Fuck ? Fuck now ?

I have no interest in becoming emperor and rule a country."

" Well then I suggest you visit us often. Even though its a bit far and I'm not sure how you would get to see us, but if ever you need anything please inform someone us we would be happy to serve you. "

Melissa was the closest one to alan and she could feel a strange tingling sensation whenever she is close to him the energy around him seemed to radiate happiness.

" Really anything ?" alan asked with a smile on his face looking up and down mellisa's body " Anytime you need or want something please tell me immediately." melissa said

" Can I fuck you now ?" Alan said


" bluntly shocking the two women in front of him Melissa started blushing and Danielle gasped loudly " What?!!" Danielle said

" You said you would do anything I want so I want to fuck you here and now I have been horny for a while and looking to release some of my seeds.."

" Wait!" Danielle exclaimed

" But we are going to be in public..." Melissa said

" Oh I dont care about the public it doesn't bother me, anyway I cant wait to fuck you , hmm if you don't want to be seen how about inside your carriage ?" alan said

" NO!!!" Danielle yelled " We must go now!"

alan started to drag melissa to the carriages door.

" Let me stop you right there!" Danielle yelled.

alan ignored her and continued dragging melissa inside her carriage leaving Danielle behind.

She placed melissa to the cushion and pulled her dress down and unbuttoned her dress exposing the cleavage and took her clothes off.

he pushed her into the seat as she removed her own clothes, placing them next to her on the cushion.

" Do you trust me?" Alan asked

" Yes"

He climbed onto the chair kissing her breasts, licking her nipple and sucking her nipples till they were red and swollen, and finally he licked and suckled on her clit making her groan in pleasure.

After a while he started to slide down the cloth that held her dress covering her lower body and placed his cock near her vagina

. He slowly entered in her warm wetness as she moaned deeply moaning and groaning in enjoyment.

He then started moving his hips and inserting his cock deeper and deeper until he reached the tip. She let out a loud painful moan and arched her back. As he moved faster and faster.

" oh god!!" she screamed with pleasure

He kept moving his thrusts faster and harder.

After a while she reached her climax and screamed loudly again.

he inserted his last thrust and cum in her before pulling out and rolling off her as she lay down breathing heavily.

" You like that?" Alan said smirking

" Yeah..." she said weakly.

" I'll leave you alone now, come call me anytime." And he left.

As soon as he left her face changed.

She felt pain all over her body as she couldn't bear anymore.

" This feels so weird.." she thought.

Alan saw danielle looking at him with a strange look she could not believe what just happened alan just simply gave them a smile and left the carriage leaving Danielle confused.

She knew alan was a very powerful expert, but she never expected him to use it in such a strange way she can only sigh " With his power anything he wants he can do" She stares at Melissa who was exhausted from the aftermath, but when she realized that Melissa's level grew by 20 levels her view changed " Even your ancestor won't blame you for this, I'll make him understand" Danielle said.

Alan headed back to his old city just in time for dinner the girls had a fun time with the queen they were able to sightsee and buy new clothes.

It was the middle of the night when Alan returned to his room.

he went to his bed and slept soundlessly

Meanwhile on the 12th floor of the abyss a beautiful girl resembling a demon queen was walking through the abyss, she looked very beautiful as if she was made from crystal clear glass her long black hair and her ruby red lips made her beautiful and unique eyes look like stars twinkling brightly as she looked at the sky.

she walked towards a group of monsters who were all at the peak of the 9th ascension all bowing their heads towards her direction. " The day is here we will attack the divine kingdom and conquer this world." she smilled

"Yes your majesty." They all said as she approached their leader a giant monster who was bigger than the others, she smiled widely. " Go and lead your brothers bring me the human emperor's head."

she ordered

"Yes my queen."

Inside the divine royal castle the human emperor who is in seclusion opened his eyes after 100 plus years after experiencing the change in the atmosphere he looked towards the direction of the abyss and his face turned dark " This is bad " He thought He quickly commanded the entire divine kingdom to prepare for war.

as the sun rises

the emperor was surrounded by his trusted companions the current leaders of all the aristocrat familys to talk about the impending danger when suddenly they saw up in the sky more than 1,000,000 monsters all ranging from level 600-899 lead by 6 gigantic monsters whose level have reached the 9th ascension the king and his comrades face turned grim " Attack !" The emperor said .

The emperor stood on his chariot leading the army to fight against the monsters.

The monsters began to attack, each wave hitting the king's chariots and soldiers.

The emperor looked at the beasts who were attacking his chariots and seeing the many dead bodies his eyes became bloodshot he looked forward and yelled to his men " Fight bravely everyone, kill every single monster."

the emperor shouted as he waved his weapon he summoned all his soldiers into battle.

The monsters were attacking relentlessly they didn't hold back they attacked with everything they got.

The emperor ordered his soldiers to push their weapons into the monsters stomach and the other monsters fell.

The emperor was getting tired and tired fast but he kept pushing himself he did not care about the fatigue he was so angry and enraged, he kept yelling orders and commands.

After a while one of the monster general appeared he was so large that he was almost the size of the divine kingdom he was a level 950 monster which is known for its strength.

The emperor quickly ordered his people to retreat and take cover the generals and the other warriors followed his order.

One of the generals ordered " My lord your highness we cannot defeat this monster, and the monsters surrounding us are too strong we need reinforcements".

The monster army was closing in on them.

" No! We cannot retreat! We must fight!" the emperor yelled.

" Your highness we cannot win this battle, we need to retreat." the general said.

" No! We will not retreat! We will fight to the death!" the emperor yelled.

" Your highness please listen to reason-"

"No! Listen to me!" the emperor yelled angrily " If we surrender they will slaughter all of us without mercy we have to fight till the end even if that means fighting to our death! Now order your troops to surround them we shall attack with everything we have!"

The general sighed "Very well your highness" he said.

Suddenly all the generals were killed by an unknown force the enemy was hidden from view.

"Who are you? Where are you hiding?" the emperor yelled.

Suddenly another monster general in humanoid form appeared he was very handsome and elegant and wore a blue robe and his dark brown locks covered his forehead.

he walked towards the emperor and bowed " My name is Alexander " He spoke.

" why did you attack us !? "

Alexander sighed " I am sorry for what I am about to say my emperor but the human race has become greedy, and my master wishes to see your head on her table." Alexander explained

" How dare you attack us you despicable creatures! Who gives you permission to do such things?!" the emperor shouted.

"Your highness it is not a question of permission it is the law of nature, my master has given me the order." Alexander replied

Alexander and the emperor were both at the peak of the 9th asension they both attacked each other with their strongest attacks each trying to overpower the other, however neither of them could defeat the other. The general of the demonic kingdom was fighting to the death with Alexander.

They continued fighting for a few minutes until suddenly the emperor felt the exhaustion hit him . His stamina was low. The general noticed it also and he used the opportunity to attack and defeated the emperor.

The emperor was injured badly from the continuous strikes.

" Father !" The royal princess arrived and attacked Alexander with her swords.

Alexander used his demonic power to block her attack easily .

The emperor flew up and tried attacking Alexander but Alexander blocked his sword with his hand and pushed him away from the princess

The emperor then tried to attack Alexander again but Alexander blocked with his right hand and shoved him away again. "Fuck !" The emperor shouted .

the demon general ran towards Alexander and kicked him on his stomach. He then punched him in his chest knocking him unconscious.

"Father !" the princess shouted as she was about to go help her father but the demon general caught her by her waist and threw her against a wall. She struggled but there was no escape " What a beautiful girl" The demon said and smilled

and started kissing the princess neck.

The princess was in so much pain that she passed out.

The demon then picked up the unconscious princess and the emperor and turned back to his orignal form before heading back to the abyss.

The divine kingdom lost the demons have invaded the city

and killed most of the citizens.

Danielle and melissa were both in serious battle against the demons danielle has been protecting melissa the entire time since her guards have been killed by the demons her body has been covered with wounds

but she was still fighting to protect her.

Melissa was currently in full rage mode she is also exhausted, but she could not do a thing and only attack the weakest level monsters. " Fuck my brother and niece have been taken away and we are here unable to do a thing."

Meanwhile Alan was silently speculaing the outcome from far away " The divine kingdom is in ruins my house that I have bought !" he said in anger.

HE quickly left for the divine kingdom he wanted to make the demons pay.

12th floor abyss the demon empress was hapilly eating dinner with the other generals in celebration to the sucessfulness of their attack on the human empire. The empress was happy that all of the monster generals did their job properly when suddenly a figure appeared and broke their walls "What insolence !" The generals quickly looked at the mysterious figure. " Hey hey hey you broke my house and your all here celebrating ?" Alan said angrily.

" You bastard!" the generals charged at Alan.

the empress quickly stopped them but the generals were in rage Alan gently flicked his fingers and suddenly space started to distort one after the other the monster generals were killed one by one.

The empress watched helplessly as her generals were killed she was horrified by alan's power " How could such a person like him exist."

she muttered

Alan smirked " Well you see empress there is only one way to get my revenge now" he stared at the queen's beauty and he smilled he quickly arrrived before the demon empress and undressed his zipper placing his dick forcefully in her mouth " Do not worry i promise i will be gentle this is just a taste of my anger."

Alan was already extremely hard.

The demon empress was shocked as the dick was inserted into her mouth she closed her eyes tightly hoping she would not swallow it. But she had to eat the dick because the man was to powerfull even though she was a peak 9th ascension monster she feels like a simple monster against this man alan grabbed the empress head and thrusted his dick faster until releasing a full amount of cum inside her mouth.

As soon as she swallowed the cum Alan let go of her head and slammed her on the ground "You will regret destryoing my houses !!" Alan screamed ripped the demon empress panties and thrusted his hard penis inside of her tight vagina .

He thrust harder and deeper the demon empress moans in pleasure .

Alan took her by her hair and pulled her head up to meet his face "I want to see you scream and moan for me! Let the world know how weak and pathetic you really are!" He exclaimed loudly.

Alan then slammed the demon empress onto the ground and continued to penetrate deep inside her vagina.

He pounded on her vagina as he continues to stroke her pussy making the demon empress scream louder, she screams louder the more Alan hits her vagina. He continues to pound on her pussy as he goes wild with pleasure filling his body .

He then reached climax and came all over the demon empress he was completely satisfied he let his member drop down.

he then pulled out of the demon empress, she was panting heavily she looked at her vagina and smiled. Alan looked at her and chanted some weird spell and a black collar appeared on the empress neck "From now on you are my sex slave if I die you die too." alan said then pointing at his cock "Pleasure me again." The queen nodded undressing her clothes revealing her big tits she rubbed alan's cock tightly with it then placed it in her mouth and started to suck his cock slowly while grinding it with her tits. Alan enjoyed it he began to come in her mouth again and again and grinded his cock with her tits and groaned in pleasure he started to release hot seed inside her mouth, and the demon empress ate the seed until it was gone

" Good girl" Alan said

"thank you master" The demon empress said licking the seeds off her lips "

The demon empress body was full of cum, but she wasn't angy because for some reason this benefits her bottleneck and she finds herself nearing level 1000, she looked at alan like some sort of god forgetting the death of her generals even as a slave as long alan can give her his seeds she will be happy.

"Dress up from now on you will stay by my side and feed my fantasies." Alan said.

The empress nodded.

Alan and the empress went to the prison were the human emperor and the princess were locked at when they saw alan and how the empress is obedient to him they thought he was the demon emperor, but alan let them go " The war is over as you can see this empress is now under my control, but I can't help but notice of your iability to rule therefore I will make you from now on as my dummy emperor I will be the real emperor on the shadows while you act as my dummy."

The emperor nodded.

" And you princess we meet again " alan smilled

The princess blushed " Go back with your father I will need you to be my ears and mouth inside." The princess nodded.