16- Duel and 18+

"~inspiratione~" Blasting curse

I dodged a curse that would have taken my head off and retaliated with a fast spell chain, using my wrist to flick at an inhuman speed. Despite the strain this would put on a standard wizard's wrist, my enhanced body and near-perfect magical control allowed me to perform the spells effortlessly. Bella was struggling to dodge the spells and create shields using transfigurations, but my magic was cutting right through them.

I couldn't help but grin as I wondered if Bella would still struggle if she had a wand that was properly matched to her abilities. I toned down my spell barrage and allowed her to fire spells while I created transfigurations to intercept them.


An enthralling curse blocked by a transfigured rock


A cutting curse being intercepted by transfigured bird

"~os ruptor~"

A transfigured metal knight taking a bone breaker

Then she fired off a spell chain that surprised me at its sheer ingeniousness.

"~ventus~" ( A gust of wind)

"~novacula~" ( A massive sharp Razor)

"~ignis~" ( A fire spell)

The wind increased the speed of the razor, and the fire engulfed it, causing the fire to grow stronger due to the air.

Quickly I chanted


A shield appeared before me, stopping the flaming razor.

~cutting noise~

The razor was cutting through the shield. I imagined that if a standard auror with average magical abilities were in my place, the razor would have cut through them before killing them. To counteract this, I strengthened the shield by making it thicker.

"This is my unique creation. The razor was enchanted with an animated charm. No one lived to tell the tale, but only Moody was able to escape the spell, at a high cost: he lost both his leg and an eye."

I raised my free hand and channeled energy into my spell, swishing my wand to focus. The ground of the entire arena was transformed into a swamp. Bella attempted to revert the ground beneath her, but she was overpowered as two massive arms of mud rose and held her in a tight grip. An arm also formed under the razor, pulling it into the swamp.

"Your ritual is so ridiculous," Bella said with a pout, "you shouldn't be able to do things like this. I'm jealous. It's a shame it can't be duplicated."

"Lady Magic must have favored me," I said with a grin. I released her from the mud, and she looked down at her mud-covered appearance, frowning. "Now my dress is ruined," she complained.

I gave her a cheeky smile and said, "Let me help with that." With a flick of my wand, the mud and her dress disappeared, leaving her clean, dry, and nude.


Now standing there all naked, she saunters up to me.

" Ohh, looks like someone got a little excited."

A completely naked witch jumped up on me, threw her arms around my neck, and her legs around my waist just as she finished speaking. Bella rubbed her moist pussy on my clothed crotch; our tongues engaged in a brief war. She bit my bottom lip a little too firmly while moaning.

By now, she was soaking!

I could feel her wet core on my pants. I gently squeezed her clit by reaching below.

Rubbing her clit as I drew circles on it with my fingers, breaking the kiss, I lifted her a little so that her tit was in my mouth's reach.

She pushed my head into her chest and said

"You have a strange fascination with breasts."

"Well, what can I say? I am a boobs man."

"uhhhh...right there....I thought my ass would be my finest part.,,,,FUCK..

Cutting her rant off, I insert my finger into her pussy while biting down on her nipple.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" she yelled out, cumming on my palm.

Looking at her panting face, I was going to kiss her, but she pushed me down. Falling on my butt,

She tore at my trousers and pulled them down until a huge erection suddenly popped out! She examined it with her palm and appeared nearly enthralled.

"You know many Lords would sell their family wealth just to access the ritual for this bitch breaker."

I instinctively replied

"Well, I think it was a side effect. Even before the ritual, I could make women beg for more."

"Oh, no need to get feisty."

She took the tip in her lips as she dropped her head. I groaned with satisfaction.

Bella bobbed up and down, grabbing more and more of my cock with her spit-smeared, plump, pink lips. Soon, the mouth-fucking became so loud that the dueling room could only hear.


"Merlin!" I moaned out as I felt the dark-haired beauty suck on my cock with incredible speed. My back slightly arched when she reached down and grabbed my balls. As she stroked the cock with her mouth, she quickly began rubbing my sack with her thumb. As the minutes went on, the double attack was too much.

"Shitttt!" I moaned, yanking at her hair as I bottomed out in her mouth.

She swallowed it whole


She then straddled me and reached under her to grab hold of my penis. She gripped it by the base and massaged her womanhood's slippery crevice with the tip, drenching the cockhead in pussy fluid. She lined it up and carefully devoured the meat.

"Morgana's Cunt!" I hear her groan.

I also groaned at the same time as her smooth walls held my cock tightly. After an eternity, she finally reached the bottom and rested her massive ass on my lap.

She then softly moved up and down while using her hands to maintain balance.

Soon she picked up the speed.

"Heck yeah! Oh, sh*t! "She swore as her bouncing got crazier.

"Your.....shoo ..lazzy Move your arse"

Grunting at her, I started matching her movements. Feeling my dick hitting deep in her nether regions was making it hard not to cum.

But seeing her breast jiggle up and down in synch with lewd sounds as in the background

~clap clap~ as our hips meet

~squelch squelch~ her pussy

I bit my inside cheek while holding it for a little longer; soon, she moaned, and I felt her grip tighten on my dick, so I let loose.

She collapsed!

As she rested her head on my chest, she mused out loud.

"You know I might get pregnant if you keep unloading it in me."


After our little fun, we head our separate ways. She was preparing to capture Barty and looking into reviving the Black contracts.

While I head out to Knockturn Alley to look for any detail or info I can hear about Malfoy.


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