The princess

Alan made breakfast and they both ate inside the tent alan heard some rumors about the knights after raping the female of the other group of adventurers they handed them some gold coins and made there way, but the female adventurer who was gangbanged by 9 knights was completely devestated having her virginity taken away she took her own life sortly afterwards.

Alan sighed he should have really just killed them off

" alan what's bothering you ? " anna asked

" its nothing you seem to be at level 119, we should move to the center of the ruins maybe I can level you up faster, however we should head back to the city you must be tired."

Anna nodded " I miss home"

So they decided to leave the ruins and head back home

When they arrived the city was full of decorations in anticiption of the royal princess 18th birthday.

" hmm why are there so much baloons and flowers wrapped around the buildings ? " alan asked

" Its the day of the royal princess 18th birthday many royal nobles from the other cities would come to ask for her hand in marriage, but her highness have been picky since she desires a very powerfull husband." Anna said.

" anna.."

Anna smilled " I know I couldn't keep you for myself go I will wait for you at home just be back by dinner I want to eat your cooking." She said.

Alan smilled and gave her a kiss safetly escorting her back home he left towards the city center.

A large platform was erected with more than a thousand people mixed with adventurers,nobles and the common people all anticipating the most looked forward to event the fight for her highness hand. Alan was situated with the many standing in anticipation of her highness he noticed the nobles who were sitting comfortable inside their carriage protected by their bodyguards.

An hour passed by but there were still no news of the princess.

When suddenly a royal guard appeared before them with a exhausted appearance " the princess has been kidnap I asked for the attendees here to save her."

" what do you mean by this ! " a handsome youth appeared and flew towards the platform he looked to be around 19 years of age he was accompanied by 2 other older men who were both at the 3rd acension judging by his protectors it can be said that this young man is from a very respectable family.

" Hey that's Max the only heir to the Iron house."

" iron house ?" Alan was curious then he gathered more information the iron house is one of the main financial backer of the royal family their family is said to have produced 3 5th acension individuals in the last 500 years the current ancestor of the family who is in seclusion is a 5th ascended powerhouse while the current head and father of max is at the 4th ascension Max is said to be the best candidate for the princess however she had shown no sign of interest towards him.

Now at the age of 19 max would try once more to gain the princess hand in marriage reaching level 168 and about to reach the 2nd acension in a few years.

" then we should make saving her royal princess the competition use all your savings, power to save her and the first person to save her shall take her hand." Max proposed.

After that all the nobles started calling their family members while the others left to find clues.

Alan on the other hand was a little suspicous about this matter he used his space sense and quickly the entire realm was under his space alan smilled.

Max who was talking with the guard suddenly alan interrupted the two protectors was shocked they did not even notice alan and they quickly got their guards up.stay away" the guards said, but alan was simply too strong

He quickly took one of the guards out and threw him to a tree he made him fall and then he kicked the next one making him hit on a branch and fell. Max was shocked those guards were the best of the best loyal to his father and were personally trained by him, but they were easily defeated by this young man who looks not older than him. "What do you want!" Max said in anger

" I will only need 10 minutes and I am sure the king can agree with me on this." alan smirked

" no i won't let you take her i'm going to kill you!" Max growled

" you don't seem like someone who could kill anyone" alan laughed, he then looked down to the ground " and with a simple action a hole was created and a beautiful figure can be seen with her body tied up and she had bruises on her body. Analyzing her alan could not help but be mesmerized if anna was the sun, then this girl would be the moon she was still a virgin it seemed like max did not have the balls to do anything futher.

Max was ashamed, but since there were no other speculators he was preparing to leave the consequence of his action would have him killed, but he found himself unable to move.

" stay there for a while." Alan smirked and quickly went down and carried the princess up.

The princess opened her eyes and saw alan's dashling features her hearth which used to be cold no matter how hard she tried she can't feel any infutuation however one simple glance of alan made her hearth beat.

When she saw max she was angered after all the things he have done, but she did not bother to look at him any longer and stared continously at alan.

" take me away from here I'll hapilly give you my body." She said this made alan's cock erect the princess saw something grow bigger at alans lower half and she giggled.

Max who saw this scence can't help but be angry out of all their meetings he has only seen her laugh once and that was not even he's doing.

Max swore that once he gets away he would call his father for help he does not believe alan would be capable of defeating his father who was at the 4th acension.

" princess what do you want me to do to him ? " pointing at max

" his family is very powerfull and influencial it would be bad for you to deal with them unless my father is involved but he has been in seclusion for a long time."

Alan smilled " a mere small family like them does not bother me he confidentally said.

" oh.." the princess said" I guess if your at the peak of the 5th ascension you might be able to."

" do you believe me ? " alan asked.

The princess suddenly felt her hearth pounding and nodded.

Max laughed " fool you underestimate this world I don't believe you have even reached the 3rd acension you must haved used some weird artifacts to defeat my protectors."

" oh is that what you believe ? Then let me destroy your entire family and rid the royal family of the snake they have been hiding."

Swoosh max felt a cold feeling as his head was sliced off from his body .

The princess was shocked " alan you must leave when max dies the elders and the ancestor would notice ! "

" don't worry like I said I'll end this once and for all and claim you as part of my harem."

The princess blushed but when she heard harem " does this mean alan has another bride."

Minutes later the clouds turned dark as 20 figures appeared before alan a old man was leading them and when he saw max's decapicated body hid body jerked and power of a 5th ascended being was released from him.

He was the ancestor of max a level 581 adventurer besides him were the other elders and the father of max who was level 402 the other elders were at the level range of 400-500

Such a lineup was destructive.

" you little boy killed my son " max father glared angrilly at alan.

Alan smilled and placed the princess down placing a protective field around her.

When the ancestor saw this movement he was surprised " what a strong array this kid is not ordinary."

" come all at once I want to end this quickly ." Alan said.

Max father raised his hand and sent a wave of energy towards alan, Alans shield held strong but he felt it shaking under the strain of the energy " seemes like taking it easy will backfire . He looked at Alans face with anger.He did not expect alan to continue showing relax behavior even after his attack.

The ancestor and alan came into view and began to surround alan. Max father smiled and laughed when he saw that the kid was struggling and could not move from where he stood.

" Is this all you can do ? And I thought I would be able to get some exercise" alan said " well I will now end this alan took out his sword and dissappeared appearing next to one of the elders. The elder was shocked as alan gently swing his sword cutting the elders body in half.

The blade sunk deep causing blood to flow. The elder fell dead before them while another went to attack alan from behind but Alan turned in time to block the attack landing a punch in the elders face. Alan used this as his opportunity to jump off the side landing lightly on his feet with his hands still up. A sword appeared in his hands and he swung it decapitating the second elder. The second one looked stunned as Alan's eyes seemed to glimmer with evil and a smile tugged on his lips .

Max father tried to move closer to kill him but as he did so the ancestor threw him backwards making him fly through the air and smash into some rocks. This made Alan look at the ancestor " father what do you mean by this ! " max father cried

" its impossible" the ancestor said

The ancestor cupped his hands towards alan after witnessing the huge disparity in power" esteemed master please forgive our family and let us leave.

After hearing these words alan nodded his head and said to the ancestor " leave my sight if i ever see your faces again I will never be merciful and if you dare do anything unsightly to the royal family especially the princess." alan warned the ancestor before turning his attention to max father and gave him a smile this made him angry but he could only bite his anger . Alan sheath his sword and returned to his house with the princess.

" whats your name mr big guy ? I'm Sam , the princess asked.

" alan"

Alan was currently carrying sam princess style and headed back to his home.

She was blushing along the way.. " alan please don't get this the wrong way even if you have other women beside you I will still love you."

Alan smilled, anna my wife would be happy to have you with us.

Arriving home anna and sam met for the first time anna did not believe that she would meet the princess and was about to kneel, but she stopped him. " please don't you are my sister from now on "

Anna smilled.

Alan carried bought anna and sam to the bed since sam was a virgin he plans on taking her virginity today he quickly undressed both anna and sam

his hands were all over anna's body as they slowly went to make out. Sam could feel herself getting excited as Alan kissed her neck and slowly moved down. He kissed anna's breast, moving his hand up to her panties. Her legs were shaking, as anna's fingers tangled in Alan's hair. As anna pulled away from kisses kissing her way down Alan slowly removed anna's panties her hands reached behind anna's head pulling her into another kiss. They continued like this with anna on top making her move her hips as best as she could to push against Alan. She was close. She could hear her moans echoing around the room.

Alan pulled away from kissing anna. "I can feel your wetness" he whispered in anna's ear.

He started licking at anna's neck trying to get her to moan more than what she already did. He then moved back to her pussy and gently licked her clit before sucking on it. His tongue moving in and out faster until anna let out a loud moan. Alan pushed himself into anna thrusting his cock deep inside of her and moaning into anna's mouth. It was too much for anna. Her eyes rolled back her head falling forward onto the bed. Alan grabbed anna by her waist pulling her closer to him. He picked up speed thrusting his cock deeper into her as he felt himself cumming inside of her. When he came he pulled out of her slowly letting go of her. He laid next to her still holding her close to him. He went to sam next who was watching them the entire time she was a virgin and this was her first time alan grabbed sam and placed her besides him and slowly inserted his large cock inside of her. She screamed as Alan thrust into her .This is what she had been waiting for. Alan kept thrusting into her while Sam moved her hand up and down while Alan fucked her with blood slowly dripping from her pussy .

Sam was feeling everything that she hadn't felt before but this wasn't just sex it was amazing. She wanted alan again and again . She wanted him like there was no tomorrow

Alan was still fucking her as he watched anna enjoying every moment that he and sam were having. The way he looked at anna it made him fall even harder for her . This was why anna and sam became his favorite persons in the world. He loved them so much.

Alan pulled out of sam cumming inside of her, placing himself on top of anna he began kissing anna passionately.

The night ended with both girls laying their heads over alan's chest. " what a life.." alan said.