Sister You Have Forgotten Me

"That sounds great." Dante finally pressed his lips to Scarlett's, tasting the sweetness that always got him intoxicated and addicted.

The room they were in looked chaotic. Wood splinters were scattered, bullet junk was spread on the floor, and the dust settled on the ceiling. However, the two of them did not care at all because they were too busy thinking about their world together.

The kiss they shared was not shrouded in passionate lust as usual but felt delicate and light, as if Scarlett was kissing a feather on her lips.

Dante caressed Scarlett's lips and embraced his wife's body tightly, making Scarlett unable to break their kiss even for a moment.

Scarlett's breath began to sound ragged, and she felt her body becoming limp due to being lulled by Dante's intoxicating kiss. She let her back be held by Dante's arms because she was giving up her life to her husband.