"Liana, Liana..."

"Boss we have to go now or you will be late for the shoot " Joy told Liana who was still reviewing some documents.

"Give me a few minutes & get the car ready," she said.

Having been away for days her work had piled up, and she needed to catch up. They left soon after and arrived at the shooting site.

She got ready and did her part then went back to her resting area.

Joy left to bring her some food.

"I got you some juice and snacks since we will be leaving so...." Joy stopped what she was saying and ran to where Liana was.

She had collapsed to the floor and having seizures.

"Liana, Liana...what's happening to you " she cried screaming for help.

The staff arrived and rushed to call for help. Joy sat next to her in the ambulance.

Lucian arrived at the hospital, "Joy, what happened to my sister?" he asked.

Crying Joy let Lucian hold her, "I don't know, I left to get some food for her and when I returned she was down on the floor " she cried.

Lucian held her waiting for the doctors to come out of the ICU.


Xavier was leaving for a meeting with Gerald when he stopped. Gerald turned giving him a worried look.

"Something wrong?" he asked

"My chest, it hearts " he tried to breathe but his breath was uneven.

"Your eyes why are they changing back to normal " Gerald held his arm.

Xavier turned to him, "Something is wrong with Liana" he breathed.

"You need to leave before anyone sees you" Gerald whispered as he noticed Xavier's body change.

His fangs and claws were visible now, and his black eyes had returned to golden and were glowing. Part of his face held scars and his ears turned bat-like.

"Xavier, what's happening to you?" Gerald held his friend and rushed back into his office. Placing him down on the couch.

Xavier was groaning, "My body is on fire, Gerald.

" It's like that time when our lord punished you for disobeying his orders. What should we do?" Gerald looked down at Xavier.

"Liana. Call her right now. I can feel something is wrong" he wailed.

"Xavier are you really thinking about her in such a state " Gerald yelled bending down at his level.

"Call Lia....." he didn't get to finish before he vanished.

"Xavier, Xavier. Where did you go in such a state " he shouted.

Gerald decided to call Liana using Xavier's phone. Joy answered.

"Mr.Gorkn something happened to Liana, we are in the hospital " Joy said through her tears.

Gerald hang up and was rushed to the hospital. He arrived minutes later seeing Joy and Lucian in the hallway.

"What happened?" he asked.

"We don't know yet she just started having seizures and collapsed," Joy said.

"Where is your friend, too busy to come to see her " Lucian muttered.

"Xavier disappeared & I can't reach him. I thought he was with her " he said.

"Well, he isn't " Joy let out.

Gerald felt his headache. When could he have gone if not to her? He thought.

The doors opened and Liana was rolled out of the room. Gerald noticed her body full of burns just like Xavier.

"Liana " Lucian and Joy followed the nurses taking her.

"What the hell is going on?"Gerald muttered. " where are you Xavier and what is going on right now "