a simple walk

Sam arrived early in the morning with the queen when they both saw that anabell was sitting in the sofa waiting for them they both gave a weird smile. " Aunt !" Sam shouted

" Oh my niece it seems like you are nearing the 2nd Asencion it will only be a short time before you follow me to the divine kingdom." Anabell said.

" Oh your here please come in I cooked a lot " alan said Paige smilled " then we would make ourself at home I have been missing alan's cooking."

In the dining area sits 6 beautiful women and 1 man alan served them all a simple dish but the aroma gives off a wonderful smell. They ate breakfast together with some talks the queen talked about the wedding day she had in plan which will include alan marrying Anna, Emily and sam at the same time she did not include hearth nor anabell. They were okay with that anabell did not really care about ceremony and already considers her as alan's 4th wife and will plan a grand ceremony when they reach the divine realm.

After breakfast " Since you are all my guest I think I should tour you all and lets have some ladies only shopping spree." The queen said. They all nodded in acceptance since emily and hearth haven't packed that much clothes this would be a good chance to roam around and also buy some clothes, anabell went with them just for fun while anna joined because she was concerned off emily any time she might give birth.

alan was left all alone inside the house washing the dishes he gave a big sigh.

"They will be out for the entire day I will go and travel around this realm in the meantime." Alan smilled.

Alan entered his bedroom and with his ability he used his sense to cover the entire realm 5 cities, and the divine kingdom lay the other cities are almost all the same with the city blaque being the only exception so he decided to give this divine kingdom a look alan walked entered the door and dissapeared.

He appeared in the vicinity of the divine kingdom since his level was enough the forcefield did not hinder him and easily let him in.

Alan was surprised " The monsters here are really a lot more powerfull than the one back in his home city." There was a large space which had monsters of very high level with just this any intruder from the lower cities would die before they even enter the city.

The divine realm consist of the divine city and the divine abyss the abyss was very large and many monsters can be seen and advenuturers of high level hunting them down the abyss was seperated into 12 levels the higher you go the stronger the monster live inside it.

Meanwhile the divine city consist of the north,east,west,south and center districts, the center district is the home exclusively to the royal family and some well known adventurers while the other districts were governed by the 8 aristocrat families (Cohen,Lewis,Walsh,Espinosa,Rivas,Hyde,Mason and harrison) while the royal family surname is Griffith. Anabell is a family member from the Cohen family and so was paige and sam.

A light glistened from his side Alan looked to see a giant gate which was open he walked through it and came across some kind of throne room which contained a young girl who sat on it she wore a black dress that reaches down to her ankles and black boots she had brown hair and brown eyes her features are sharp and clear and her eyes sparkle brightly,the light is blinding. She had red lips and red eyes.

Alan stopped when she raised her head looking straight at him. She stood up she looked at him up and down he was quite handsome the young lady approached him and put her hand on his cheek,she closed the distance between them and kissed him. She opened her mouth slightly and deepened the kiss they slowly parted. Alan could see a slight blush on her cheeks and a smile playing on her lips Alan was shocked beyond measure . He couldn't believe a stranger just kissed him, but he wasn't angry since this girl was very beautiful comparing her to anabell and paige she would tie with them.

" I apologize for my behaviour you must have been startled " You may call me princess sara I am the royal princess of the divine kingdom. " she said still a bit shy Alan didn't mind it and smiled " You're very pretty i am happy to meet you princess sara".

As she turned around sarah looked Alan in the eye " If we continue with the formalities i would like to welcome you to the divine kingdom, I hope you enjoy your stay".

" Now you should go , my father will come soon" Sarah said launching a powerfull move alan was swept away because he wanted to. " I hope we meet again handsome man." Sarah said before heading back to the throne and reading.

It took Alan about ten minutes till he found himself outside the large castle he teleported into. Sarah was the most powerfull being he has seen up to date a 9th ascender, sarah was a being at level 904 only a few levels away from the max level or so they say, but alan does not know the concept of level because since he was transported into this world he hasn't really checked his level so he tried and a bar arrived on top of him showing his level. Level:MAX.

alan sighed what is the max level ? he wondered.

He decided to buy a house here so that when he decided to bring his wives here they would have a place to stay so he roamed the divine city.

Alan approached the nearest merchant guild to buy some houses which are near each other.

The merchant was a middle aged woman " What do you need?" she asked.

" I want to get a mansion near the royal capital city please" he said the woman wrote a number on the piece of paper " Houses near the center district is very expensive this much is needed if you have that amount then we can make the deal." The middle aged woman was a very infuential figure being a level 717 adventurer as well she is the 2nd in command of the merchant guild.

Alan " I'll buy all the houses that has no owners" the woman was shocked and she smilled " 100 immortal stone for each so 7 houses are availble to be sold all of them are the best of the best in terms of quality. "

immortal stones even for their guild was very precious , Alan nodded and 700 immortal stones appeared before his hand. When the woman saw this she almost shouted she looked at alan like some kind of god " Who are you"

Even the 8 aristocrat families won't have this much capital.

" Just an ordinary man"

The woman smileld and handed alan the deeds and keys to the house the 7 houses were all very large in dimension and had a magic generator which will clean by itself so no need to hire labor.

And with that alan bought 7 houses in the center district which only has the royal castle and 100 houses alan was able to buy 7 of them.