tongue with hers.

"Wait," I say, halting.

"Don't really wanna," Rem says, looking at my lips, getting attracted to mine with hers.

"I… I left my dog. I can't just let him…"


"Black-one, he has a black name tag, with white writings-"

And she just speeds away.

I push down the bulge in my pants and make sure my hairs are neat. Sniffing my armpits, I realise that I stink a little. I again push around my bulge… it feels uncomfortable.

"Want me to help you with that?" Rem asks with a smirk.


"Sheesh, it isn't that black, brown actually. Comes with age," she chuckles. "Alright, that was a bad one. I'm just nervous, okay? And I just placed him on a nearby day-care. They didn't see me but… should buy us some… time. For old time's sake... wanna get a munch?"

As I take a step forward, a blur takes over me.

I feel like I'm under water, and push my body above. Trying to escape the sea. But I don't really feel like I'm drowning… yet I push my body. The feel of the water on my lips…

The blur clears out to the sounds which Rem makes under me.

"Please don't stop," she says. "I'll be good. I need you. I need this now."

When did we… get naked?


Varon takes a step forward and I feel like losing my own mind, seeing what he's imagining. Sheesh… no, not this again. I escaped the first time but… should I really have to…

I end up looking. Varon's lifting Rem up and kissing her lips. As he gets to kissing her neck: he dry humps through his pants touching hers.

Picture this… she's wearing a one-piece with a zipper. I see her making slight movements now and then, to remove her zip and clothes from her body.

Oh lord. I really shouldn't be…

As her dress slides down from her breasts, Varon puts her down and puts her against the wall, while playing her breasts and kissing her, while sliding her dress. As his slow movements succeed in lowering her dress enough, he slides his hands down her dress, getting to an undiscovered area, which he knew how to discover.

"I'm not the only one who misses it, right? Right?" Rem asks.

Varon kisses her lips to stop her talking, and brushes the back of her neck and also her… you know what.

I see Rem savouring each moment with her speed. I could see her losing her mind.

"How dare you?" Rem moans.

She removes Varon's clothes, but not his mask. She just barely removes his clothes to reveal the part she wished to see and have.

"The moans can attract people… but we don't need anybody else here until we can both leave satisfied, deal? I'll cover my moans with yours. How you cover yours is… upto you."

She kisses Varon, while making them both kneel down. Then she slowly pushes him to the ground, and moves to sit on him.

"Please… do as you wish," Rem says, setting her seating place where Varon could easily reach. "I understand if you don't let me have the win here… but, I'll let you win."

Win? Seriously? Well, that… strikes a sensation. In the heat, these all just…

Rem reaches down slowly, and before she even holds Varon, he starts eating her. Rem surprises herself with moans. She puts her head and hands down, but the pleasure in her makes her the slowest, from the fastest.

But Varon stops, and Rem just shivers in a way.

"Please don't stop," she says. "I'll be good. I need you. I need this now."


Oh, she was actually on top of me.

She starts licking and stroking me, in an attempt to make me continue… so I do…

"You really did fuck Rem then, you liar!" Antonia screams with joy.

"Okay, can we not scream?" I ask.

"Relax… just the two of us here. Continue," Antonia winks.

"Well, that's not what happened though. I mean… it did… but…"

Antonia chuckles. "Butt. If you know what I mean."

"Do you want me to tell or not?"

"Sorry. Please don't miss any details. Not one."

"Well… as I said earlier. We were interrupted by someone. Obviously. We were in some vacant alley, in the night. Someone had to come."


(Speed) Pack fact 5:-

Guys, I think I might be onto something! Looking closely… thinking closely on a matter… you can see that most of the teams of the (Speed) Pack universe… the members have a… what should I call it… a similar genre of powers? The Pack itself… then there is Creame. Ice cream flavours? No! Scents! In a way Einya mentioned how they smell nice… Mint has a calming scent and that is literally most of her powers. Orange blast makes corrosions… air! Scent! Lasa was a recruit, so not sure… in real life she may not even be part of Creame – for all we know. Maybe Bowel… gross but, still, digestive gas? She can control action's reaction by playing with the air around? I haven't quite grasped her. Cotton candy wasn't talked much of… well, Katana is all about weapons surely. Not many besides them have such unique weapons. Atlantis is gods related. The Einya's brother's team is curses related. Her brother does a kind of "tit for tat" trade. Mirror breaks the glass he teleports to… Rahma is kinda different but she does an illusion kind of curse. You see? Same genres. I might as well be right but… then there are Varon and Toni… so in a way there were powers which got split into regions and people, I think. Just a theory. Some kind of evolution even.

See you next chapter!