Mysterious woman

Meanwhile someplace hidden from their views a strange void appeared and a figure emerged from the void it was a beautiful woman he features would be one grade higher than amber 's. Her long raven locks cascade along the floor, the silvery grey color complimented her fair skin that is almost translucent like a porcelain, and she has full rose red lips her body is the pure definition of lust with her large breast and curvy body any man or God would fall in love with her. She wore a black robe and black leggings and shoes. She had an elegant beauty but also had a murderous aura surrounding her. Her name is Hao Mei her identity she is a cultivator from the higher world also the sect master of Zhonghehui.

She came here to investigate the missing disciple that they sent to the middle realm, for why she a sect master had to do it herself well actually shi qingge is might just be an outer court disciple, but because of his good looks she has been interesting on taking him as her disciple what a shame she thought after seeing his pendant die.

She placed a robe to cover her appearance after a few minutes of flying she reached the town mary was in when she saw a mysterious old man with a staff placing some strange marks on the ground.

She landed and looked closely, and she realized he was drawing symbols on the ground she then remembered where she had seen those symbols before, this mark was summoning circle the old man was calling for a demon. Demons are their main enemy because compared to monsters demon were smart and cunning, before the old man could even finish the circle and chant his spell Hao Mei appeared before him.

Hao Mei stared at the old man with a smirk. This old man had the power to summon demons, and Hao Mei hated it, she has learned everything back when she was just a student from her master.

She raised her palm and summoned her sword.

" Come forth!" she commanded

" Who are you!?"

" It doesn't matter who I am, I won't stop until you are dead! " Hao Mei yelled

The old man's expression changed when he felt the threat from her and without waiting a second more, he released some fire element energy which collided into her sword attack, however what can the old man do against her? Even if he did fight against her, he knows he cannot win against her.

Hao Mei smirked and spoke.

The sword came down and sliced off one of his arms, making him scream in pain.

The old man was bleeding and in shock he immediately ran away with the remaining arm.

Hao Mei chuckled and quickly used her sword to end the old man's life.

The old man failed his mission. Hao mei looked at the summoning circle once more and shattered it with her sword.

She stood there looking around, the town seemed to be abandoned by people. No sound came from the streets nor the houses, nothing except the wind blowing in the air. Hao Mei walked to the edge of the town, and there, she found the cave were mary and the cultivators were at.