
Outside Emily and Alan's bedroom their daughter sits down with her right hand on her pussy hearing the loud moans of her mother got her aroused.

She quickly left and ran towards her bedroom Alan who was inside his room knew that she was outside all along.

The next day arrived Alan would take action against the lord secretly and give him a horribble death as he told emily and hearth before and rule this city as the lord their are 3 things he need to accomplish first of all was to get the hearth of the people that would be easy considering most of the citizens of the city were only after one thing profit, second in his list was to kill the 6 old men (backers of the lord) without them the lord would loose all of his backers and he would be force to use his own money. And lastly kill the lord which was the easiest part.

All of this could be easily done however he wants to make it believeable and not attract to much attention also he promised to give emily the final kill on the lord.

Alan started his plans he went to the richest part of the town and talked with merchant's association talking price and offers the leader of the association hapilly agreed and all the trading with the lord stopped.

" what do you mean Barbatos stopped his trade with us !" the lord exclaimed he was very upset since barbatos has been a constant supplier and now he will lose his merchant . The lord made his way towards barbatos The man named Barbatos just shrugged his shoulder and said: " I will be leaving this city soon and passed my job to a new kid, but I would not be obliged to tell you his name even if you and I were once business partners. "

The lord was angered and was about to make a move, but considering this was the merchants area he left unwillingly.

Alan smilled in the corner and handed barbatos and the other merchants half a billion gold such wealth even for them would make them turn their sides. Barbatos did not lie he sold the merchant association and handed all the care to a a person named Adam who was a slave that Alan bought from the slave market who was very loyal to alan for saving him.

Adam used to be a well known solider, but an accident took his wife and child's life when he knew the person responsible he tried all he can to see that the person pays justice, but he knew that the person was the city lord and anger piled up within him. Since the city lord was influential and had many guards Adam was unable to get his revenge and unable to pay his medical fees he was sold to slavery being a high ranked adventurer he's price was very high sold off to more than 1,000,000 gold coins Alan saw his potential and made him his first slave.

Even if they had a master and slave relationship alan still treats him well even healing his injuries raising his level to 410 such a powerfull figure was almost comparable to the lord who was at a mere level 402.

Adam was also very smart and calculating and most importantly handsome but not to the point of heaven defying like alan.

alan instructed adam to take command of the merchant association and gather all the necessary items for the raid he followed.

The assasin guild was also another infamous guild in the city and ecompasses 1/3 of the city Alan met with the leader though impossible but because Barbatos recommended alan the leader met with him.

Surprisingly the leader was a woman with a beautiful appearance, but not enough for alan to be aroused. Alan wanted her to lead the assasin guild to the raid she asked a few questions "against the lord " She laughed

and shook her head. " no we won't attack the lord he is too powerful" she said after all she was only at level 391 a few levels away from the 4th acension but a small gap is all it takes to kill her off.

" I will handle the lord myself the assasins will only have to kill those who tried to leave. " Alan said.

She can see the fire in alan's eyes. " Very well 50,00,000 gold take it or leave it." she said not believing alan can pay them, but after hearing barbatos words before alan was able to easily pay them half a billion so she took her chances.

Alan smilled and shook her hand "Deal."

The assasin guild leader name was nemya she would act as spy and infiltrate the mansion before the fight.

The night arrived the lord was hapilly counting his riches inside his treasury he did not even pay notice to an assasin who was hiding in the corner watching his every move and reporting back to nemya.

" uh copy stay in touch." Nemya, alan, adam and emily sit together in one round table talking about the plans tonight alan discussed the plan fully detailed instructed every single person in attendance.

Finally the time of the assasination.

Nemya and the other assasins moved ahead, after alan activated his ability all guards dazed and fell asleep this ability of alan surprised nemya she smilled as her confidence boosted the other assasins followed and one by one they sliced the guards throats.

adam nodded at alan's signal and entered next he walked slowly and arrived towards the treasury were the elite guards stay, but also fell asleep adam pierced his swords into all 9 guards and killed them off.

The lord lay fast asleep not noticing that more than 30 figures watch him adam who was angry, nemya who was surprised they made it this far that easily lastly emily and alan "Take this " Alan handed emily a sword which was just right for her level but this sword was not any ordinary sword it was drenched in blood and would give the user an additional boost in power killing the lord who was vulnurable would be as easy as killing a chicken."

Emily had a few guilt after all she has spent 20 years with this man and this man was also the one who took her first time, but after rembering alan's kindness and time with him she lifted her arms and with a bit of momentum the sword reached the lord's neck and cut if easily off.

blood spilled out from the lord who did not even know how he died.

" Its over.." emily said.

Alan smilled " We will meet again tomorrow to discuss the plans moving forward." adam nemya and the other assasins nodded and left.

alan smilled " Now shall we have some fun over your old husbands death corspe."

Emily blushed alan quickly threw the dead lord's corpse to the ground placing his head on the side to watch them fuck.

Emily could not believe this was happening alan helped take her clothes off and started licking her breast


she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of alan's lips on her body and tongue swirling around in her sensitive spot she couldn't help but imagine all the pain the old lord has done to her and this ignited her sensitivity

even more and she began to moan loudly, alan inserted his dick inside her pussy

, she was going crazy she couldn't wait to come, she thought of all the pain that the old lord would experience in hell

Alan was enjoying Emily's moaning and whimpering he could see he was driving her insane.

" You're mine and always will be". He told Emily "And don't ever think of leaving" alan said

Emily simply nodded " My body and soul will forever only love you." she said.

Alan smilled as he cummed inside her he wanted to impregnate emily so he released as much cum as he can inside of her .. Emily moaned and screamed in ecstasy.

After the deed was done emily was in complete bliss her pleasure filled her body and her face a shade of red she never felt this good before she didn't mind getting pregnant and having kids with alan.

It was a pleasure she never experienced in her whole life.

Alan laid emily down in the bed and kissed her and caressed her breasts and belly. Emily wrapped her legs around alans waist and pulled him closer. She wanted more, but they were both exhausted from today's event so

Afterwards both got changed and they fell asleep inside the old lord's bed.