Mysterious woman

Alan woke up with a headache he remembered that he was fucking the queen last night he opened his eyes and saw that the queen was gone instead a letter can be seen besides him. The letter reads " Alan you are godly you might even be the god of sex you have given me the experience that I have missed I hope that you take good care of my daughter if possible I would really like to enjoy more of you, but I have to go back to the castle see you around."

Alan smilled.

Alan was the first to wake up the other girls were still asleep after last night so he prepared breakfast.

The queen was really beautiful he could even say that she is the most beautiful woman that he has seen so far .

She had long silky black hair, bright brown eyes and an amazing figure. He couldn't help but think about her last night, " alan what are you thinking the woman is married to the king who is not a simple lord." however alan knows that if he really wants to abduct the queen with his power he could do it because he knows that he is probably the strongest person in this whole realm calling him a god is not a false testament.

3 months passed by during those months Emily's belly gotten bigger Alan also met with the king they talked for a few hours the king was very pleased with alan and even wants to quickly wed his daughter to him so they planned the wedding date which was going to happen a month from now.

The king went back to seclusion after that since he was preparing to breakthrough to the 6th ascension every second is crucial.

In the royal castle the queen is sitting down talking with a another beautiful woman who was escorted by two young men.

"Sister are you serious about that ?" The woman could not believe what her sister explained about a young man who can give benefits even comparable to a 5 star pill or even more all she has to do was fuck him she think the queen gotten crazy, but when the queen showed her level to her she knew that the queen has been stuck in level 510 for the past 30 years, but just 3 months and she has already reached 570, 60 levels is no joke even for her.

This surprised even the two young men besides them who were considered geniuses in their academy because 60 levels in 3 months may seem insignificant but for them who are at the 5 ascension and more every single level is hard to gain and needs years or more to gather without the proper resources and talent and it gets even harder in the higher ascensions 10 years for 1 level might even be considered fast.

"Where is he !" the queen's sister said.

The queen smilled " That man is your niece husband and my son-in-law, how about you donate some money to the kingdom" She sticked her fingers up " Maybe ill consider."

The sister was furious " Fine, but you better introduce me and if this is a scam I will tell father ."

The sister ended up donating 50,000 divine stones in the divine world the currency used was divine stones,immortal stones and eternal stones

1 divine stone = 500,000 gold coins

1 immortal stone = 1,000,000 divine stones

1 eternal stone = 10,000,000 immortal stones

50,000 divine stones = 25,000,000,000 gold coins which was a lot of gold, but for a divine city adventurer such as herself 50,000 divine stone was her allowance

" Bleh I should have asked for more." The queen said since she was evicted from the main family she had no allowance and had to live by herself the only person who actually cares about her was her sister.

The queen quickly handed the funds to her trusted aid and placed half of it to the kingdom's treasury while half would go to her.

" Now sister where can I find this man !" she asked

" I can only tell you where he is but you must never tell him that I told him to you, maybe assist him so that he can soften up to you and you should also ditch your guards he does not like seeing other men."

The younger men guards got a bad look on their face they were tasked here to protect their young miss they have been hesistating for the past hours because they have deep respect to their young miss.

" Scram go back to the hotel I'll call you when I need too."

They obeyed and went away leaving the young miss alone the queen smilled and told her of his adress.

Anabell was the name of the sister , while Paige was the name of the queen.

Anabell was a beauty that was able to blossom her beauty far surpassed the queen since she was also called one of the 8 divine beauties. The 8 divine beauties were the jewel daughters of the 8 top families in the divine world under 100 years old, Paige used to be the divine beauty but her title was transferred to anabell when she was exilled, but anabell does not hate her for this what was titles compared to sibling love.

And indeed anabell could be said to be a peerless beauty at the young tender age of 45 which was young for an adveturer especially since she is from the divine city she has reached the 6th ascension and at level 619.

" Now alan where could you be." she smilled and flew adventurers who have reached the 6th ascension have the capability to fly.

Sam woke up and arrived near her mother when she knew that her aunt arrived and her mother told her about alan she got nervous because she knows how her aunt is a freak who is only focus on getting stronger and would do anyting.

Anabell quickly arrived her figure attracted the people in the vicinity " Hey beautifull miss do you want to spend time with me ?" A adventurer said Anabell sized him up and smirked level 113 ? "Fuck off"

the man was angered and a group of adventurers started grouping and was planning to attack her. " You went to the wrong neighbourhoud."

Anabell smirked "You're dead" and punched one of the men making him fly into the ground and then she kicked one of the men who is level 100 into the air and then she took out her dagger the started moving by their own stabbing the other men one by one. " Fuck you monster !" they retreated.

Alan who just woke up because of the loud noice outside " Alan look their is a very strong woman outside." Anna said.

Alan scanned the vicinity and his eyes glittered " Another beauty what is happening and her looks are on par with the queen wait even greater.."

Anna " Alan what are you doing early in the morning " She can see the erected cock.

Alan blushed in embrassment.

" I came here looking for Alan please come out." Anabell said.

Alan peeked through the window and looked at the female warrior with lust " Who are you ?"

Anabell " I came here to make love to you.."

Alan looked at Anna " Did I hear her right ?"

Alan " I'm so dead."