Nothing is forever, except change

I woke up still feeling tired, the first thing that I saw was a poster of Naruto and I blinked a couple of times. Oh yeah, I'm in Charlotte's room. I thought as I sat up. Charlotte was still fast asleep next to me and I slowly got up from the bed trying my best not to wake her.

I really wanted to sleep in but I had to get to the bank and deposit the money so I could pay off the hospital bill then head to work. I stretched and got ready taking a quick warm shower, I started reminiscing about last night. Nico. I felt myself blush, I kind of missed the taste of his lips because he was such a freaking good kisser, his scent, his reassuring smile. I snapped myself back to reality. I couldn't possibly like him could I? I just brushed it off convincing myself that it was only a case of infatuation or probably the type of horniness that made any guy seem attractive.

I got dressed and was heading out of the room when I realized that I forgot my purse, I searched everywhere but couldn't find it. The panic I felt started rising, all the money was in there.

Charlotte woke up with a smile. " Last night was the best night ever we should definitely do that again."

"What's wrong?" She asked noticing the panic in my eyes.

"My purse Charlotte, it's missing."

"Didn't I see it with you last night?"

I tried to look back, the last place that I could remember having my purse was at the bowling place and I quickly ran out of the room.

"Mimi wait up!" Charlotte followed. I flagged down a taxi and we got on board and told the driver to step on it. My heartbeat was racing, if I couldn't find the purse and pay the bills...No, it had to be there, it just had to. When we got there, Charlotte (who was still in her pyjamas) paid the taxi while I ran inside, they had just opened and I went to the places we sat but it wasn't there. I then went to the counter.

"Excuse me, I think I left my purse here, it's pink with gold laurels painted on it. Please tell me you have it." I asked the lady there.

"I'm sorry but I don't think we found anything like that." The kind lady replied. "Is there anything I can do to help."

"No, thank you." My heart felt heavy, what was I going to do?

"It isn't here?" Charlotte asked. I nodded in response. "Maybe we should go check at the carnival."

We headed there but it was the same thing. I had lost the money, all of it. When we returned back at Charlotte's place. I excused myself and went to the bathroom where I cried trying to ease the pain I felt, I had worked hours for that money and even sold the truck. At that moment I felt so small and hopeless, I wanted to just there and cry forever. I came out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen, Charlotte and her mother suddenly stopped talking. I knew they were talking about me but I just started eating ignoring them.

"Fernanda honey, I can pay the bills. Don't worry." Mrs Brown said softly as she patted my head and put the dishes in the sink. I didn't respond, honestly I didn't want my burden to be shared with anyone, they already did so much for me. There was no way I was going to let her pay the bill, I was going to find a way to pay it myself.

After breakfast Charlotte and Mrs Brown forced me to stay home.

"Come on Fernanda, you're working yourself like a horse. You need rest." Charlotte said trying to convince me.

"I had a day off yesterday, it's okay I'll be fine."

"Jerry gave you two days off."

"But I have to work."

"No you do not." Mrs Brown said putting on her coat "Charlotte and I are going to buy groceries while you rest."

I stopped trying, I could see the concern in Mrs Brown's eyes so I just went upstairs while they left for the store. I closed the door to the room and just sat down, knees to my chest. A cold realization hit me, There's only one thing I can do now I thought as I got up and sat on the bed. Pulling my notebook from under the pillow, I opened the page where I kept the card and took out my phone. I took a deep breath and dialled the number, it rang a few times before somebody picked up.

"A car will pick you up in an hour, you don't need to pack any belongings. Have a safe trip." A lady's voice said on the other line.

"Wait, what- "

The call was ended before I could even respond, I found it suspicious but I decided to go with it, I was desperate. I then wrote a note while I waited:

Thank you for everything you have done for me but I can handle this on my own and don't worry about me I'll be fine.

I stuck the note to the fridge and sat down at the kitchen table waiting. Was this the right thing to do? Well it's the only thing I CAN do. My mind felt like it was in a game of tug of war that went on and on till I heard a car horn followed by the sound of rainfall outside. Well no turning back now, I only carried three things, my notebook, the card and my phone. I opened the front door and a formally dressed man was waiting for me on the porch with an umbrella. He escorted me to the black Mercedes and opened the door for me then closed it and went to the driver's side. Before he started the engine, he caught my eye in the rear-view mirror.

"I hope everything is to your liking Ma'am?"

"Yes everything is fine thank you." I replied. Being called ma'am made me feel ancient. " Where are we going?"

"Your final destination is Ventura Mansion of course."

I couldn't believe I was doing this, the rainfall got harder as the driver finally started the engine and I stared outside the window watching the rain drops slide down the tinted glass. I'll just ask him for a job I thought, that was the only plan I had, it honestly felt like playing a game of Russian roulette, where there two outcomes; staying alive which in my case was getting a job, or being rejected which to me would be equivalent to getting shot in the head but it seemed he was expecting me, Charlotte's words ringed in the back of my head the man wants to fuck you. It wasn't entirely impossible but the way he looked at me in disgust that day, I wouldn't be surprised if he was just calling me to be his private toilet cleaner.

The car turned into the airport parking lot and I was once again escorted inside where there was a jet waiting for me. I had never been on a plane let alone a private jet, when I got inside I was awed at how luxurious it was, okay hear me out, maybe being his private toilet cleaner wouldn't be that bad. An attendant helped me get comfortable and asked if I'd like anything which I kindly refused because I was too shy to tell her that I was craving a cheese burger. The pilot announced that the flight would take about 5 to 6 hours to get to Miami. I guess I'm really doing this I sighed.

The plane safely landed safely in Miami and I was escorted to yet another car, I was so tired that I immediately fell asleep. I woke up noticing that we had stopped moving and looked out the window to a huge mansion, it reminded me of the mansion in Downtown Abbey. I rubbed my eyes and the door opened.

"We've arrived." The driver said and he closed the car door as soon as I stepped out. At the top of the stairs, I found another formally dressed gentleman.

" Welcome to Ventura mansion Miss Garcia, he has been expecting you. I am Sydney and I'll be your helper during your stay here." He smiled.

I started rethinking my decision but I followed him inside anyway. I almost gasped, the inside was beautiful the walls were filled with magnificent paintings and there was an indoor fountain that was absolutely mesmerising with its glow. I was led upstairs and let me be honest if you told me to retrace my steps, I'd get lost, the mansion was that big.

"This is your room." Sydney said stopping in front of two huge doors, he opened them for me and I went inside, it was a really spacious room, with a big four poster bed. There was a window seat and the sun's last rays shone faintly through the lace curtains.

"I hope everything is to your liking, dinner will be ready in thirty minutes in the meantime you can prepare yourself, clothes have been hand picked for you and have been placed in the closet." He closed the door behind him and I just stood there in the empty room. I opened the closet and took out the dresses placing them on the bed. They felt so expensive, silky and honestly not my taste. I looked the closet again, why couldn't I find a pair of jeans? I bet that Ventura guy felt like I was his personal Barbie doll. I went to the bathroom and took a long shower and I got dressed in the same clothes I came in. Sydney came back and stared at me.

"Haven't you started getting prepared yet?"

" I'm done."

" But there were dresses.."

" Just take me to him."

He nodded and led the way.