Times Are Changing

...So, the man across from me was my father. I probably should've seen this coming, to be fair. Not that I really cared. Perhaps if the real Bryson was still awake, he'd have something to say, but-

"Why did you not send your sister to me?"

It seems Bryson's father was not too pleased with me. I took a deep breath before shrugging my shoulders.

"I showed her the letter and then told her not to go. Simple as that."

Jessica grabbed onto my hand. It looked like she didn't know what to say, but wanted to show her support regardless. That or she was trying to discourage me from going against her father.

Well, whatever.

James was looking at me strangely, as though not understanding that it was a possibility for me to go against my father. Though this wasn't something that I would budge on. In the first place, clinging onto the traditions of how this noble family would only lead to its doom.