A Little Favor

Scarlett covered Silvano's mouth quickly to prevent him from screaming out loud. Her gray eyes looked at her brother seriously. "Do you trust me, Silvano?"

Silvano nodded quickly. Among all the people on earth, Scarlett was the only person he trusted wholeheartedly. He always believed that Scarlett was his goddess, who would always protect him.

Therefore, Silvano never doubted Scarlett in the slightest.

"Then run as fast as you can and try to make some noise so the snipers will focus on you. As long as you move quickly, they won't be able to target you accurately."

Scarlett patted Silvano's shoulder and wiped the dust off his clothes. Afterward, she cupped her brother's cheek tightly and solemnly said, "Run right now."

Without thinking any further, Silvano immediately dashed and shouted, "Hey! You bastard! Shoot me if you can!"