Another Rival?

Scarlett was lying in the compartment along with a fake painting of The Rise of The Golden Country. Since the painting was quite large, Scarlett had to stick her body to the side of the compartment so she would not crush the painting.

Thanks to the air vents made by Silvano, she didn't feel overheated. However, the cramped space still made Scarlett feel sore.

"Sister, are you alright?" asked Silvano over HT.

"I am alright. Don't call me anymore; the truck will park at the transportation company soon."

"Roger that."

Silvano still sounded hesitant, but he couldn't refute Scarlett's words for fear of putting Scarlett in danger if he continued to contact his sister.

When Silvano stopped contacting her, Scarlett felt that her surroundings had become very quiet, even quieter than when she was sleeping in the hospital. However, she had to get used to the silence for three hours.