Meeting with Xu Tu

Someplace far far away, a figure is currently sitting down on a medidative state . His body looks normal except for his eyes, which seem to glow in the darkness, like a cat's eyes that would be able to see everything and no one. He opens them slowly, and closes them again before they fully open. "How is this possible a disturbance in the flow of qi." the figure said as he stands up looking at the artifact that he has in possesion . "It's just... It isn't right." The voice sounds deep but it's not threatening to anyone so there's no need for fear. A few hours later, another being came into the room the figure is very handsome if Hao mei was here she would know how to adress him as Xu Tu. "Cao Gang have you found the person responsible for the disturbance." Xu Tu said and the man nods looking at the artifact "I can sense that he or she is not from this world. " "Where are you going?" Xu Tu asked him but the guy turned around walking out of the door. "He's heading to where the disturbance is located." "What is happening now?"

Xu Tu sighed and he followed him.

Meanwhile back on Alan's location he was currently looking at the unconsious Hao mei who is silently sleeping on a bed with amber "Alan you suddenly brought this random woman while I was alseep !" she shouted

angry. "Hey! Calm down we're just friends okay? Anyway why are you even mad about me bringing someone else?" he said smiling "I'm just worried." Amber whispered to herself thinking

"Your silly" Alan said rubbing her head fondly

she pushed him playfully.

Suddenly Alan felt another disturbance he turns his head towards the direction "Amber stay here and guard this woman notify me when she wakes up ." Alan said and left leaving Amber alone with Hao mei.

She sighed deeply.

A strange rift appeared someplace on the middle realm two figures appearad Xu Tu and Gao Cang "Ah the qi here is pathetic." Xu Tu said

with disgust.

Gao Cang nodded "We should quickly find Hao mei and leave."

" What brings you here." Alan appeared before them .

They looked at him startled, this was the first time that they weren't able to sense someone's presence. Xu Tu looks up with his brows furrowed "Who are you?".

Alan smirked. "My name is Alan and the question should be the same to both of your's".

Gao Cang frowned " We came here to look for a friend." .

"And it seems like you might know her." Cao gang said holding on his strange artifact.

Alan chuckled darkly "Oh yeah.. That's the person you wanted to find wasn't it? She's been kidnapped and I'm guessing that you want her back right?"

"Is he the one?" Xu tu asked

Cao Gang nodded.

Xu Tu smilled and suddenly dissapeared from his spot and appeared before alan giving him a kick in the stomach.

Alan was sent back flying a couple meters away.

Alan coughed out blood and groaned "Is this all you got ?" he smilled laughing loudly. He stood up.

Xu Tu smiled wickedly grabbing " This is the first time someone of the lower realms managed to survive my attack." He then took out his sword "This time I'm going for real try not to die." .

He held his sword tight.

Alan grinned evilly taking his sword out " You may think you've won, but this will be nothing compared to what you'll get after I take you apart piece by piece." He ran towards Xu Tu swinging his sword

"Xu Tu raised his sword to block Alan's attack "You can keep trying but your actions only cause harm instead of good" Xu Tu swung his sword at Alan

Alan blocked it using his sword "You don't scare me!" he laughed . He swung his sword at Xu Tu again. This time Xu Tu didn't evade his attacks.

Alan tried to cut off Xu Tu's arm "umm I loved the way hao mei clenched my dick so hard last night." alan said with a grin.

Xu Tu was angered "Xu Tu don't fall for his tricks !" Cao Gang shouted

Before Xu Tu could react , Alan swung his sword at his chests.

He stumbled back but didn't stop moving forward. Before he hit the ground, he pulled his sword stopping himself from falling, turning around and throwing his sword behind him. Xu Tu saw blood running out of his chest he glared at Alan angrilly.

Cao Gang made a move he launched his qi spell and quickly a large amount of qi was launched towards alan

Cao Gang had already cast his spell and was prepared to strike. He didn't noticed alan disappear until he heard a loud sound of metal hitting something. He then stopped and looked at alan, who was standing next to him.

Alan was holding his sword with his hand the sword shaft knocked Cao Gang down "Cao Gang !" Xu Tu shouted and he flew towards alan's direction and a large amount of qi was released from him a cultivation at the celestial realm pushed alan away .

Alan fell to the ground clutching his wound and started to cough a lot "Fuck this is the first time I'm actually injured." He looked at Xu Tu who was carrying Cao Gang on his arms while looking at alan "I will be back the next time I will kill you." Xu Tu said as he flew away with Cao Gang

After he left, Alan tried to stand up, but for some reason the impact from Xu Tu made him suffer some massive damage. Amber arrived quickly and helped him to his feet and they walked in silence to their cabin.

As soon as they entered their cabin, Alan sat down. He removed the sword shaft from his side. As he touched the wound the pain became unbearable and he groaned.

Amber helped alan recuperate, with alan's healing skills it won't take that long however for some weird reason Xu Tu's attack is making alan's healing power lessen in effectiveness.