Honeymoon's Plan

For the rest of the journey to Huggon City, Silvano stared at Dante with his piercing eyes. Cerano even had to tie Silvano using the seat belt so that he wouldn't jeopardize their journey.

On the other hand, Scarlett, who was the main reason for Silvano's anger, looked so relaxed. Scarlett even kept talking to Dante, even though Dante ignored her.

"Oh, you have a snack in the dashboard."

When Scarlett opened the car's dashboard, she found several chocolate bars, which were still wrapped in white plastic. She licked her own lips when she saw the sweet snacks because Scarlett had not eaten anything since last night.

Scarlett was about to take one of the chocolates, but her hand stopped when she heard Dante say, "That's poisonous chocolate. You'll die if you eat that."